My Thai Wife

Bad Exercise vs Bed Exercise - we are sorry for the audio quality

January 28, 2024 My Thai Wife Season 1 Episode 14

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please read : Mike here, i know we had some recording issue and its kind of shitty because we had bad connection, i really thought about deleting this episode, but i think we had an intresting conversation  with really good points by Lada,  so  i decided to keep it.

This is not an example of the audio quality that we are aiming for, and we are doing our best to purchase new equipment for Lada so the sound quality will improve very soon.
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Speaker 1:

Hello everyone and welcome back to my Thai wife podcast. Well, we actually we need to change the name already it's. I think we have to find the name for Lada in the episode. It's not my Thai wife because she's not my wife. So I'm here with Lada. Hey, lada, how are you?

Speaker 2:

Hi, I'm doing great.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Have you thought about?

Speaker 1:

I'm very good, just a little bit cold, but everything else is good here. Have you thought about a new name for our podcast yet? Pardon, have you thought about new name for our podcast yet?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I still think about that. You know, it's really hard to find a right name. So a good name. I have a thousand names in my head.

Speaker 1:

Give me an example for one name as soon.

Speaker 2:

Give me an example for one name as soon, mmm. Oh, you're lying to me.

Speaker 1:

You are lying to me. You haven't thought about that.

Speaker 2:

No, no, maybe because I said last time, I also think about bad words, and also maybe it's not good.

Speaker 1:

You can say whatever you want. I told you this is our podcast. We can call it however bad we want to call it, but we need to change the name soon. I think yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I keep a new name for soon.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's very confusing for people. I call it my Thai wife and then you are here. You know, and they know already soon.

Speaker 2:

So I think it's very weird. Yeah, because I'm not your wife as well. I don't really like this name.

Speaker 1:

We will give it another week or two until we can find a new name. Yeah, last episode we ended about you. Tell us about the story in Thailand about the young kids. I think they killed some, some lady that she's a little bit, maybe crazy, or something like that, and I want to. I was thinking about it. You know, in my country there is a lot that if someone is under 12, I think 12 or 14, and he's doing some crime, his family pay for the crime and they go to jail or something like that.

Speaker 1:

So, let's say I am 12 and I killed someone, my father can go to jail.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think it's like. This thing is like we need to talk really, really serious about this, this problem. I think people can say, as I told you, when something bad happened here, when something bad happened here, and also when they keep going to hurt someone or doing some bad thing, every parent he fucking said that my kid is good, my kids is very good girl, my kids very good boy. He have very good grade in the school. He learned very well, he have very good behalf in house. Everyone is saying that, but it's bullshit.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but what do you want to say? You want they say oh, I have a shitty kid and I'm a shitty parent.

Speaker 2:

Yes, they should accept inferred they should not do it a big lie Like the kid is bad or the kid is good they prefer. They need to be sincere. Sorry, oh, I'm really sorry. My kid is really bad. Make me doing bad thing. I'm very sincere and I'm very sorry from the bottom of my heart for my kid. They never, they not say they said my kid is good boy, they saw. If nobody found the CCTV or the reporter not check the CCTV.

Speaker 1:

Her husband would be in jail.

Speaker 2:

Who gonna know? No one know. Yes, and the real criminal is being out there. It's not just only this lady who died, she name is Pakok. How, it's not Pakok who died. But they can do the bad thing to any others, you understand? Yeah, this will teach them that they can do whatever they want. I think the best way to protect our country from this fucking bad boy or fucking bad kid is I'm gonna tell their parents before you fuck this shit or fuck this shit.

Speaker 1:

Wait, wait, wait, wait. Have some connection with the problem with the connection. Can you say that again?

Speaker 2:

I said, for me the best thing that we can solve about this problem is I want to tell all the parents in my country, or the young parents, or the new parents, when you have sex, before you fuck each other, go fucking where cunt.

Speaker 1:

So just not have babies. You think that's better?

Speaker 2:

yes, yes, because if you have the baby and you cannot take care of them, well, if you said you have no time, you need to go work everyday, you have no time to take care of the kid, you have no time to teach the kid, you don't have even the time to tell them what is good, what is bad, then you don't deserve to have the baby you think there should be a very important.

Speaker 2:

It's very important. You don't need to say, oh, the school needs to teach them. The most people who need to teach them is the parents, is the dad and mom yeah, I think this is the bigger in the biggest influence on a child.

Speaker 1:

But you think like there should be some a, let's say, course, course, or some people need to go school before they can, let's say like one month before they can have a baby, for learn how to be parents I think even have this school like that some people.

Speaker 2:

It's just like same thing. You go to school sometimes you don't like to learn about the subject, you just ignore it.

Speaker 1:

License for be parents. You think there should be something like that.

Speaker 2:

Some you have driving license I think so and we need to share also, if they keep doing some mapping and they keep not over the edge. Yes, so they need the.

Speaker 2:

The people who be in jail might be the parents yeah so if you put this strong rule and this strong law and you do the action same thing what you like to law, I think most of the parents would be oppressed. Nobody wants to be in jail but they're gonna take care about the baby also, because if the baby do any bad behavior, they can not the baby.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so you are talking about taking responsibility, basically yeah, yeah, I want more responsibility from their parents.

Speaker 2:

Understand that and also also the very strong behavior or the strong law for the kid as well. They keep need to know. They keep need to be in jail, also need to know that this is very fucking wrong. You cannot hurt anybody, you cannot even kill anybody and this is a criminal. It's not a game or the funny things, because if you don't anything, the kid don't think this is wrong. You understand they can be. If you change the law to become a behavior for the parent, you keep gonna be. Oh, I'm so happy now. I'm doing some bad things. I kill some people. I just outside, I'm just going to school, then law school and my parents it's already in in the jail. They don't fucking care sometimes they don't care about the parent anyway.

Speaker 1:

You know I understand that, I think you are right, but I think I think it doesn't matter if you teach them or not. These people are just bad people. You know, some people are born bad, just that you know what I?

Speaker 2:

mean, I don't think it's only about how they yeah, I know, I know some people born bad, but it's dependent on their environment as well, and also depends on the family as well. The bad people can become a good people. True, you understand when you cheat them when you take care of them well, when you choose what is bad, what is good, for example, the kid who, who born inside with the gangster. It doesn't mean that all the kid is bad. Some kid is good as well, you know yeah, you're right.

Speaker 1:

I know someone personally like that, that he came for me a crime family, his father I don't think some people yeah, for me, in my opinion, I don't think everyone.

Speaker 2:

I don't think anyone born to be a bad people some people are like I are born psychopaths.

Speaker 1:

You know they don't care. They don't have feeling like you and me. They just think about themselves.

Speaker 2:

They don't believe that other people matter this can can be a yeah, but represented also spend that kind of people. If they live their lives in the right place, they can be good people as well. Say again, what do you mean? I said even some people, even like a kid, that have the problem like that, if they have someone to teach them well, they can be a good people as well and they can change. I think they have a or something like that can change too if I've yeah can change something, but it's not easy.

Speaker 1:

You know, more easy to turn people bad than turn people good. That's my opinion, you know. I want to change the topic. Some someone asked us yeah, yeah, someone asked us about your English, about how, like many, many Thai Lady or ladyboys doesn't matter Thai people, their English is not so good, especially if they're walking in bars or something like that they want to know how. How can you speak Nearly perfect English?

Speaker 2:

For my English. I think it's like. I Think it's like the topic need to be is like and why Thai people cannot speak good English.

Speaker 1:

Let me tell you, give you an example. Okay, wait, I know where you are going, but I want to give you an example. First, let's talk about my wife soon. Okay, she knew how to read and write after she finished school, but she didn't have any experience talking. And when she moved to Pataya, she couldn't speak right, but she knew how to read and write. And then, when have customers and have people, she meet Ta ta, ta, ta ta. Then she can speak a little bit more, a little bit more, a little bit more. Now she can speak good English. So she had practice right. So Her English is not good, is your English, but still, I think she did. She can speak a decent English, right. And this why I ask you, like you said, why Thai people cannot speak English. I think they cannot speak English because there are no, there is no reason for them to speak, who they speak with, you know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that the other reason. But you know, I think, like the main things, that are the main reason why Thai people cannot speak English, even through, we put all the English subject in every school. I think the kid want to speak English, the kid want to learn how to speak.

Speaker 2:

Yeah but the problem is about the education system. Thailand, we have very, very old education system and we want the new generation and all the new parents. We want to share this system. I mean the class or that. You just like the rule that you need to learn this thing Mathematics, you need to learn science, you need to learn English, you need to learn the thing just blah, blah, blah. One, two, three, four, five. But they put a wrong way to learn the English. Just cool. You know why Thai kid English most of Thai kid hate English subject? Because they think it's really difficult and when something.

Speaker 2:

They're very difficult and when you go through and understand wait.

Speaker 1:

You cannot wait, I cannot hear you. Can you say again, there was, there was a problem with the connection. Can you say again?

Speaker 2:

I says, like I can say, when you go to the school and then Some subject, a lot of subject to learn, right, for example, for me, I'm very bad in mathematics and For mathematics class I hate it because I'm very bad in it. Right, I'm in English. When you go to the school and you cannot speak English, you don't understand what. What the teeth To teach you, what teacher talking about, you become like you don't like this subject.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and the teacher and the ministry of the Education. They the wrong way to teach the English. Because when you go to the school, english teacher always teach you about the grammar, how to spell, how to put the right grammar on it, and the work have brally. The only one thing that you have in your pocket is we call dictionary. Every time when you cannot know any other word, you open the dictionary, and I think that is the bad thing. Maybe it's a good thing that you can see about the words, but every time when you're thinking, oh, what you speak, you open. What you speak, you open. Okay, you don't remember something, you understand.

Speaker 1:

So you mean they not? They not teaching how to communicate, they just teaching you words, right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they put the and when they do the examination for example, the examination about English examination they put a lot of examination about the grammar, mm-hmm. And when you did the examination, you get all this wrong, this wrong, this wrong, this wrong. You got all the wrong side on your paper. You become scared, you don't know how to speak. Okay, yeah, it's just only about the wrong side, that you need to write about the right, the right, about the right answer and how to speak, not only what is the right word or what teacher to teach them, to teach the student of Thailand, of the Thai, to learn how to speak, more than how to write, more than how to On the right grammar, on the same ten you understand, and more than open dictionary. The best way for me to learn the English is I speak there and thanks to my.

Speaker 2:

I think the most important thing to learn the English or the other language is as much as you speak, as much as you use it every day. Even you talk to yourself or the mirror, or you watching about a movie, like a soundtrack movie. Maybe you listen about the international song or maybe you do a conversation with your foreign friend.

Speaker 2:

And the other good thing is, if you have the foreign friend, you can exchange your language and don't be afraid to speak wrong. Nothing wrong. I don't want to speak because I'm going to speak wrong. I think I'm going to speak. I'm going to be very comfortable.

Speaker 1:

Sound like a idiot or something like that.

Speaker 2:

I think when you see the story, try to speak Thai language. Sometimes they speak right, sometimes they speak wrong. Thai people always say oh, they're slow, they're cute, but why you can't speak English? Why you can't try? Why you don't try? It's okay if you speak wrong or you spell a wrong vocabulary, it doesn't matter, because if you not say something wrong or if you're not doing some mistake, you don't even know what is the right thing to do or what is the right word. You understand. You need to learn from your mistakes.

Speaker 1:

But I think it's going to change soon. You know why I give you an example. First I will tell you a small story. Two weeks ago, me and Sunari, we go visit some of my friends. They are friends that all came from Russia. In home they speak with the children Rasha and Hebrew. Almost none of them can speak English. I mean of the parents. Now, when the children very young children, maybe three or four, when the children are knowing them.

Speaker 1:

they give them phone to watch YouTube. The children just choose videos from the picture. I see Teddy Bear, or I see this One of them. He doesn't know what he gives. He gives them in French, Right? They? Watch French Now his young girl, she maybe three. She starts to speak French with Papa we we, we, we. She learns herself from YouTube and I think, all the media now, and I think it's it applies also to Thailand. I think many of the young children. They watch YouTube not only in Thai language, they watch everything Right.

Speaker 2:

I think it's more interesting for them.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and also the parents. So I think it's more interesting for them to learn and also they can learn some for themselves. And when you hear the language all the time, not even have to talk, but when you hear a language all the time, you are learning. You don't even know, but you are learning.

Speaker 2:

So I think the generation I think the kids have very good memory yeah, better than the old people 100%, very good memory. So I see now they the teenage parents. They put the kids in the international school. Sometimes they open the cartoon English cartoon and they know it. Sometimes in the school they don't teach very good English so they decide to teach themselves or open the YouTube cartoon or whatever that they can teach the kids. I see nowadays some very small kids, a small girl or a little boy, can translate the English to the parents as well.

Speaker 1:

That's lovely yeah and I think the new media.

Speaker 2:

And for myself. Yeah, yeah, you can. I think the English you can learn from everywhere, not just only in the class or in the school. Right now, we can learn from the cartoon. You can learn from the music, the movie, from YouTube, from Facebook, from every social media I can learn it and you don't even know that you learned that for you.

Speaker 1:

You're just having fun or I'm just watching some funny or interesting video.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, you need to have some more, more motivation For me also. My top secret, not top secret. I think the way to learn English for myself is like, I know English is very important for me and then I learn from the music. When I heard the music and I tell us, with Beyonce, I go to the lyric, what she sings and then I try to sing them and then I want to know what does it mean? Okay, sometimes you can hum and then you want to sing, so you can sing the right word and also you know the meaning as well. So all my application on my phone they also have the I call music match. They, when you turn on the music, they can teach you how to. They have the lyric show up and if you want to know the meaning, you go to translate as well. They show the lyric and the meaning in the same time.

Speaker 1:

I like it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think that's very, very good. When I finish my high school, I put myself in the job that I can pretty much, so I go to work in the shopping mall that have many tourists, I go to work in the, in the airport and also in the hotel, so I can practice English with the customer every day and every day. You speak. As much as you speak, you remember. As much as you speak, you practice your skill.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I think I think the right way to to learn nearly everything is to to apply to something that you like. So let's say, if someone is like to play video games, right, so he can learn from that.

Speaker 1:

Or if someone same you like listen to music can learn from that I think this is the best way to teach and I think I think the old generation in Thailand not only Thailand, I think all over the world will know a lot of languages Because of that. Yes, especially English. Yeah, Because most of the movies right now and the music is English, but they can learn anything. I know, you know, sunari have someone that worked with her. He watched a Japan anime, you know From when he, when he, he was young and now he can speak Japanese from this. He never go to school, never go anywhere. He can speak Japanese because he watched this cartoon, not cartoon anime. But it's crazy, you know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and also for me, the, the, the, the motivation. I think motivation is I want to have like a foreigner boyfriend, Need to speak language, like I eat language and also you know when? Yeah, sometimes when, when I was working there in the hotel so I have like a guest come to stay in my hotel and they are Spanish guy and he's very fucking handsome, but you cannot speak English. So I think, oh my God, I want to learn Spanish language.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Just to talk with him or just more conversation. Sometimes, when you want to do something not just only about the language, I mean something say, for whatever you want to do, you need to find your motivation. For example, my friends she's bad girl and she wants to lose her way. She tried every fucking way to stop eating, to do some diet, to be like a little bit exercise in her room, but it doesn't work. So I told her go to the gym and find the gym that have many handsome men in there, A lot of men in there. So right now she go to the gym every fucking day, three hours a day, three hours a day. The good thing is like. The crazy thing is like, yeah, you go to the gym and the most thing that you want to do is to see a man. Maybe you get some men back home. But the other good benefit is she have very slim body right now because she have the motivation. Yeah, she can do exercise like three hours, five hours, no problem, because she have a lot of handsome men to row.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and if she find a man she can do another exercise back home with him.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like dead exercise. And it's good also because you know the sex can make you very happy. When you have sex, you got like a real. Your brain will release adrenaline and make yourself happy and healthy as well. Yes, so now she have a perfect body and also she got a boyfriend from the gym. He said I love the gym so much.

Speaker 1:

She find the Tio Farang.

Speaker 2:

And also the other benefit is that she release better, because her boyfriend is already done.

Speaker 1:

Oh, so she's, he's foreigner, her boyfriend.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, see, sometimes the only one thing can change your life.

Speaker 1:

Yeah that's true, that's true. Even a small meeting somewhere and you can find yourself somewhere else in the world.

Speaker 2:

You know yes yes, you just need to freak it out, yeah and stay strong.

Speaker 1:

this very important to stay strong, not give up, stay strong and stay positive, don't give up, yeah. Yeah, I think this is a good, a good, a Good thing that we can give to our listeners.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, hope me too. Sometimes I have like a mental breakdown because of my, my situation Problem and my work and everything sometimes is too much pressure on myself. So I did like a many time I get a mental breakdown, just feeling so bad deep down. But another way that make my myself feeling better if I go to, it's okay, and on my Instagram I follow a lot of handsome Moodio.

Speaker 1:

So you just like scrolling, you know and give yourself.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, when I have really bad breakdown, mental breakdown sometime, I want to die, right sometimes, oh my god, I want to give up, I want to die. This is very bad. And then when, when, and then I said, okay, maybe I go to watch under Instagram. So I see, wow, many young, handsome guy is growing up Everyday, is born up every day and see how beautiful his body, how big his muscle, oh my god, there are a million handsome guy is waiting for me. I don't deserve to be died, I deserve to be this live.

Speaker 1:

That's a good motivation.

Speaker 2:

So this is your motivation Motivation for motivation my motivation to leave, maybe when, when I coach the camera, I want to leave my life like a hundred years old.

Speaker 1:

I Think everyone need to find their own motivation and you find yours. Yeah, before we finish this episode, there is one last thing I want to talk, to talk with you and with our listeners. We were thinking about bringing guests to the episodes. It will not be in the few, like the next episode or something like that, but it will be somewhere in the future. So we thought about, maybe bring in yeah with.

Speaker 1:

We talked me and you we talked before about that, of course, and we thought about bringing maybe one of your friends. It doesn't have to be a ladyboy. It can be a lady, a man, ladyboy, whatever you want, and I will find some of my friends in Thailand that will talk with us also, I Think we can get a lot of information if we share this with other people.

Speaker 2:

Right, and everyone have their own questions and also and I have some idea also some people who listen us on our podcast. If you want to talk with us on our podcast, if you want to join, just come up to join, because I want to talk. We, we can talk with our fan as well or with our follower as well. So, yeah, if someone interesting about this, yeah, yeah it would be great.

Speaker 1:

We can. I can't make.

Speaker 2:

Sending the message to his email. Yeah, I want to talk about the topic. I want to talk to Lada and mice about this thing. I want to join your podcast. Yes, just come out?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we can do that. It's very easy to arrange. You don't have to have any special equipment to do that. You can do it even from your phone. I have the special equipment for make sure that we will hear you very good, so don't worry about that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, for me, I like to talk with a lot of people. I want to see you, what you put things. Maybe I think this thing, maybe I think wrong, maybe I think why, or maybe it's like we have any other attitude or any other thought, like about some topic I'm same topic. I think it's like we can talk about Everything's together, like even through we have like a different on different mind. But I think to be talk is To have like a good conversation and know what the people about you can see so many different things, so many Idea. We are open for everything.

Speaker 1:

We are open for everything and we want you guys to be part of it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we want to listen from you as well, not just for you to listen from us, we want to listen from you as well.

Speaker 1:

So if you're interested, just show up, I charge yeah, so thank you very much everyone and we hope you will keep listening to us. We have, we are having fun doing that and we are hope you having fun listening to us. Lada, you have anything? To say to them Maybe give them kisses or hugs, whatever you want I.

Speaker 2:

Want to give all my followers about my big ass, but I cannot get it. So I give you a big kiss and love and must love from Thailand.

Speaker 1:

Thank you everyone, and we will see you in the next next episode. Bye, bye. Yeah bye-bye you.