My Thai Wife

Embracing Change: Solo Reflections and the Future of 'My Thai Wife' Podcast

April 06, 2024 My Thai Wife Season 1 Episode 22
Embracing Change: Solo Reflections and the Future of 'My Thai Wife' Podcast
My Thai Wife
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My Thai Wife
Embracing Change: Solo Reflections and the Future of 'My Thai Wife' Podcast
Apr 06, 2024 Season 1 Episode 22
My Thai Wife

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Have you ever faced the bittersweet moment of change, where the past's warmth meets the future's uncertain promise? That's exactly where we find ourselves on today's 'My Thai Wife' podcast. The banter and charm of Sunari and Lada have left an indelible mark, but as life's tapestry weaves new patterns, we're embracing the shift with gratitude and anticipation. I'm inviting you, our faithful listeners, to lend an ear to the personal reflections and future musings that this solo episode brings. And if the spark of co-hosting ignites your spirit, don't hesitate to reach out; let's create a fresh symphony of voices together.

Today's discussion transcends our usual Thai-focused narratives and delves into the raw, intricate emotion of disappointment—a sentiment that has shadowed the podcast's journey. The early days with Sunari, brimming with success and connection, set a high bar that I'm striving to meet as I step into the solo spotlight. It's a candid exploration of the ups and downs, the numbers game, and the essence of content that resonates. So tune in, as 'My Thai Wife' channels authenticity and embarks on its next chapter, with the hope of weaving new voices into the story that we all hold dear.

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Have you ever faced the bittersweet moment of change, where the past's warmth meets the future's uncertain promise? That's exactly where we find ourselves on today's 'My Thai Wife' podcast. The banter and charm of Sunari and Lada have left an indelible mark, but as life's tapestry weaves new patterns, we're embracing the shift with gratitude and anticipation. I'm inviting you, our faithful listeners, to lend an ear to the personal reflections and future musings that this solo episode brings. And if the spark of co-hosting ignites your spirit, don't hesitate to reach out; let's create a fresh symphony of voices together.

Today's discussion transcends our usual Thai-focused narratives and delves into the raw, intricate emotion of disappointment—a sentiment that has shadowed the podcast's journey. The early days with Sunari, brimming with success and connection, set a high bar that I'm striving to meet as I step into the solo spotlight. It's a candid exploration of the ups and downs, the numbers game, and the essence of content that resonates. So tune in, as 'My Thai Wife' channels authenticity and embarks on its next chapter, with the hope of weaving new voices into the story that we all hold dear.

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Speaker 1:

Hello everyone and welcome to my Thai wife podcast. I'm Mike and sadly I'm still doing this without my lovely, lovely wife, sunari, and also I'm doing this without Lada, and I thought you guys deserve some update or something, and because actually I got a few emails from you guys and some of them really really touched me, one in particular by Mandy hey, mandy. So I want to tell you that me and Lada decided that we are not going to do this podcast together anymore. She has her own stuff that she needs to sort out right now, and actually we did record a few more episodes, but I will not be uploading them anytime soon because I think they are not really relevant to what I'm going to do with the podcast from now on. So first of all, I want to thank everyone that listened to us, that listen to us, and if you really really like lada, I'm sure she will be pop up somewhere soon. Maybe I cannot tell you right now because I don't know all the details, but for sure you will hear from her soon and if you did like the the content were providing, we did really appreciate that. But from now on I think we are moving. I will be moving to something else a little bit.

Speaker 1:

So, as I was saying, right now I'm doing this podcast alone and I was thinking about maybe posting online if there is anyone that want to do that with me and we can share this podcast or whatever. Or I was thought about doing what I'm actually doing right now, which is just talking about it and let it roll out and figure out and see what will happen with that. So I'm not sure yet what I'm going to do. I will say that if there is anyone that is interested into joining as a co-host it doesn't matter if you are a man, lady, a lady boy, whatever we can do this podcast together. I'm I know I'm much, much better on on providing content, contact content sorry when I'm doing like, when I'm talking with someone else and not just by myself, and so, as I said, if anyone want to do that with me, just send me an email to mytaiwifepod at gmailcom. It's mytaiwifepod at gmailcom and we can see what we will do from that. Also, I want to thank uh pataya down under. I still don't know if I will be able to do the collaboration we talked about, because right now I'm feeling that, as I said before, I cannot provide you guys with a good content just by myself, because I don't think I'm interesting enough for that. You know, and I tried that before and I've seen the numbers and I know they're not not so good and well, I think I will use this, this, this particular episode, as a test. Actually, I want to see what is going on with the numbers when I'm doing that alone. So right now I want to talk with you about something that is not doesn't have anything to do, in my point of view, with thailand or pataya, or I want to talk with you about disappointment.

Speaker 1:

When I started this podcast with my wife Sunari, I really thought it's going to take off quickly and it did, actually, by the numbers, I know that people did really like her and liked the interaction between us and I thought for me, I thought it was actually pretty great, but, as I told you, she didn't want to continue with that and I totally respect that, and she fully supported what I did with Lada and she thought that it was interesting and gave me some few of her notes on what we should do and stuff like that, and that's great. And after, of course, I try to convince her to come join me again because I think there is nothing better than authentic content Wow, I'm really difficult with that word, so but I wasn't disappointed of her. I I felt that even before the emails I got from you guys, I felt that I'm actually disappointing myself, because when I first let Lada come to the podcast, I thought we were. It will help me focus on the subject that I did want to talk about, which is Thailand, pattaya, mongering in general and stuff like that. But I'm an open person and the conversation, conversation always drove us somewhere else, you know, and it is what it is, as they say.

Speaker 1:

But I, I, I actually don't think we, we, we made like a bad content content, wow. But I do think that it was very, very specific and he touched on very specific subject which aren't really relatable for the majority of our listeners. And you, you guys, did stick to it and you did kept on listening and it was really great and I know that inside you just hope we will talk about those subjects again and I know I let you down, guys, and I hope, even if I still don't know what I'm going to do with this podcast right now, I hope you guys are not disappointed with me too, something like that I still not sure what I'm going to do, but if I will find, I will quickly go back on doing what we did before, like at least a weekly episode. And of course, I still kept all the equipment that you guys helped us with and I'm sorry, jonathan we, I know from your email that it really hurt you that you did help us to get a new microphone and everything for her and it turned out that we just used it like two times and then we decided to stop doing that and doing the podcast together. I mean doing that and doing the podcast together.

Speaker 1:

I mean, and I I I really don't know what to do. So I think there like there are several options I can still talk about, like what's going on in pataya right now, because I still have all my connections there's there and I still read a lot online on what's going on, what is opening, what is closing, like any interesting stories that coming out from there. Yeah, I still get all that, but then it will make me just like a news podcast and I don't really don't. I don't really know if this is something that you would like to know, because there are like a lot of information about what's going on right now, at each and every moment, in Pattaya, and they are doing that, I think, much better than what I can do, because I don't have a feet on the ground right now. And also right now I have some difficult situation now to go to Thailand and to do like, maybe try to locate someone to do that with me or to find, like any good ideas for that.

Speaker 1:

Well, it's really difficult for me to talk about that, because I really hoped, like I was sure, that I can do the podcast and I was sure that it's going to take off, and things sometimes just don't work out as you want and things sometimes just don't work out as you want. And you know, when I started, like, some of my closest people thought that this is just a waste of time. You know, just like why are you doing that? For what? You're just wasting your money on the basic equipment that I bought and, like that, no one will listen to it. And I know there are certain things that I'm good at and certain certain fuck certain things that I'm not at and certain Fuck Certain things that I'm not good at. And I know that I can be An entertaining person, but I do need a partner for that, and Alone, it's kind of difficult for me Because I'm always stuck in my own thoughts, as I'm sure many of you guys can relate to, and I don't really know what to do.

Speaker 1:

Like you know, some people can do very good on their own on any. Anything like if it's about business and about school and about whatever they do, they can do alone. But I'm not that type of guy. I always work very well in duos, so like in teams. You know, sorry, and because of that I'm feeling a bit down that I cannot do that. But one thing I promise you guys and again, this is going for all of you that send me an email and contact, contact contacted me. Sorry, uh, yeah, you, you do deserve an update and I'm sorry for not letting you know what's going on.

Speaker 1:

I was actually embarrassed to tell you that right now. Like what can I say? Oh, yeah, now I'm doing that alone and I'm fucking bad at it, and please keep on listening. Come on, you know, in my eyes it was like I was devastated, not because of lada and that she decided to not continue doing that, and I was devastated because I know I'm not capable of sorry one second, capable of doing it on my own at least I think I'm not, and I know I'm repeating myself, but that's a really difficult subject for me to talk about.

Speaker 1:

That's a really difficult subject for me to talk about and, as I tell you, because of some personal stuff that I'm going through right now no-transcript and, to be honest, I just miss pataya, like when you're there, you know it's giving, it's always like refilling the batteries and give you, giving me at, really fun to be in and not stuck in wherever you are in your life, like, yeah, I cannot afford to move there right now, but it doesn't mean that we won't do that in the future. Me, me and Sunari, not especially to Pattaya, but still Not so far away from there. I will see what will happen with that. I am missing there. I really miss my friends over there you know who you are and and I'm missing the general environment.

Speaker 1:

As you know, right now in my own country everything is very weird, you know, because from one side, yeah, all the war that is going on and people on both sides that die every day I'm not not talking about that terrorist group that I don't want even to name, but I'm talking about innocent people that dies every day and it's making me sad and I really hope it would stop. But as long as I remember myself, like I was born in the first in the I think in the same year of the first Indy Fada, so I know about that a little bit. And, yeah, and when stuff like that happen, you just wish you were somewhere else and right now I cannot. So anyway, guys, I feel like I'm just mumbling around, so I will just stop now. I will try to give you an update as soon as I know what's going on. I hope it will be sooner than later. As soon as I know what's going on, I hope it will be sooner than later.

Speaker 1:

And yeah, again, if there is anyone that is interested In Doing this podcast with me, or if you guys have any ideas, what should I do From now on? Please let me know Just again. What should I do from now on? Please let me know just again. Contact me in mytaiwifepod at gmailcom. It's mytaiwifepod at gmailcom. And thank you everyone, thank you for listening and I promise you will hear from me very, very soon. Thank you, bye, bye.