My Thai Wife

Beauty Pageants & Trans Athletes, Our Most Controversial Epsiode Yet

February 26, 2024 My Thai Wife Season 1 Episode 19

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Grab your favorite cup of joe, and let's chat about the sparkle and struggle! Lada and I, your host Mike, take you on a thought-provoking journey where the glitz of beauty pageants and the courage of the LGBTQ+ community meet the competitive spirit of sports. We kick things off with a nod to our caffeine fix before diving into the Grammy Awards' most talked-about moments; Taylor Swift's chilly encounter with Stella Indion and Stevie Wonder's unforgettable mix-up with Mariah Carey set the stage for a candid discussion on celebrity culture and its touchpoints with the LGBTQ+ community.

The heart of our conversation beats to the rhythm of pageantry, where dreams are draped in sashes and sequins. Beauty pageants have become more than a contest of looks—they're a platform for personal branding, social entrepreneurship, and for some, a beacon of hope and expression within the LGBTQ+ community. Lada shares her insights on the transformative power of these events as we navigate the complexities of self-perception, inclusivity, and the ever-evolving standards of beauty. From the victories of transgender beauty queens to the challenges they face in breaking traditional molds, we celebrate the courage of those redefining the pageant scene.

Shifting gears, we plunge into the splashy debates of transgender athletes in sports. Lia Catherine Thomas' swimming triumphs serve as a backdrop for a broader discussion on gender-restricted competitions and the idea of separate leagues for transgender athletes. Are we fostering inclusivity or reinforcing stigma? It's a topic fraught with passion and opinions, and Lada and I don't hold back. We dream aloud of a future where inclusivity in sports is not just a rule change but a reflection of respect and understanding, and we invite you to join in as we ponder how to create that reality. Let's lace up our cleats, adjust our crowns, and play on—everyone deserves a spot on the team.

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Speaker 1:

Hello everyone and welcome back to our podcast, my Thai wife. I'm Mike and I'm still doing this without my lovely, lovely wife, sunari. Again, I'm here with Lada. Hello Lada hello everyone how are you? I am fine yeah, you sound like you're a little bit tired.

Speaker 2:

I'm okay, just need some coffee that's good.

Speaker 1:

What kind of coffee do you drink? Black coffee, espresso. I love cappuccino okay, you're making it by yourself or you buy it from Amazon coffee or something.

Speaker 2:

I want to make by myself, because when I go to the coffee shop sometimes I want cappuccino with milk foam, like a foam and smooth milk, but sometimes they give me like you're not really good foam okay say, too much air in the foam so the tea is not really smooth so how do you make foam yourself?

Speaker 1:

how do you make the foam yourself at home?

Speaker 2:

I don't make the phone, but I cannot because I don't have the coffee machine oh, okay, I understand.

Speaker 1:

I thought you have like some system to make it by yourself. So now.

Speaker 2:

This needs a coffee machine to make a foam maybe soon someone donate us coffee machine also.

Speaker 1:

So last episode you said you not finished talking about the Grammy. You said you have many more things to talk about.

Speaker 2:

Oh, yeah, I think all the drama is already like over the world.

Speaker 1:

I don't know. In here no one talk about this. They just talked about, like, taylor Swift getting really, yeah, and and the one thing I saw that Stevie Wonder wanted to give some microphone to Mariah Kerry, but she blinds, so she he blinds so he don't see her going, or something like that yeah, so the drama is just like yeah, I see so many many big topics on there, on X and also on, I mean, twitter and on another media, even Facebook, so the big letter is Taylor Swift ignoring Stella Indion yeah, this we talked about already.

Speaker 1:

I thought have some more new drama yeah and yeah, another drama me thinking about.

Speaker 2:

JC come to call out about Beyonce, not win about other them of the year. I also talk already, right yeah what else, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I never seen that. I thought you are an expert of that, but maybe you had just you like to speak only about the dramas, like if.

Speaker 2:

I ask you who won.

Speaker 1:

Who won the best another?

Speaker 2:

one is like a first. The Grammy says like a I spy, and Nicki Minaj win the songs like win one, draw Grammy award. But finally, no, this kind of wrong. And also, nicki Minaj don't come to join the Grammy award. Why, mm-hmm, I don't know. Maybe because of by Lee Cyrus, because I got the gram plus. The last two is the my last night, my research night. It's all about the virus because, like you're also, you know, so I can, nicki Minaj is not have the good relationship with my carry.

Speaker 2:

I don't know that the fight many times I guess, in there in American Idol together like a commentator and then they're fighting sometime. I remember us about the words that Nicki Minaj is talking to my right carry when she said, oh, this guy is, have a good one, this guy, how beautiful, why I love this guy. And Nicki just said, oh, create your ear cells.

Speaker 1:

It create your ear cells and the stand, so they are not agreeing about one one, one reason is she not really relationship with my right carry?

Speaker 2:

and also she, she don't have our she fighting with my list. I was before and tonight my research get the first Grammy award for my right carry mm-hmm, this, this you told me yeah mm-hmm yeah so you don't want to show up and also say here another drama is people talk about jealous sweep, taylor sweep and Lana DeRay.

Speaker 2:

They are the nomination for the Grammy and then Lana have many, many nomination of this Grammy award this term but she all fall. She not get any Grammy. But tell us we take her to their step when she get the Grammy and then like the ignoring moment not not ignoring moment, but just like I don't know how to say in English just like awkward right yeah, so.

Speaker 2:

I just stand over there until you just get the award. I think that they're not really really good things mm-hmm but but maybe no drama before their friends. But Lana will be a little bit sad to go up to the state and see, tell us we get all the award and then she not get even one and tell us is crap, I can and go up to the state to get there with her okay, you know it, it's.

Speaker 1:

It's kind of funny that I know that many ladyboys like all this. I said I know this.

Speaker 2:

This is kind of funny, but I know many ladyboys like all the beauty pageants and the Grammys and watching all these shows yeah, yeah, we love not, not just only the ladyboy, I think some of the people who love the music because it's like I asked to tell you the Grammys here issues like a golden moment. That's Linda on a pier on the thread after many years. I know I might be Sarah win the Grammy award for 18 years. She never win.

Speaker 1:

I know, but I mean I mean also about beauty and also my right carry Christina Griella.

Speaker 2:

Come up and give the award to another artist.

Speaker 1:

I know, but I'm talking about beauty pageants and stuff like this. You know all the beauty shows, for example.

Speaker 2:

I tight like a ladyboy. We love. We love water bowls, we love beauty pageant can you tell me why?

Speaker 1:

what's so interesting about that?

Speaker 2:

I think because ladyboy and beauty pageant is something like I can say, like all the beauty pageant step in the world, like Miss Universe, miss Grand, miss Arm in the continental Miss World, most of fans in Ladyboy and LGBT, yeah but I can see, this year we have we have a lot of fans from a male friend, a male fan also say a man come to watching about their Miss Universe or Miss Grand, more than the other years before.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think because of, like you know, it's kind of like a dream, a good dreams, like when you was young, you are a ladyboy right and have like a not. Some people can say gay, we don't have a hair, we don't have long hair, we're not dressed like a, we're not dressed up like woman because they get we're young or some other reason, maybe the family or whatever. So about the beauty pageant it's like our dream is come true. Oh, wow, wow. We want to be wearing that dress and every year we look for the step performance. They are how she walked on high heel, how she shared on the beginning and how she speech. That show not just only about the beauty, but a brain from her speed. We talk to things that we need for the beauty pageant brain, beauty and bodies yeah, I know what you mean.

Speaker 1:

But for example, in Israel I know there is a stereotype. Well, it's kind of kind of stereotype that the gay community in Israel really like the Eurovision, you know, the Eurovision, eurovision, eurovision, this song contest from all of Europe. Israel win this like three times you hear about okay. So let me give you the history of that. I don't know many when it starts stuff like that, but I know one of the first people that win in Israel. She was a transgender named Dana international. Have you heard about her?

Speaker 1:

no no, it's okay. So she won the Eurovision. I think it was 96 or 97, so like almost 30 years ago. Yeah, and she's the most famous transgender from Israel. So she, she's a singer. Yeah, she's a singer, and she went into the contest the contest I don't remember where it was, but it was somewhere in Europe and she won first, like first prize, about her song named diva. I think you can look it up, sorry yeah, maybe I can check it up yeah, her name is Dana international and the song named diva.

Speaker 1:

So I know that, like the, the LGBTQ community in Israel really like this contest, but I never. I never noticed that they like really beauty pageants and stuff like that.

Speaker 2:

But I remember when I was in Thailand many people really really care about the beauty pageants around the world yeah, because, like I think the most, like the most many countries, I love about the beauty pageant and, as I told you can be like 70% of the fans of the beauty pageant is the LGBT, like lady boy, gay, mostly.

Speaker 2:

It's just like like like the song, like like what we said about Grammy, like many people contact to connecting to together with, like the Grammy's. I, we waiting for all the ladies, lady boy and everyone all around the world. She's waiting for this moment, like who gonna win this year, what is the good song this year, or something like that same same beauty pageants. Beauty pageant is another thing that connects about their lady boy organization and also it's like a LGBT organization. I can say that all around the world that they're waiting for the moment and style Miss Universe, miss Grant and whatever we saw on these things like what it's just like a daydream. That are the reason why why they like it because it's just like a daydream for gay and lady boy, sometimes gay.

Speaker 2:

Some gay cannot wear a woman dress you understand, maybe about their situation, their family, their environments, their relative or their friends or where, where they are. Maybe it's like she shy or something like that, but she will find a way to figure out or to release what she want and what she like, something like that. So I think, what it's just like a daydream, like even through me. When I was young, I dream about to wear a woman dress at 61, I dream to wear a high heel and walk on this step like a beauty. Pageants, we want to be beautiful Queen.

Speaker 1:

Yeah yeah.

Speaker 2:

So all the beauty pageant is not just about like a two outstanding shine on the state, but it's about like body. We we looking for someone who have a great shape of body and also we're looking for a Brands. When they speech, when like a chick at the question, like or something like a Challenging, when you got a question and you need to answer, it's like in 30 seconds what's good that you can say or what is your attitude or what's in your mind. We want to hear about that. And also another thing is a Beauty like our Body, beauty and brains and beauty. So we want to see, like, how beautiful they are. Some people say, yeah, maybe they come from many people around the world. Come to this contest, come to the beauty pageant. We see these many people from around the world and we see what, what beautiful of this country, what beautiful of this country. South Africa girl, friends, girl.

Speaker 2:

Asian girl and also say girl, I see, some time I see them make a lot of girl, mongolia, columbia. I see, wow, look at that face, wow, look at this her skin, wow, just just many, many beautiful, say everyone is beautiful on the way they are and then we can see how beautiful Of the girl in in many country A different and then perform, and on the state as well. But now we have the thing number four that, like the beauty pageants that they forgot on this time as well, I think this one gonna be the most important one in our day business. The B number four is business, because I see now a day, the beauty pageant, it's change to be more business, not just only to to see how beautiful the most beautiful will eat. The great answer when you get the question, not just with that.

Speaker 2:

In Thailand now we have miss grand. So miss grand, what they do? They come out to selling things on the tick tock life. So she learned how to selling about the product. A beauty, a tree see all Say I she lit it or some snack or something that they can make the money and most of the fan they come to watch about their tick tock life and then they buy the things. So the beauty pageant Organization, they get the money from this thing or so, not just only to sell the ticket.

Speaker 2:

Understand yeah also there and also the girl who are in the beauty pageants. She got the commission from this thing or so. Not just only the award, some girl not win any award, but she get a lot of money from her fans when her friend come to buy something for her, like she get money, but maybe some girl is more than the reward.

Speaker 2:

The award from the beauty pageants there, yeah, but and she know how to selling thing and I think this one is very, very clever. So I love miss grand and I love like the owner of miss grand. He very clever, he named it now what? Okay? He used to choice our miss miss universe a long time ago. He is a one man in the team working for miss universe, but nowadays he set up his state by his cell and is running very, very well, from no one to be number one. And we have there the words that get everyone know Miss grand the one and only so. Now we have miss grand international, very famous in every country and become the number one Beauty pageant in around the world.

Speaker 1:

Okay, but you know, many, many people say that all these beauty pageants, they are creating a Problem with young girls, that they live, that if they are not pretty they are not good enough. You know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because everyone is beauty the way they are. Yes, I love for me. I love to see how different beauty that we see is not just only all white skin. Braxican is not beauty. No, not be like that. Everyone have beauty skin, beautiful in the way they are and they are on the same state and doing about our pageants and Challenging the things, but many people say that it's not.

Speaker 2:

So say another thing that we want to see it the fashion. Every year we waiting for the fashion. It's like all how she gonna wear when on the preliminary, preliminary, sorry, preliminary. The beautiful dread that she gonna wear and also say, girl on beginning and also the natural costume. We want to see these things, like all this country, show up about their natural costume very beautiful in every year. It's just like, wow, wow, look at that, wow, look at that how she create her natural costume.

Speaker 2:

That's just a lot but but we have so many things and also miss grand, they're not just only create the beauty queen, but they create the beauty nescare. So, after they finish about the beauty pageant, some girl get many followers on her Instagram, on her Facebook, on her TikTok, so she can selling things to her fans and she get more support from her fan. They can do many, many things. I love this, miss grand, because, like they create a woman not just only to show up when they're, when they finish the beauty pageant, and then she get nothing, but now everyone to join the miss grand.

Speaker 2:

She got money and she get her new fan and new follower and she know how to sell the thing.

Speaker 1:

She know how to make the money but I want to ask you a question. Okay, let's say someone is Young, let's say a lady, a young lady is watching this.

Speaker 1:

Let's say she's 14 or 15 years old and she's not so beautiful, she medium right and she see this and she think you don't worry. This make her feel like, oh, maybe I'm not beautiful enough or maybe I'm not smart enough, or maybe it make her think, wow, only Beautiful and smart girls can be good in life and my life is not good because I'm not beautiful. Many people say it's create a false how do I call it? Like it can lower their self-esteem of the people that are not so beautiful if they watch this.

Speaker 2:

I think it's like the beauty, the beauty pageant that is About the all girls around the world, like everyone is beautiful the way they are. Maybe today You're not, you're not like, you think you're not good, and then maybe this year you not win, you come up, come up again and you've actually yourself about your Skill, about your brand, about your language, about your body, about yours, like your beauty. Like you make yourself better, better and better version do you agree that everyone on the beauty?

Speaker 1:

Do you know?

Speaker 2:

like a. Do you know this year's?

Speaker 1:

I want to ask you something you know, pardon. I want to ask you something before you continue. Yeah, do you agree that all the ladies that go to the beauty pageants are like 10 out of 10? All of them are skinny, tall, beautiful. No, they are looking like super models, all of them, right? Hmm, so let's say, have someone that is fat or short or something like that, and she see this. You don't think it will make them think they are not good enough?

Speaker 2:

Mmm-hmm, I think, yeah, this is a very good question For me. I'm a big fan of beauty pageants and also I'm a big fan of victory secrets and more job. Now, first we talked about there, we talked about the beauty pageant first. So long time ago. We have the beauty pageant. When the beauty pageant is come up, they have the beauty standard, like the beautiful girl who gonna get the crowd must be have this body, the face, the body, their hand, their movement, whatever needs to be like this, like this, like this set up, whatever they want, right, yeah, so she needs to be, have a good shape, she needs to be like a very skinny, beautiful, whatever that. They're that, the, that the owner of the beauty pageant that want this thing. Yeah, it show up like oh, if you want to be Miss Universe, if you want to be the queen, most beautiful girl, you need to have the chef, you need to have this body, you need to have this beautiful face. Okay, something like that. And yeah, sometimes it's kind of be like a motivation for some girl, but sometime in another side it's gonna be like Back to the girl that not beautiful, she gonna think like, oh, I'm ugly, I'm not beauty, something like that. But that is the. That is the thing that for a long time ago. But now a day, I love that.

Speaker 2:

The beauty pageant state that sheds some rule. For example, now a day, every state like Miss Universe and also Miss Grant, we open for the girl who have like I can say it's like a Fat body, and and she come out to say it's like, um, uh. To say it's like um, uh, not a body shaming to any other girl. Everyone is beautiful the way they are Like. We call this campaign Name real size beauty.

Speaker 2:

It's mean whatever size you are, size, big girl, big as big body and have like a big leg or whatever you beautiful as well. And I can see some country in around the world they send some girl that have like a big body, like, and then they call out for beauty, beauty like a Beauty on the way they are. Before they they never allow this, but now a day they can come to joy and yeah, last last year, nebao, she have like a, she is bigger, and she also come to very, very Like a, very near the crowd as well, and there that show up like a hand. Now that this world is open for For every side, like a real-size beauty is, is come out this way also.

Speaker 2:

Okay and also they set up like a. They allow for the lgbt key or the trans woman or lady boy to come to join the beauty pageant also because, before they have like a beauty pageant for lady boy.

Speaker 2:

She's only not cannot come to joy about miss universe or miss grand, but now a day we can come, we can join. Yeah, so they open more for lgbt as well. If you want to come to Performance on the stairs at the lgbtq, you are welcome. So this, this what I like about nowadays about the beauty pageant, and yeah, as I told you like To, I I think everyone can come to join the beauty pageant, no matter what side you are.

Speaker 2:

You just have like a confidence and you just have like a To show up like how good you are and you practice yourself Day by day and day by day to make yourself Of feeling better. Maybe you want the body, but it's much to be like a you happy to have this body as well. Not just all I need to be slim, all I need to be Beautiful like this, like this I did, but you're not happy. No, first of all you need to happy From inside and out. Then you're gonna do like this thing is bad. If you know the Miss Universe last year, this year I can say this no, not last year. Yeah, do you know, anthony Apostle?

Speaker 1:

No, I never watch this show. Tell me about it.

Speaker 2:

You know, it's like almost like 32 years, maybe 36 years, that Thailand will not get the crown from Miss Universe. But this year, anthony, I eat the girl the nearest, very, very nearest to get the crown over the 36 years. So Thailand is very, very happy about that and we think she's gonna deserve the crown. She's gonna get the crown but she not win. Yeah, so the crown comes to Nicaragua, but she do everything very, very best and everyone's so proud of her and everyone all around the world. We have the, we have the. The we can call Guru. Guru is mean to people who like to watch a beauty pageant. All around the world, every Guru say Antonio, we get the crown. Antonio from Thailand, antonio Posi, we get the crown. But yeah, sometimes it's all about debuting it, it's all about the things behind the stage. You don't know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah and also you know where Antonio come from. Throwback, for 10 years ago she joined the show named the Face Thailand. The Face Thailand is kind of like a model stage, like everyone come to the show and to be a good model. Okay, so we have beautiful fans and also beautiful body and joy. Campaign is also live like what they're gonna do today have many campaign every week and see who gonna get. And Antonio, she not win. She get many bullying. Oh, you have big legs, oh, you're not beautiful. And like a one-off commentator. She is very famous in Thailand. She name look at me, tini, she is a super model. She said ah, she, antonio Posi, she not beauty, she have big leg. Look your leg is very big and how you can be a model. Look your face oh, very bad. But she get all the bullying and she not great. She not get any award, she not win.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so she go back home and then she practice herself, year by year, year by year, to get better, better, better, better skill to speech. She learn a lot of English and she basically can speak English because she make nationality. But she, she learn how to speak on the stage without nervous. Okay, now I look at her pictures.

Speaker 2:

Show how how clever she is Good and then last two year she win about her miss, her supernatural, supernatural. She get the crowd like international crowd and this year she come back and last year she come back to to join the Miss Universe and she make every type people so proud of her From day one that we see her on the face she is no one. She do she not think she do like her. Not really good, she not beautiful. She not like her. Yeah, she not very good performance, but nowadays, oh my god, she try so hard to prove herself that she can be. Whatever they bring her down, whatever they, everyone bully on her on that time she she keep it to be her energy to fighting, her motivation to fighting. Until nowadays she very successful girl and this is what we show to all the girls around the world that, hey, your dream can become true. You just try your best.

Speaker 2:

Okay, but I'm looking and it's a beautiful woman.

Speaker 1:

I'm looking at her pictures now, okay, and I want to tell you she very beautiful and her performance, her performance, that is the best and everyone just like her.

Speaker 2:

Even though she not get the big crowd. But everyone is so proud of her and everyone is so very, very love her nowadays and she successful in her career.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, she extremely beautiful, but she try so hard.

Speaker 2:

She show off like her. She show off like she try so hard to be today.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, she extremely beautiful. She's very skinny.

Speaker 2:

She not have any big legs or anything, like you said, and I think when normal you look very closer and if you are on the beauty page and watching, watching she comparative with another country all around the world, she have big legs, Okay, and everyone say that. And they say you get like she have the big body, Okay, Most I can say like 80% of the girl that join this beauty pageant, she have very skin body, same, same like a beauty food, beauty standard before. But and she get like a big body. She tall, she big body and she have big legs than many, many other country.

Speaker 1:

Look, I look her picture now in bikini. Okay, she very skinny. Okay, I don't know how tall she is, but she doesn't weight more than maybe 55 kilo. She very skinny, right, and this normal people are not looking like this. She look like a super model. Even she have said story and death and this and that she's extremely beautiful. And I think when someone look her pictures and hear her story, he just feel bad about she, will just feel bad about herself, thinking, wow, I can never look like this. Whatever I do in my life, I will never, ever be successful like her.

Speaker 2:

No, I see the thing difference. I see different things as I tell you say why?

Speaker 2:

why she become a role model of the lady boys or people who watching the beauty pageant. Sometimes if you want to forgot on something or you you join something, you need to watch her, see her from day one. And, yeah, if you see her on the stage now, you see her picture right, but you not see her performance on the stage. You not see the other girl that have the beauty pageant on the same stage with her. You not see any other bodies, you just see her. So you cannot come comparative with she or the other country girls. My point is like if you looking, if you watching about this beauty pageant of Miss Universe, you will see like how the other girl in another country look, like Like how small is their leg, how good are her share, and comparative with Antonia, you will see clearly what I mean.

Speaker 2:

Okay, but I will ask you a different question Because you don't see, so you don't know.

Speaker 1:

I'm reading an article. Okay, have you heard about Marina Machete?

Speaker 2:

Marina, no, no.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so she's Miss Portugal, right, and she is the first trans woman to be crowned Miss Portugal in the beauty pageant history. She was a flight attendant. Have you heard about her?

Speaker 2:

I first found me it's our misspe and like a misspe, but a protocol and not sure.

Speaker 1:

Portugal is near Spain. Maybe you are mistaken, but if someone see this, okay. But before.

Speaker 2:

we have misspe that she is a trans woman as well and she win about in her country.

Speaker 1:

Maybe we are talking about I don't know this form last, this form three months ago from October.

Speaker 2:

In Miss Universe. Yes, oh, yeah. Yeah, I know, I know that there is some some some trans that come to joy last year, but maybe I just forgot on Angelina Antonio Porcio. Okay, Okay.

Speaker 1:

So if I see this, I think, okay, that's interesting, because she's used to be a flight attendant, right, and then she, she's trans woman, and then she go to be Miss Portugal and okay, this interesting story, but just looking beautiful as a lady, this, you know, it's very hard to compete with that. I think that it's yeah.

Speaker 2:

I really. It's not just about the beautiful. You know, if you think the lady is, try so hard to get the crowd or to win the people hard to outstanding, shy on the stage. Ladyboys or transgender we try double more than ladies to be there.

Speaker 2:

So it will be more hard, All the people that bully on us. We fight more than a girls I mean maybe a girl also fight but we, we we try double harder than because like to let all the people around the world open their heart for us, Because in some country they're not really welcome for LGBT or ladyboys or trans girl to be in beauty pageant. We have like a very big conflict like before. Also say we should let the lady, the trans woman, to joy about the lady's dead or not.

Speaker 2:

We have a big, big like a big conflict, that are like a big topic that we talk about. Say, hey, some people said, yeah, this, this, this, that for a woman, a beauty pageant for woman, not for trans, you understand.

Speaker 1:

So can I ask you a question?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Okay, let's say about beauty pageant. I understand, but what do you think about sports? Because I know many people in this very controversial that say that trans woman should not compete in women sports.

Speaker 2:

You heard about that? Yeah, yeah, I heard about that. It's a big topic as well because the things like a trans woman is the man. I think this, this one, is like a very, very bad, because, like you, kind of like a big bully, very, very big bully, like whatever. For, for example, myself, when I get dressed like a woman, I want people to see me as a woman.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I don't want people to like when I'm walking on the street or fuck off your ladyboy, fuck off your man wedding woman dress or something like that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we are talking about the bigotry.

Speaker 2:

And also like in the sport I heard about this thing also that they don't want the lady boy or trans woman to come to joy. The lady sport, because the things the trans is the man. They have stronger, bigger body. They are a man, they are not a woman. Okay, I really hate this thing. I think it's not fair.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so can I ask you a question At?

Speaker 2:

the same point. I think it's not fair for the woman as well. So maybe the trans woman is stronger. They can be win. Let me ask you a question.

Speaker 1:

We're not talking about. We can see the both sides. Yeah, I'm not talking about, let's say, swimming or stuff like that. Let's say have woman boxing Okay, you know boxing. Or Muay Thai okay for women, and Then a lady boy come and compete there. Who will win, you think?

Speaker 2:

Come on, sometimes it doesn't mean like a, when lady boy come to fight with the girl, lady boy gonna win, knows Not always. Sometimes lady can be win as well, for example like a normal man boxing together. Sometimes you think, say, oh, look at this guy have a very big body, look like he very fucking strong, he got a big muscle. And then look at the the the red one is really big guy and the blue side is all he's smaller and he shot her. We sure that he gonna lose but he win. Okay, the same damn thing. This lady boy and ladies, you understand, sometime lady win as well. It depends on how good yeah, so.

Speaker 2:

So I, yeah. So I think it's not fair that I, if you think like a when lady boy Come to fight with the girl on the set about the boxing's little boy will be win. No, it doesn't mean like that, you kind of like a bully, or lady boys like to be like that and Transwoman, be like that to be win for sure. Because you are men, because in your eyes you think we are a man and that the first thing that you not accept what we are.

Speaker 1:

I don't, I don't mean about that. I want to ask you a question what do you think Woman body and men body are same, woman body and men body.

Speaker 2:

It's not the same, but it is. I mean the system inside but our outside standing Outstanding. Sometimes lady have big muscle than a man. Yes, I understand that sometimes. Yeah, I understand what is the point. Sometimes we have a small girl, sometimes we have a small boy and we have a big girl. We have a big girl, we have a big girl. We have, like, a small girl, a big girl, big boy, small boy. So what the difference?

Speaker 1:

I give you, I will I give you the exact different. Have you heard about? Wait, I want to ask you have you heard about Lia Catherine Thomas? What have you heard about a trans athlete named Lia Catherine Thomas? No, okay, so she, she was a athlete, male swimmer, okay. And then she, she came out as a transgender Right, and they move her to the woman sport. Now, when she was in the men's sport she was like number maybe 100 in the world. Not not the best, but not the worst, right, yeah when they move her to woman sport.

Speaker 1:

She was number one. No one can beat her and she set all the records again for women Right and all the. The natural woman cannot beat her because she bigger and stronger.

Speaker 2:

Their name Okay, so she's never, you see she bigger and stronger. It not just because of her bigger and stronger she tries so hard to practice herself as well. Yes but when she? She compete, but she is not.

Speaker 1:

Compete, but when she compete with men, right before she came out as a transgender, she never win. She was what? Number 100 in the world. You know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah she.

Speaker 1:

She was never the best, but when they move her to woman sport, she was the best. But because the woman league and the men league is different, the woman record and the men records are different. You understand that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I understand that, but what the point that I see Is she tries so hard to practice herself as well, and it doesn't mean that nobody gonna win not gonna win her someday, some lady gonna win her also. For example, last week in Thailand we have like a big fight, a boxing fight, with the man I'm not sure for his name, but this man is very, very, very famous in Thailand and he always win. When he get the boxing right, he work, he, he is the boxer for over 10 years. Okay, he always win for the fight or for the fight.

Speaker 2:

But there is one young boy, 16 years old. 16 years old. He is a mixed nationality, I think from Spain. He come to show up on the stage, he just 16 years old, and the one is the winner. They're fighting to each other on, like on the stage, like a boxer or for men, and you know who win? Everyone, just like everyone said oh, the man, the man that are become our boxing for 10 years, we will win for sure. We always see he fight, we sure that he gonna win, he gonna win. And this is just a big fight, he gonna win. And this is just a little boy. He is very little and very young and he's just like Learn about how to boxing like only one years. But you see, he win. He win the big guys.

Speaker 1:

Okay, but again.

Speaker 1:

The one point. You see, we, we are talking about something that is very different. Because let's say, if there is a competition, okay, that is open for everyone, same competition. Let's say a swimming competition that everyone can participate men, lady, transgender, whatever people want to To to be in this context contest they can do. Then I say, okay, it's fair, fair, it's for everyone, right, yeah, but the woman contest Limits. They say no man can compete there, right? Let's say, if we're talking about Whatever, let's say we talk about Basketball, okay, you cannot take LeBron James and put it, put him in the NWA, in the, in the WNBA, right, in the woman NBA. Because it's it's not the same scale, it's not the same everything, everything is different. So if you say, okay, we, we are mixing everything, okay, I can understand that. I will even support that. I think it will be much more interesting. But if you say, okay, we are limiting the sport for agenda, so let's keep it limited for agenda. And if trans people want to have a contest, okay, so can make Number one, can make it mixed some.

Speaker 1:

I say, or or can make Contest for trans people. This is my opinion. I think maybe you don't like it or maybe you think it's not nice, but I'm very open to everything. But I think there is a basic Thing that we have to understand physiology. Physiology is not same between men and lady, right? For example, I give you that. I know it's, it's not nice to say, but lady boy cannot get pregnant. Do you agree with that?

Speaker 2:

On my point when you said lady boy cannot get pregnant. Yeah do you think like a one lady boy feel to hear that word? I think you think I feel good. You think like every lady boy feel good, because this word is kind of like a bully.

Speaker 1:

Yes, but I know why you say it's bullying. But I want to know are we talking about Science or are we talking about science fiction? You know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

I like yeah, I talks about the word. For example, like, if you think like, oh lady boy cannot Same same with beauty pageant, when they said oh lady boy cannot join a woman pageant because it's different boy, you are trying woman.

Speaker 1:

This, this very different, because lady, lady boy cannot.

Speaker 1:

Wait, wait. Lady boy cannot join beauty pageant Because there was rules that said Lady boy cannot join beauty contest, right. But when, when someone say a lady boy cannot get pregnant, he just mean she not have the physiology, she not have the womb and she not have the All her body, she doesn't have anything for carry a baby. You know, it doesn't mean that If there is some rule that can change and everyone can get pregnant, okay, I signed that, no problem. But her body is, she cannot do that. Whatever we will do right now, the science is not allowing a Someone that was born a male to carry a baby inside him, right.

Speaker 2:

Maybe we know, we know the lady boy cannot break pregnant, but better we not say.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so you think it's insulting?

Speaker 2:

Yeah. I think so when you say that maybe you don't think anything, you just like oh, I talked about the Physically like your body, you don't have like a things that can make you pregnant. But better we not say we know, but we not say it's better Because you don't know cycle. When you say something like that, oh to lady boy heart, you cut it deep down. Okay, so yeah, and also for me, in my opinion about the sport all around the world.

Speaker 2:

Okay, you can, maybe you can. You can set up like okay, this, this sport is for ladies and this sport is for a man. But I want to ask you question.

Speaker 2:

Yeah where is the point for lady boy sport, okay. So things about cycle. When you say it's about lady boy cannot get pregnant and In my opinion, I am lady boy when I heard this thing. Yes, sometimes we get so many things from a man as well when we get the relationship. Some lady boy have a relationship with a man for over seven years, for over 10 years, and then when a man want to get out of her and when a man want to finish the relationship, he get this stupid reason you cannot get a baby. For me, you cannot get pregnant. Okay, so when you talk about like a lady boy cannot get pregnant, sometimes you think about you say it's just normal word. It's just normal because the truth is, yes, you cannot get pregnant because you're a lady boy, even though you have pussy, but you cannot get a baby, and I wish it was different, maybe you're not feeling anything but lady boy, when we heard about this thing it's really, really hurt and cut our feeling deep down to the soul, deep down to the feeling, our feelings.

Speaker 2:

I understand.

Speaker 1:

You understand.

Speaker 2:

I understand and also to get the point to what you say in the first about like a body, about the sport. Maybe you think like, hey, lady boy cannot come to join the lady sport, right? What do you think? Lady boy is stronger than a woman? No, I don't think, lady boy, no, no, no.

Speaker 1:

I don't think lady boy is stronger than a woman. I think men body and someone that was born a male and someone that was born a woman, their body are not the same. They have different muscle density, they have different bone structure. Many things are different?

Speaker 2:

And what do you think about the tomboy Again? A big body, more than a normal girl, like a same man, like a tomboy.

Speaker 1:

Again, what if we're talking about muscle density and bone structure? Even, tomboy, she have the physiology of a lady, right.

Speaker 2:

So, but she bigger Sometimes when she go to joy about the lady game that he said oh no, you look like a man and you stronger than our woman.

Speaker 1:

I think if we want to do an inclusive sport games, let's do that. Let's do sport games that everyone can compete.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Whatever I want to talk about this thing is just get to the boys. Like now, we have many, many lady boys, many, many tomboy, many, many gay, many, many, many LGBT, many, many trans and seem like the world is open to us, but not really Get to the boy about the sport you have in this world. You have the like an Asian game, like something like a very big sport. You have the sport for a man and you have a sport for a lady, right Like football for a man, football for a man, basketball for a man no, we have like a no, no.

Speaker 1:

This is not. Some things like no no, no, no, no, no, things like it. If you look in America, have football league for women, have basketball league for women have that what I talking, that what I'm talking about.

Speaker 2:

We have many sport for a man and we have many sport for a lady, but I asked you the question where is the sport for the trans woman and where is the sport for LGBTQ? Where is the sport for lady boys?

Speaker 1:

Where. So let me tell you what happened. Okay, you think it's better to make like just sport, that is just for trans people.

Speaker 2:

Yes, that's what I want. If you're not really open as to this, you think like, oh, this is sport for a woman, this is sport for a man, not for you. I think it's not hurtful. Where is the sport? Let me continue. Where is the sport for a lady boy, for a trans woman, For example? Like you go to the shopping mall or when you go to the school or whatever some building, you have the toilet, you have a bathroom for ladies, you have a bathroom for a man, you have a sign on the door right, A woman sign, a man sign, but where is the toilet for a transgender? Where is the toilet for a lady boys? If you want to know my opinion, I want the world to open up for us If you want my opinion for example, about the sport you said this sport is for women you are a lady boy and this sport for a man.

Speaker 2:

You are a lady boy, you cannot join it. So where is the point? For us, no. For example you go to a private shop.

Speaker 1:

This is not what I said. I said something else.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I know females, but they don't have any show for others, for others, for our sexual Okay.

Speaker 1:

So let me break this to two answers. Okay, first I will answer about the toilet. In my opinion, I think toilet for trans people is more hurting. I think trans people they can go wherever toilet they feel they want to go. This is my own opinion. If you feel you want no, no, what no? I say my opinion.

Speaker 2:

Okay, sorry, sorry.

Speaker 1:

My opinion. Let's say, you are feeling like you are a lady, right, so you can go lady toilet. This is my opinion. I think if you open just toilet for trans people, I think this is more hurtful. This is more like it's like kicking them out. Oh, we don't want them with us. You know it's pushing away Now. No, you think there should be third toilet just for trans people.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

You think it's better than you going to the ladies' bathroom?

Speaker 2:

Yes. Okay, I respect that Because I asked, I am the lady boy, I have cock. Yes, right. Mm-hmm.

Speaker 2:

I dress up like a woman, I do a makeup, I become like a woman. Yes, maybe I really want to go to the woman's toilet as a woman. I want all the ladies in the toilet see like I am a woman. Same damn. But for my experience, always when I go to the toilet like sometimes when I go to a man's toilet a man said what the fuck you are lady boys, what the fuck you are transgender, why you come to a man's toilet get out get out and when I go to the lady toilet, ladies said what the fuck why you are doing here.

Speaker 2:

You have cock. Mm-hmm. What the fuck you doing here? Maybe they're not staying, but they look at us from head to toe.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And then when you want to pee pee, you want to stand and pee pee, same a man. Or you want to go to the toilet sitting like ladies. Yeah, we want to be like ladies, we sitting and pee pee. But when ladies look at us, ladies just laughing on us, some ladies do bad than that. Some ladies said, no, get the fuck out, you have cock.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

You see, yeah. Hi, I asked you, why is the toilet for a lady boys? Sometimes when we go to men toilet even through like a not lady boy, I mean gay as well. Some gay is like a dress up, like a man. He have short hair but he do a little bit make up, like maybe a lipstick on, maybe say she doing about the eyeliner or something like that, and a man look at us like what the fuck, what? You doing here.

Speaker 2:

This is the toilet for a man, and when we go to the toilet for a lady, lady also look the same. Okay, so what I want to call out is I want the toilet for the transgender or the lady boys, for the LGBTQ. I want, I really want also the same with the sport. You said like you broke out from a men's sport, you broke out from a lady's sport, but where the point for us?

Speaker 1:

Where, first of all, I never think they should block from transgender people from the sport, okay, I think if you're making a sport just for trans people, for my opinion it's hurting more. But if you think there should be a league just for trans people, okay, I accept that.

Speaker 2:

I think maybe that's not hurt us. It's like it will be very happy for us, as I am a trans and I'm a lady boy, and if they have something like that, it will be very, very good for us. It's have the place for us, you understand.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I understand. So it's have the place for us, that nobody gonna blame. Like, oh, you are a transgender, you have big body, you cannot disturb about her. We cannot fighting with the lady on the spot because you sure you gonna win. Okay, we don't want to be like that, you understand. We just want the place for us, just for you. For example, when they go to apply the job, when they go to apply the job in some company, mostly when they set up about advertising for apply the job, right, they said like we want lady. This year old to this year old, we want lady, we want a man, this is it. But then it will say we want a lady boy and when we are, we are lady boy, we are transgender. To accept that they say no, we want lady, okay.

Speaker 1:

No, we want a man. So I want to tell you something that happened four months ago. Okay, there was the swimming world cup. Okay, the most important swimming competition in the world. Okay, yeah.

Speaker 1:

They open a category for trans people, right, really good. No one come, no one sign, so they close. No one want to compete, just for trans. All the trans want to compete with the sex that they feel they are Like. Let's say, a trans transgender that was a male and now he's a female. He wants to be in the woman competition. He don't want to be in trans competition. You can read it on the internet no one sign for that.

Speaker 2:

But where is set up this sport? Germany, which country?

Speaker 1:

Germany, germany, yeah, and no one sign no-transcript.

Speaker 2:

Maybe they have two sides. I can say it's like we was born as a man and we want to be a lady. Maybe on that point that there, maybe in Germany, on this thing, maybe they set up about this thing but in normal life they're not really open for for all the lady boys or for the transgender. So I think the reason why they're not going to sign or doing this thing because it's very news, maybe it's the first time. So when we want to go to joy, we don't want to people to see oh, you're a fucking lady boy, you are transgender.

Speaker 2:

We want most people to see like oh, we are women.

Speaker 2:

So it's kind of like a conflict to ourselves as well and I can say it's like most of lady boys want to spend but depend on the time as well. Sometimes you need to be like a set up the time, like a little bit, a little bit, as they tell you about the beauty pageant that now they allow for the lady boy, but not like we still have some transgender and lady boy to join the beauty pageant right Even through. We really love beauty pageant. You can see how we love the beauty pageant of the lady boy.

Speaker 2:

We are fucking crazy. Love it, but to join the competition. Sometimes it's shy when you're standing on the stage at a transgender as a lady boy and the world knows what is your sexuality. Sometimes we are really shy and also I think we need time to open more and more and more. No problem, until one day that we can outstanding shy that, hey, I am lady boy. I am so proud of myself. I am lady boy. I want the world to see like I am lady boy. I am transgender.

Speaker 1:

I agree.

Speaker 2:

Because maybe most of the people said oh same, same in Thailand. We are really open for LGBT, we are really open for lady boy, we are really, really open for transgender, but they have so many points that they should only say the word, but on their behalf they're not really open, you understand.

Speaker 1:

Yes, and I agree 100% that the world needs time. Okay, but I want just to read you. I want to read you something small, a little bit. Can I read something small for you? Okay, about the swimming competition. Okay, swimming governing body, which voted last year to ban transgender women from the elite female category, had promised to stage and you think the swimming?

Speaker 2:

one second, let me speak one minute, sorry to interrupt you and you think the swimming? Right, they open the swimming for the transgender and also for the lady boys, for example, ladies right, if she is the lady boy to wear the swimming suit like a lady. You know how hard we need to keep that things, to need to keep our cock deep down and not. Yeah, maybe people know that I am lady boy.

Speaker 2:

I am so proud of them, lady boy but, I don't want anyone to see my boy, to see my ball, to see my cock when I'm wearing, about the bikini or the things. I don't want to show them that I have what. Okay, so that's why the swimming is kind of like some sport, that you need to wear a swimming suit and how how people see even nowadays when I'm wearing about the bikini. I'm very worried and I put like a I know it's a funny thing, like you know how many pieces of my panties nowadays.

Speaker 1:

No, how long how many?

Speaker 2:

Five, wow, five. And I need to keep my cock down because my cock is big, yeah, so one, two, three, four, five, until all is look like lady.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I understand, and it's not comfortable, I understand.

Speaker 2:

It's really hard and it's really difficult to walk, and sometimes it's kind of like when you are at the home you take all of it and you feel painful because you need to keep it, and so that's why the swimming. I think it's not a really really good point to wear a bikini and swimming as a lady boy and show the world to see like, hey, I'm wearing a woman dress and wearing a golden bikini, and then people, we forgot on our point more than how good we swim. You understand?

Speaker 1:

I understand, but I think that let's say, I will say it like this I think, first of all, the, the transport community, need to decide what they want. Okay, you want to fight in order to be in the female competition? Fight for that. You want to fight for only trans competition? Fight for that. But it's depend on the context, right, it's depend on what do people want? And I think it's still mixed opinions, same you said before, right.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So for me, I think it's a small problem and also I just want to give you an example. I know it's a small example and it's not good example, okay, but I want to give you an example. This is not about trans, but, yeah, this about the difference between men body and lady body. There was a contest last year between now we are talking about soccer, which is basically football everywhere else in the world, right, there was a contest between the number one team of females in the world Okay, the number one team, the best team in the world against a very, very, very young team of men that play soccer, also play football. So it's like, let's say, if the how do I compare it for you If pocket pocket young football league compete with Burriam United, you know what I mean. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Who do you think won? 7 to 0. Who do you think won?

Speaker 2:

Burriam and Phuket. I think it's like I will tell you who won. Maybe, maybe, for like a 80% Burriam going to be win, I tell you you know, I tell you, the men won. But it doesn't mean that Phuket never going to be win. Maybe they can be win as well, but at the start this week, and it's like so many reasons, burriam practice a lot and they have a big, big field to practice. But I tell you in this in this, you're not understand.

Speaker 1:

In this, burriam lose 7 to 0. You understand.

Speaker 2:

It means like yeah, yeah, I think the same point, the same point, that what? I said, it doesn't mean like Phuket never win, phuket can be win as well. Same point with boxing. No, I think you didn't understand what I told you 16 years old, win a very, very cool fighting for 10 years.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I mean they talk. They took the best football team, female football team in the world, right With, let's say, the worst football team of men in the world, the worst.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And the men won 7-0.

Speaker 2:

With the lady footballs.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the lady football is number one team in the world. The men football is last team in the world, the most shit team in the world, and the shit team in the world won 7-0.

Speaker 2:

On my point. It's like I think maybe the woman is kind of like the good in the football, but maybe, comparative with a man, they can be a little bit different. You understand A woman football and also a man football. I think this sport is kind of like a very big sport and have like body of physicality, it's like a man. It can gain more and can be stronger than the woman as well. Okay, so so for sure, maybe they can be win, can be win. So now I want to ask you a question. This thing is just only one sample, but it doesn't mean like a lady never win a man. Some ladies win a man as well.

Speaker 1:

I don't mean lady never win a man, but I just mean. I just mean that if have the best woman weightlifting, you know weightlifting, weightlifting, yeah, let's say, have the number one in the world I don't know her and she can lift 150 kilo, okay, and now come a transgender to this sport and she was number one and she can lift. The transgender can lift 100, no 250 kilo. You understand what I mean. It's not fair for the people that are participating in the sport. Like many ladies don't want to compete with transgender because they think their body is not strong enough.

Speaker 2:

But I don't know how to say. It's like maybe we cannot just only give the sample with this kind of things, because in this world we have many, many sport, and every sport have two points. Sometimes lady win, sometimes a man win. Sometimes to be a man, it doesn't mean he always win, and sometimes to be a lady, it doesn't mean he always lose.

Speaker 1:

I agree 100%, but I mean about the average. You know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you mean the statistic.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the statistic, the average, the middle is very different, you know.

Speaker 2:

For example yeah, the man can be stronger than a woman. Yes, and by the bodies, by what he was born for. But it doesn't mean that lady will never win. Lady can be win as well, if she try enough Sometimes. The big body doesn't mean that he's going to be always win, but it's also about the technique, especially in the sport. If you practice a lot, you can be win a big guy as well. And also on my opinion I want to tell everyone if you practice enough, it doesn't mean what gender you are man, woman or whatever you can be the winner as well.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I agree. I agree 100%. Yeah, it can be show like a man always win the ladies more, more than a lady win a man. Yes, that's right. And also I compare it to with a tomboy with a normal lady. When they get a set up a football team a tomboy team and also a normal lady. They're both women right On their bodies, but sometimes the tomboy wins mostly, but they're also same. They're both ladies. You understand what I mean? 100%, you get the point.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I understand, but still there is a big difference, right? So I just checked now about body lifting just because I was curious, right? Yeah, for women, when we are talking about standard and I talking about women that weight 100kg compared to a man, that weight 100kg. Okay, the women record in the same weight, same weight the women record is 164kg. Okay, yeah, this is for standard and the men record is 234kg.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, way more bigger Right.

Speaker 1:

So when let's say that this man, his name is Michael Dudley, okay, let's say he's a transgender, right. And now he want to move to women's sport, okay, everyone say, very good, no problem, right. But of course he will win all the competition Because women's sport is 100 kilos behind. You understand?

Speaker 2:

I understand that. Need that for sure. They're gonna be like there are the sport team or there are the people who control the sport. Need to change some rule, okay.

Speaker 1:

I agree, yeah, what role you think need to change? Can you give me an?

Speaker 2:

example, move it, or maybe it's like that's what I ask you, that's what I ask you for you need to open the sport for a transgender, for the lady boys, so this thing gonna not happen. So, like you're a lady boy, you're a transgender, you're bigger than ladies because your body is a man. So this point is what I'm talking about. Like, we need the space for us. So if we have the space for us, you that not gonna have any problem about this and people not gonna talk about like this. You know, because when we talk about this thing, we are hurt. Our lady boy is hurt, our transgender is hurt from inside.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, of course I want you to know and the people that listen all this conversation. I don't mean to hurt anyone. I want to raise the questions that many people ask and we still don't get any answers for them right From both sides.

Speaker 2:

That's good that we're talking about this thing, because I also want all our follower or our listener all around the world to know like they have this kind of thing in every organization beauty pageant, a job and play school in, like a sport toilet, everything. We have this kind of thing. You need to check, like on the Google, how many LGBTQ we have in our day, how many gay we have, how many lady boys we have. And, yeah, we want this bed for us, for every organization. We want this bed. So we don't want everyone to blame like, hey, you are a man, hey, you are a lady boy, hey, you are a lady boy. We don't want to hear like that or even like a hey, you lady boy, you don't, you don't, you cannot get pregnant. We want to get out of this kind of things.

Speaker 2:

But I can see the good side in the world, like many things happen in the better ways. But yeah, I know it's tech time, but I can see the sign and I hope everyone can be really open more, more and more for us. I'm talking, I'm standing here for all the LGBTQ and all the lady boy and all the transgender in the world. Like we want, we really want this bed for us, okay, so not just really like a bully on us like this.

Speaker 2:

Maybe it's not kind of like a bully, but I want the things that we cannot hit this thing up and we cannot like allow for this thing and allow for that things. We want everything same same a human being. We want everything same same a man and a lady. We want to live in this world beautifully. We want to live in this world happily Same same the global citizen. Maybe we don't want you to call us like a lady, boys or transgender we hate this word. Don't want people to name us on this. We want people to call us by our names or thems, not he or she.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, this is what we are talking about.

Speaker 2:

Best thing is call us by our name.

Speaker 1:

So I think I have good idea.

Speaker 1:

I think, until we record next episode. We have some homework to do, me and you. I want you to think what rules can we change for make it better for the transgender community in the sport environment? You will think about a rule and I will think about a rule, and I want also our listeners. If you have any suggestions or what, any ideas about this, please share with us. We want to hear what your opinion, because, listen, no one is touching this subject and we can be. We can really make a change if we will find a good solution for this problem, right? So I think, until next episode, you, me and our listeners need to think how can we solve this problem without hurting anyone? And now we are talking about the sports, right? But yeah.

Speaker 2:

I'm out of the beauty pageant.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, I talk in general. How can we improve the life of the trans community in our world?

Speaker 2:

Because I'm definitely sure, now that we have many, many LGBTQ in the world, maybe the statistic cannot, cannot show you the real number. You understand, because in some country, some people they need to hide in their gender very, very hard to living and try to hide as best as they can to not show everyone, to know like they are transgender, they are like LGBTQ or whatever. But I'm sure we have a lot, a lot really, and we want the space for ourselves, not for just ourselves, but for everyone. We want the space we want you to look as a global citizen, as a human, same same you.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I understand. By the way, if you are looking on the current statistic and mean 2024, all the LGBT community, okay, is 12% of the world right now.

Speaker 2:

Wow, you see how much that's a lot. Yeah, Like yeah and not gonna end like this we have more, more, more and more. Just as you open the space for them in every country, you will see the real number like more than what you think.

Speaker 1:

You think so it will be. You think the numbers will go up.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, for sure, go up and more, more, more for every year, okay.

Speaker 1:

I understand that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I can see, say in my country I see my daughter's lot when I walk on the streets, I see when I go to the school, when I go to some shopping mall or someplace like a market, I can see my little baby is a lot, a lot and I'm happy for them If their parent is open for them. Some parent, they give them. Some parent buy a woman dress for them. Some parent dress up them very cutie. I'm so happy when I see this because when I was young we have nothing like this, you understand.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, of course, but the world is changing, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Then what I say world is changing, but I know it's take time, but I want people to open your heart more. The first thing you need to open your heart for us. Please open your heart for us like normal people, like your family or like a global citizen. It's not to start from yourself and for everyone. I think that's it Even through.

Speaker 2:

You set up the rules or set up the space for us, but you're not open your heart for us. You still have the bully, things like that. We're not going to happy. Maybe we happy, but not much. The most thing that we want from you is like you open my heart for us. You respect us.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and it's going the right way.

Speaker 2:

You don't need to lie to us, but please accept us as a global citizen and please understand us and not do a bully things or do a bad thing to us.

Speaker 1:

I think that, as we said many times, the world is changing and is moving to a better place right now. I think it's a great way.

Speaker 2:

I really hope one day we can come out like me and all the LGBTQ around the world. We can stand out without so proud to standing and outstanding shy in this world.

Speaker 1:

I really hope so. Do you have any finishing words, any closing words for our listeners for today?

Speaker 2:

Thank you so much. Every listener, Please don't forget to like to put like subscribe and maybe you can share our podcast through your friends if you like. And please drop the comment down below. We want to know what do you think about what we're talking? Don't worry about every word that you say will be very important to us. I want to hear, I want to read, I want to see what do people think and what do you think about our topic and what we're talking about? So please comment anyway.

Speaker 1:

And if you're feeling really generous.

Speaker 2:

Please support us if you can. It will make me a laughing from ear to ear If you get some tips for us. It's not just about like we want the money, but sometimes it feel like to get more motivation to develop our podcast, to be better, yeah. So, as you see, we have the problem with the six now all the time. But if we have the money for buy more equipment, maybe it's better for you and for me as well, and I promise you I'm not going to take your money to buy doodles.

Speaker 1:

I think some of the people will like you to actually do that, but we can make a special fund for that. But, as Lada said, guys, if you are feeling really generous, we will love if you can donate money to our link that I will post below. It's a monthly subscription that you can cancel anytime and it's really helping us moving forward. And, of course, the best thing that you can do is just like our podcast, subscribe and share it with your friends and thank you very much for today. Thank you, lada, I think it was very, very important conversation.

Speaker 1:

I think it was an important conversation and don't forget, we have homework for next week episode. We have to think about solution for these problems. Yeah, Okay, so bye-bye everyone. Bye-bye everyone. Hope you're all the best.

Speaker 2:
