My Thai Wife

Trans Athletes And Puberty Blockers, UNWOKE Discussion

March 02, 2024 My Thai Wife Season 1 Episode 20
Trans Athletes And Puberty Blockers, UNWOKE Discussion
My Thai Wife
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My Thai Wife
Trans Athletes And Puberty Blockers, UNWOKE Discussion
Mar 02, 2024 Season 1 Episode 20
My Thai Wife

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We're back, locking horns over the fiery debate that's captured the attention of sports enthusiasts and social justice advocates alike: Should transgender athletes compete in sports leagues that align with their gender identity? My co-host Lada and I don't hold back as we scrutinize the intricacies of physiological differences and the dire need for inclusivity in the athletic arena. With tensions running high, we grapple with the idea of LGBTQ+ exclusive leagues and strive to illuminate the often-misunderstood distinctions between gay, lesbian, and transgender athletes – all while keeping the conversation grounded in representation and acceptance.

The discussion takes a heartfelt turn when we navigate the colorful corridors of gender expression in youth, particularly within the school system. Remember the thrill and fear of expressing your true self for the first time? We pull at those threads, examining how dress codes can either quash or cultivate a student's burgeoning identity. From the empowering defiance of drag to the push for gender-neutral attire, our exchange champions the transformative influence of educational inclusivity on personal growth and academic success. Join us and witness the emergence of policies that celebrate every student's individuality.

As we wind down, the spotlight shifts to the urgent need for familial and educational support systems for LGBTQ+ youth. It's a deep dive into the contentious waters of puberty blockers, consent, and the role parents play in the gender identity exploration of their children. Finally, we transport you to the vivid landscapes of Thailand, sharing the unique challenges and cultural perspectives of transitioning in a society that weaves its own complex tapestry of acceptance and identity. From hormone treatments to transformative surgeries, the episode broadens the dialogue beyond the boundaries of the U.S., revealing the poignant realities of the transgender experience across the globe.

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We're back, locking horns over the fiery debate that's captured the attention of sports enthusiasts and social justice advocates alike: Should transgender athletes compete in sports leagues that align with their gender identity? My co-host Lada and I don't hold back as we scrutinize the intricacies of physiological differences and the dire need for inclusivity in the athletic arena. With tensions running high, we grapple with the idea of LGBTQ+ exclusive leagues and strive to illuminate the often-misunderstood distinctions between gay, lesbian, and transgender athletes – all while keeping the conversation grounded in representation and acceptance.

The discussion takes a heartfelt turn when we navigate the colorful corridors of gender expression in youth, particularly within the school system. Remember the thrill and fear of expressing your true self for the first time? We pull at those threads, examining how dress codes can either quash or cultivate a student's burgeoning identity. From the empowering defiance of drag to the push for gender-neutral attire, our exchange champions the transformative influence of educational inclusivity on personal growth and academic success. Join us and witness the emergence of policies that celebrate every student's individuality.

As we wind down, the spotlight shifts to the urgent need for familial and educational support systems for LGBTQ+ youth. It's a deep dive into the contentious waters of puberty blockers, consent, and the role parents play in the gender identity exploration of their children. Finally, we transport you to the vivid landscapes of Thailand, sharing the unique challenges and cultural perspectives of transitioning in a society that weaves its own complex tapestry of acceptance and identity. From hormone treatments to transformative surgeries, the episode broadens the dialogue beyond the boundaries of the U.S., revealing the poignant realities of the transgender experience across the globe.

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Speaker 2:

Hello everyone and welcome back to my Thai wife podcast. I'm Mike and Sadly I'm still doing this podcast without my lovely, lovely wife Sunari. But as always you can guess, lada is here. Hello, lada.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

How was your week? You okay, I'm great I heard you back in pocket and it's very hot down there, yeah it's crazy hot. Yeah, okay, first I want to start this episode. Everyone that listening to it can hear that we got a new microphone for Lada, so we want to thank our listener, jonathan, for donating Some money for us, so we buy this microphone. So I hope from now on it will be in much, much, much better quality. And thank you, jonathan. We really appreciate that, thank you.

Speaker 1:

Jonathan, you can be my future boyfriends.

Speaker 2:

So, jonathan, now you have a chance. You did your move, now you can do another move.

Speaker 1:

I need a bigger microphone.

Speaker 2:

I don't know what you mean. So any of you guys that Want to help us, maybe get for equipment or just keep us going, we would love if you just Support our channel by just donating to the, to the link that I post with the episode. It's cost from three to ten dollars every month. It's monthly subscription and you can cancel anytime, so don't worry about that. But again, even like or share or any comment is helpful enough. You don't have to feel pressure to do that. So again, thank you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, thank you so much, I really appreciate it.

Speaker 2:

So we want to continue where we left off in our last episode. We have a little bit argument me and Lada yeah.

Speaker 2:

She was angry me because I was expressing my feelings about Trans sport. Now I want to explain that when I say transport, I don't mean that in a decorative way. I just mean that, as I told before, that I don't think that Trans people should compete with the sex they feel as, because I think there is a file Physiology difference between them. So that was my opinion and Lada's opinion is that. Can you repeat your opinion?

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So it's about like a many people says about like Don't want, about the tranquility to pray without the lady sport and also like, in my opinion, which is things about like a yeah, you have a man's spot, you have a lady's spot, but where the trans gender sport or the LGBTQ sport, we don't have any place to for us to be, to be, do like at the spot, like it, when we go to pray the spot with a man, they said, oh, you are fucking ladies or you're feminine, you look like a girls. But when we are praying with a girl sauce lady, they said, oh, you strong like a man. So, as my opinion is like when, where, where should we? Where should we stay or where is the place for that way to support for us?

Speaker 2:

and okay, yeah. So for me, I think that I Will tell you like that okay, let's say there is a trans league. Okay, let's say now we change the rules and we make a trans league. Okay. So I want to ask you a Trans lady and trans men should compete together also. What do you think?

Speaker 1:

first of all, we need like, I mean like the first step. We want like a spot for like the LGBTQ, not just only trans women, but for everyone you think yeah gay, gay Lady boys wait wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

Speaker 2:

I have to, I have to cut you. Here. You have professional Football players that are gay. You have professional football basketball players that are gay. Golf Football last year in Israel.

Speaker 1:

There is a referee, you know, referee soccer football.

Speaker 2:

This that control the game. Yeah, yeah trans, no problem. So gay people are represented a lot, and lesbians also, I guess, in their own sport. So I think we talking more about the trans community in general. Mm-hmm, I don't think we talking about the gay community or the lesbian community, for my opinion. You can tell me if I'm wrong. You think they are not represented in sports, right?

Speaker 1:

now I think it's a standpoint. It's like when we say it's like a gay, it thinks like maybe just a gay or the trans gender, but like in our I mean, I don't know, it's like what the art? We, I think, like the other country, called at the difference.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

For example, it's like our in Thailand. We can call it a gay, but I lady boy, so a transgender or whatever, but everyone's like from Europe called us like a gay, yeah, yeah to who? To the lady boys, yeah that was like you're gay because you, you, you have cocks because you have. So wait, let's. Let's this for one second, let's let us define for one second.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah something that me and you agree this not mean that.

Speaker 1:

I have a reason to us, I agree Just.

Speaker 2:

So let's say they are. First, we talk about lesbians. Yeah, those are ladies, right, mm-hmm that they feel like ladies? Yeah, but the sex they want to marry or have relationship with is also a female. So it's female with female. Yeah okay, now we talk about gays. Yeah gays are men. They call their self ma, themselves men's right, but they would like to date with men, so it's male with male.

Speaker 1:

We not calling ourselves like a man?

Speaker 2:

wait. And then there is trans people. Yeah, trans people it's. Let's say, you are born a man, but you know that you are a lady, so you change yourself to be a lady. You don't have to have any surgery, you don't have to do anything in order to do that, but because you identified yourself as a lady, as a female, so you are a female, right? So it's a very big difference between gay people and the trans people.

Speaker 1:

I think it's not different, like for my life, like I asked a lady boy, yeah, and oh yeah.

Speaker 1:

So it's like this I want to. Maybe this is a good question. That you asked me is because like to be like us, like to be I can say, like to be a transgender, maybe trans woman, mm-hmm, we start from a little boys. Yeah, a little boy grow up, maybe with a good environment, environment maybe bad, but we feel like we want to be a ladies, but because of the, the environment that we stay. I mean, it's about the family, about the friends or about the Provinces, or something trick over there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, all the environment young.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, all the environments that we grow up. Maybe they're not really allow us to To show what we are. Okay, yeah, sir, I can start with my opinions with with myself.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, your experience yeah when I was young.

Speaker 1:

I know myself in a what, very young that I want to be a ladies. Okay, yeah, I know myself, my grandma she know that, and you feel like a lady. I feel like that Perfect, yeah. And when I go to the market with my grandma's, I always like to see a woman's dress mm-hmm a woman dress like a like a little moment dress or something like very feminines or for little girls. Okay, I'm a boy, mm-hmm, yeah and I, but but on that time I don't know what, what, what I am.

Speaker 2:

So wait.

Speaker 1:

I just know that I, like, I Want to be a ladies, so I just hope you one second.

Speaker 2:

In the new terms that's mean that you were a boy that identified. Yeah, let's say you are a male that identified as a female, identify himself themselves.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you born can be, I brought like a boy, yeah, but you, you are a lady for yourself you are a lady, but I feel like I'm a lady so you show everyone a new talk, also in time. I cannot show everyone like that, but I know what myself. I know what I am, yes, but because, as I told you, so again, because of the family and also because, like, and my grandma have like seven kids. My mom is the oldest one, but another six people.

Speaker 1:

They don't want me to be like this, but when my mom passed away, so, but my grandma grow me up and she knows that who I am but, she cannot tell everyone that, oh, my baby is be like this, my baby is a gay, my baby is a lady boy, my baby is she not say anyone, but she know she understand me well, but not with another six people in my families. They don't want me to be like that. Even through they know that who I am. I'm just like a weak little boy. So we cry all the time and when I see a man I like to spend the time with like a ladies, but I like a man but, I have a lot of lady friends but you are interested in a man?

Speaker 1:

yeah, but your friends are ladies yeah, but I cannot show that things to everyone. You know, sometimes I need to hold my feelings. Sometimes I need to be like you're, to act like a boy like a normal one yeah there is a big difference in Thai language for many other languages, western language.

Speaker 2:

When you talk with someone you are, you are identifying your sex. For example, if I want to say thank you in Thai, if I'm man I say Kho Pun Kap, but if I'm lady I say Kho Pun Ka yeah. I want to know with your friends you speak as a man or as a lady how you show yourself when you speak. You say Kap or Ka, this very interesting.

Speaker 1:

This one is another big topic. Also say I see now a day for myself. When I talk, you mean now, or you mean like throwback time when you was young when we was young. We are. I'm still have a short hair and I still like wear a boy dress so you say Kap, we say club. Yeah, even to. We want to say Kap mm-hmm and some people can say, huh, can? People can say, like just a middle you know not.

Speaker 1:

Kap, not club, but huh, yeah, something like that. But some, even through nowadays, some gay with like I can say, like your LGBTQ maybe, because sometimes like the LGBTQ plus, it's kind of like a very, very big words so we can cover every not a 100% that we can cover with how many sexuality is because we have a lot, yeah, so I call this one to LGBTQ plus. So some people can still like your like to wear a woman dress, mm-hmm, some people you can see like a drag queen or drag you mean close this.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, a man's like a all his body is a man, but when he have a show like a drag queen show, okay, he make up amazing. He make up incredible, he wears a woman dread and he perform like amazing, mm-hmm, like a lady. But when they go back to the normal life, this is like a kind of like a man, but some some where a man clothes but some where a woman clothes, puts a wig on, but some still wear like a me.

Speaker 1:

Those you know, it's like how they say sometimes like, yeah, some, how you feel today. Today you can wear woman dress, you can wear it, you can put the wigs on if you happy, and the other days you can be like a man. Okay, if you happy with that. No, no, no, no. It doesn't matter what you want to wear and some people are still, well, like a, look like a man, but very sexual. See a knit shirt. Yeah, very sensual yeah, very essential to be like that.

Speaker 1:

It's depend on. It's depend on where they are, it's depend on their family. It's depend on what make the happy okay yeah, so, and also like go back to the point yeah yeah, let's go back to the points, like when I was young. I'm a little boys, but I know myself that I want to be a little girls. Yeah, I want to wear a woman dress, but I cannot wear it because on that time throwback for 10 years, 20 years, 30 years before not really open yeah not really open like nowadays.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, sometimes like we need to care about what people looking at us as well, so I'm just like a little boy that want to be our a little ladies or a little girls. And then when I grow up a little bit, yeah. When I'm in the high school, yeah, I become more movement like a gay. Okay like a ladies. But, still have short hair, but sometimes I like to put the powder on my face.

Speaker 2:

I like a little bit makeup to look a little bit more feminine.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and sometimes I put like a gift or something like a, put on my hair like a kitty or something like that, like something cute for something cute something make us beautiful, or sometimes we can put like a eyelash or yeah, something and the school allow this. Some school allow, some school not allow.

Speaker 1:

This is what I want to talk also so I want all the school to allow About is like oh, if you are gay or if you are LGBT, oh, you want to wear like a some LGBT Q, we have a tomboy also. They don't want to wear a woman dress, they don't want to wear a woman costume. Yeah, to go to the school. Don't want to wear like a man and some gay or some lady boys or something like yeah, we want to wear a woman's, we don't want to wear like a man's.

Speaker 1:

So I want all this cool to open this, because the uniform, it's not that thing that can say like if you wear a man, a man uniform, or you wear a woman's uniform, you can learn in the class very well, the customer doesn't matter. The big point is what you do in the class, what we learn. Okay, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Agree with that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I don't want. I don't want the teacher or the people who like a top up from the teachers. You know in my country to control, like everyone, like you need to add it, you need to add it, you need to do.

Speaker 2:

In my country, when I young, yeah, even when I young, mm-hmm, there is a Gender gender neutral uniform. That mean yeah the only thing that you need to wear a shirt. Everyone wear same shirt. Everything else up to you, just shirt with school name you know it's great everything else. You want to wear Skirt, you can wear skirt. You want to wear whatever. Of course, you have to wear shoes also. Yeah, but just about shoes. But you want to wear high heel. Well, hi, no one care.

Speaker 1:

just the shirt need to be a For everyone the same, you know, yeah, and also it's not today like, yeah, the same point when I, when I'm in the school, the school not really open for the. Yeah, I'm lucky that my, my high school it's like a Open up more, so we can do like ours, can make some show, or they support us very well and I love my school but not.

Speaker 2:

You can make some show, they let you do like performance.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, every time when we have like Festival or something like to make like a big costume or something like in Thailand, we have many festival right in this festival or many big days. Yeah, we have some show. Like a mother day, like a father day, we're gonna do some show and we always the t-shirt is put us to be like the LGBTQ or the lady voice or gay. Yeah, yeah, to do like I show, to take care about the costumes, because we do this very well, mm-hmm, and also the decoration we do very well also. Yeah, I think the good things about our GBTQ or the lady boy is like we have like a very good imagination, very creative. Yeah, we very creative. Yeah, so we do these things like something that people don't know. It's like, oh, what the fuck it is, but we can make it happen and it's made perfectly and beautifully. Yeah, we create a colorful for the world. Yeah, more fun, small, beautiful, more interesting.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, more surprise, something like that. And yeah, when, yeah, I want to call out to like all the school, to let like all the girls or all the little boy to To be themselves, whatever the one gender gender neutral. Yeah, about the gender they can shoot what they want to wear, like a woman's or a man, they can shoot. You can open mine for them, okay, because like an, also another thing is like a big topic also it's a hair.

Speaker 2:

So, wait, wait wait, wait, wait before you continue. Yeah, this is a good topic and I tell you why. Yeah, two weeks ago we got a comment on three episodes ago From someone that already commented to us many times. Yeah, you remember he have.

Speaker 2:

They live in California, he has a gender wife, yeah he said If Lada can change like three or four rules in Thailand, let's say now she, she will be the prime minister. Yeah, what five rules you change for help the LGBTQ community? Not only that, he want to know in general, what five rules you change.

Speaker 1:

So number one. You say about uniform. Right, yeah, I start from the school. Okay, about the education.

Speaker 2:

So this number one.

Speaker 1:

I think number one is the family first.

Speaker 2:

Okay, yeah.

Speaker 1:

If you have like a, if you have a little boys or little girls like your son or your daughters that don't want to be whatever that you're dreaming for, like when you get a boy and you want a boy to be a man. But if that little boy you want to be a gay or you want to be a trans woman in the future, I want them to open mine.

Speaker 1:

Okay and also, if you have a girl and she don't want to be like a girl, she want to be like a tomboy or whatever. Whatever that you need to do for all the parents, I need the parent to support them.

Speaker 2:

Okay and don't force it to be like this. You mean support them by law.

Speaker 1:

No, by exception.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but that the law will force the parents to accept them.

Speaker 1:

I think Sometimes the law is good when you live in the, in the normal life, right, I mean when you get out from the house. But the most important thing is you start in the house. Okay, yeah, if you get like a Respect or exception from the family first, I think it's the best thing to start everything.

Speaker 2:

So what law you make about this? Yeah, what, what, what you say about the law?

Speaker 1:

I want like a.

Speaker 2:

Like if someone not accept their children, government take their children away from them. You won't take this.

Speaker 1:

No, I think this is not good also this is not good because, like we talked about, like the first thing, that maybe not just um, not only said like only a law, but I mean whatever I want to make to change.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I understand. So you want like all of them is the law is very trick, very Fixed things. Yeah, yeah, it's thick.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, very thick, but I want, I don't want you to stick like that strict, strict, sorry. Yeah, yeah, yeah it's okay, yeah, so start from the family first. Yeah, whatever you have with the kid, whatever they want to be, support them. Okay, yeah, support them, accept them and give them a love. Same, same. The other boys Don't be like. You know, it's like are all the LGBTQ, or Especially the lady boy. Most, many, many lady boy grow up like a like a, like a gay, like that, and maybe many times that daddy Hit on.

Speaker 1:

Okay, hurt with the feelings, yeah, yeah, with the violin in the family and it's a big problem. You know it's a big scar in her heart when she grow up. You know I think this one is not good, but I can see nowadays, I see it's on the social media, I see it's like on tiktok, on whatever's like. The family is more exception.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and they support yeah more accepting and they support this. It's really good. So the first thing, accepting exception or respect in the family first and support them, okay. And the second thing, when they go to the school, I want the school to support also, not just only the families, so can.

Speaker 2:

I ask you a question about this. There is a big controversy, controversy controversy, Sorry yeah that's right In america right now about the. They are giving a puberty, puberty blockers at a really, really young age yeah, like Eight or seven, like if someone you heard about that.

Speaker 2:

So let's say now you go in america, yeah, right, and you are seven years old, yeah, and you feel today you want to be like a lady. If you go to the school and you speak with someone, they not have to tell your parents and they can give you puberty blockers, what you know? What? These are videos, the pills at age of seven. This in America right now, and everyone say this is a very bad law, that fucking crazy, this is not good. Because why? Everyone say it's not good. They say, okay, let's set an age. Let's say maybe 16 or 14, an age that someone can already decide from themselves.

Speaker 1:

You know.

Speaker 2:

I think for my opinion that seven year old, six year old or eight year old it's too young to decide For my opinion. I want to know your opinion about that. You think that that's a good law that the school can give puberty pills, puberty blockers, for the Young children at that young age, without telling their parents?

Speaker 1:

That's crazy. I Think it doesn't matter, like maybe it's like people like to say, like when they are young they can control, they can do everything's, but you are for the exception from the parents, but you don't ask for the exception For that girl or for the boy, because sometimes the exception from the family it doesn't means like the girls or the little boy one. You understand.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, this is the point also, even through, the parents, allow the school to keep this one. No, no, the parents not allowed, the parents don't know. I mean, even through, if the parent around allows the school to keep this pu to your students, okay, but the children is doesn't accept things.

Speaker 2:

The children is no, they say no but you said no, you don't understand what I mean.

Speaker 1:

I understand because, like are you things like at the young generation or the, the little girls or the little boy is very small and don't very little, and maybe they don't know what they want to be, maybe they can't feel, but we are not confused. I know myself in a lot, very young, but we are not the fashions.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I accept that, but this is a very Subjective point what I mean, that this is your life. Yeah, you are not like someone else. Yeah, maybe someone else is Feeling different, maybe I'm not sure. Yeah, no, or maybe they get a peer pressure from their friends Maybe they, the two best friends, do this, so they feel, oh, maybe I need to do that as well.

Speaker 2:

You know, I, for my opinion, there is need to be an age Gap for that age limit, for that, let's say, I don't know which age, maybe we can decide together but, I, think Eight is very young age for decide something big like that in your opinion.

Speaker 1:

You think like the eight is matter.

Speaker 2:

It's like when you grow up, I think the brain is not developed enough To to understand to do that some no discuss is perfect, I think. Discuss is children. Even the age of four can already Explain their opinions and stuff like that. I don't mean this, but I think the brain of a young Child is not developed enough yet to know what is long-term Decisions. How can they affect their life?

Speaker 2:

For example okay if I'm very young and I, I think I don't want to have my arm, I cut my arm Okay, but maybe later. And they said, oh, but now I don't have arm, I cannot walk, you know, and these puberty blockers, you cannot go back after you take them. That fuck you know, you change all your body?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because our, in my opinion, the eight, it doesn't matter, even through M25 years old or M30 years old. I don't want to take any pills. I want to find myself by myself. Sometimes I can be lady sometimes. If I, for example, right now I'm a lady, boys right, I want to have boobs. I want to like a, do a surgery, maybe the book first, but when it grow up, maybe I'm 40, now 35. When I'm 40, if I want to be a man, I can take the move off, okay, and be back to the man. I think Everyone have the rights on them.

Speaker 2:

Body, yeah but if my right on my body say I want to take this pill.

Speaker 1:

But if you really want to take those things is your choice.

Speaker 2:

Okay, at what age? Yeah, at what age I can decide.

Speaker 1:

What age you can decide.

Speaker 2:

Any five. So you think like age five is good age to start to take in this are.

Speaker 1:

Maybe it's too young. Okay, yeah, I just want to young to be thinking. Say what we really are.

Speaker 2:

Maybe we still confuse so what they want to be appropriate.

Speaker 1:

I Think it's maybe 18.

Speaker 2:

I think 18 is too late, for example, I know, for me if you have me In my country.

Speaker 1:

I don't know in other countries, I just talk about my experience at age of 16, you can already have a driving license.

Speaker 2:

Hmm, okay.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so.

Speaker 2:

I think age 16 is good age for decide for yourself if you want to take those pills or not. 16 I think your brain is already developed enough.

Speaker 1:

In my opinion, 16, we are still young.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so we are not agreeing on any subject.

Speaker 1:

Because, for example, 16, we still be like in the school before high school, before high school, but things like, people learn more things when we go to high school. So, I think STN is good.

Speaker 2:

So you think that the law in America?

Speaker 1:

But the things that I know is like support this puke because if you take it, if you take it so you cannot go back to whatever you want before you can't fuck up your system.

Speaker 2:

It's hormones.

Speaker 1:

So I know for me, I don't support, I don't want to stand with this puke. I don't want to stand with the people who want to give this puke to the people. There are so many things that we can discard for the life, not just only for this. But I think people have the right to shoot whatever they want to be. So I don't support with this puke. Maybe the time that some people want to take that puke, maybe they can't feel it, maybe all the environments, like families or the friends or the people around them, tell them oh, you need to take it. You need to take it because it's good, because maybe you confuse, but sometimes they're not like. Some people can decide everything by themselves.

Speaker 1:

But, some people. They listen to a lot of people too much.

Speaker 2:

As I said before, peer pressure.

Speaker 1:

So I think I don't support this puke, no matter any age. I don't support this. This is crazy for you.

Speaker 2:

So you never heard about this?

Speaker 1:

No, I never heard about this.

Speaker 2:

It's fucking big. In America right now there is a very big problem because half of the country say we support that. We think if someone wants to change their sex at whatever age, they can do. But the other country said that no, this is not appropriate age. If you want to do that, you have to do that later. By the way, they say like 14, if I'm not mistaken this. I don't remember 14 or 15. But they say around this age they want to start to give If someone wants.

Speaker 2:

So it's very crazy that in a country like Thailand and now I'm talking to a Thai person, that is, a lady boy. And she thinks that it's too much at too young age. So I think that the general idea of this topic is still very controversial. I think no one still know what we really need to do in order to be helpful.

Speaker 1:

In my opinion that's, as I said, maybe like 6, 7 years old. She's too young, but for me age it's like we can decide whatever we want to be.

Speaker 2:

Yeah but they automatically give. Let's say you go to your teacher when you're 8. Let's say 12. You go to your teacher. Your teacher come to you, say wait, you're a man or lady. I'm a lady, okay, you can take these pills. The teacher have the pills to give to the children. That's bad.

Speaker 1:

So because I sometimes the teacher give for them and then the kids just can't feel what they want to be and then most of the kids they listen to the teacher. So when the teacher said, this is bad, this is not you, you're not an LGBTQ, you should be a man. And then the teacher give for them and some family they support their baby to be like that, you understand, and the teacher give for the kid without any exception from the families. That's fucking crazy.

Speaker 2:

The teacher is not allowed to tell the parents.

Speaker 1:

That's crazy, yeah, so you see.

Speaker 2:

First we talk about the law you want to change in Thailand but, you want to change, but not as much.

Speaker 1:

You think have to find some middle ground, yeah, middle, maybe it's like we can do more after 10 years. Now we want to start in the middle, go back, go back to the first point.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm so sorry but I think this is very good, yeah, very good, very good.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I like to talk with this one also. So the first of all, like I talk about myself. Yeah, first I'm a little boy that I want to be a lady boys, but not finish with the lady boys, I want to be a trans woman. Okay, you see what the step? A boy want to be a girls because they like a girl stuff and they want to. They like a man also, they like a boy friend yeah.

Speaker 1:

And for myself when I was young, I'm a little boys. And then the next step, when they grow up a little bit, I shan't be a gay. Okay, yeah, people call me as a gay or in Thailand we call katoi katoi katoi. It's like a boy that want to be like a girl, Okay yeah katoi, katoi, something like that. I hate these words. Yeah, this not good word, not good word.

Speaker 2:

This is decorative. This means something like that.

Speaker 1:

This is the words that I heard in the West Young's like, when a man is bullied to me oh, you're katoi, you're katoi, you're katoi. You do see, you're katoi. It's like a very negative word.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, decorative Okay.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so it's like and then it's not to be a gay Like, I still wear a man costume a man clothes.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, but my heart, but my heart I want to be a ladies but because of like the environment, this, maybe the school or whatever that I cause, like all at work, I cannot wear a woman dress. Yeah, I still be a gay. I like a man. And after that, when I grow up, when I'm 24, I think 24, after I finish the fucking army, yeah, the army is not really.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I told you about this stuff before.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, if you listen about our podcast, yeah, it means that you need to.

Speaker 2:

She was the army Interesting about this thing.

Speaker 1:

You need to go back to our podcast and then listen about this stuff.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's in the second episode that I did with Lada.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, After 23 years old, after I finish the fucking army. Yeah, I don't tell you how many men I have in there.

Speaker 2:

You told you forget, but you told in the podcast how many.

Speaker 1:

And then and then, after I finish, I put my lips on, I put the red lipstick on, yeah, a lipstick on a red lipstick on, I wear a pink wigs and I wear a woman dress.

Speaker 2:

You see, how shams.

Speaker 1:

Step by step, yeah, so, and after that, I become Lady Boy. Okay, maybe not a 100% of Lady Boy, because Lady Boy sometimes they do things like the words that Lady Boy it's like I should have a book first. Like I have a book but I still have a cock. For have a breast but still have a cock, yeah, okay, yeah, that's what we call Lady Boy, right, but if I still have, I still have no book, right, but I still be Lady Boy. Some people can call me gay, but I don't like the people to call me gay because I am not like I wear a woman dress, I do make up one hour, two hours, but then you call me a gay.

Speaker 2:

No, by the way, guys, if you send money, this go to her boobs, don't forget.

Speaker 1:

So I will become 100% of Lady Boy. Yeah, yeah, and then the Lady Boy is kind of like a lady's gay with the boobs. Like we become kind of like a Lady Boy.

Speaker 2:

Something in the middle, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Something in the middle. So you see the first step. And then, if I'm the Lady Boy, I still I have boobs, but I still have cock, but I want to cut my cock off. Okay, so when I have pussy I become trans woman, I become transgender. So you see how many steps I've had.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

A boy, a gay, a lady boy, send in trans woman.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

This is your transition. Yes, this is most of Lady, this is most of trans woman In Thailand. In Thailand, yeah, become, yeah, yeah, maybe not just only in Thailand and not the country as well If I will continue to tell you someday.

Speaker 2:

I don't want to talk about this, but what is going on in America right now? You will be shocked. They do the chop chop American are way fucking crazy. 14 years old, you can cut. I think it's good, 14 years old. Yes, Cut cock.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, if you want to be 14. That's better. You know, I want to cut this thing, since I was like 10 or 9 or maybe 11.

Speaker 2:

But this is your moneymaker. You make money out of this.

Speaker 1:

You know, like when most of the gay or most of the Lady boys are gay. I mean, it's like a gay who want to be a lady boy, yeah, and who want to be a trans woman.

Speaker 2:

They want to cut In the last step.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we take the pills, we take the Lady hormone pills when we are in the high school or maybe younger. We take this pill step by step, step by step, step by step, and when you finish high school, you become more feminine, you have very good skin, you don't have too much hair like a boy and you have like a small penis and you have like a beautiful long hair. Okay, yeah, because we take, we just preparing, yeah.

Speaker 2:

But you said, but five minutes ago you said high school is too young age for that.

Speaker 1:

Young age for that pill, but this is the pill they give, the hormones. I mean, like, how should I say I don't?

Speaker 2:

want to put you on the spot. Don't understand me. I don't want to say, haha, you said before different. I just want to understand. I want to understand what we are thinking about that, because as a straight man I cannot tell my opinion because I'm not part of this community.

Speaker 1:

But difference also, because like that pill is crazy and not what we shoot, but this thing we shoot, it's the same pill the puberty blockers is the same pill that the Lady hormones but you said, if we take this one, we cannot be a man, we cannot be like. No, you cannot be. Small boobs, little bit you. And after you take this pill you cannot back to be like. You cannot.

Speaker 2:

It's no, you can, but it's hurt everything down there, so maybe you cannot have children, you cannot have sperm. You know what I mean and it's so different pill this is so strong stronger. It's stronger than what, yeah stronger and what we take.

Speaker 1:

This one, I told you. So we take a lady home on, step by step we have one pill that we call androquo okay, androquo is very strong pill, so when you take it you need to take like a four pieces from one.

Speaker 2:

I would like to. You can talk. I checking yeah and rock androquo wait one second yeah, it is a puberty blockers which kind they give. Let's say no okay androquo.

Speaker 1:

So I continues my things. Yeah, so we take androquo just a little bit pieces so it's Leopold and hysterical. This is what they give yeah it's one, it's one shot, and pill also, yeah, but we not take much so here they give 22 milligrams. Yeah, so we take a little bit of androquo. We take like in Thailand, we call ya come is our is a is a drows. That's like a when lady want, don't want to have a baby, mm-hmm yeah yeah. I don't know what English call.

Speaker 1:

So we take this thing together with this and some white to mean and some lady home on size, estrogen or something like that together, but step by step okay but some lady, some lady boy, they take too much also, so it can be like your blur or something, like something that too much is not good, okay, yeah, but but some people mostly we take step by step yeah so we take these things and also, like our, go back to the point that about the pill that you says in America I think it's wrong.

Speaker 1:

Good than what we take.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because this pill we still go back to a man anytime we want, but maybe your cock is not really hard, is take time to be grow up or maybe you need to take a man home on again okay if you want to go back, yeah, but this pill most of all about androquo and all the things that I I said, like the lady boy take to be preparing to be a trans woman mm-hmm yeah, it's make your cock smaller okay smaller and not getting hard. Some can get hard, but mostly not get hard and also like are you will be more feminine about the skin, about the hair, about the body. It's you can have like sometimes you can get a little bit boobs also okay, but not much, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So what what I says? It's like to become a trans woman. We come from a little boy, gay, lady boys and then trans woman. Right, but some people want to stop at a gay, some people want to stop at a lady boys and some people want to go on the way, want to be like her.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, all the way, yeah so it's very big community so I have to stop you right now we can. We came to the end of the time we have right now for this episode and we will continue this conversation yeah, yeah in the next episode okay, okay so thank you everyone for listening.

Speaker 2:

I hope you enjoy. Please don't angry me and ladder for our opinions. We just people like you. We everyone have different opinions. Yeah, yeah, I hope we enrich your, your knowledge and not hurting it, and if someone is offended, we are not mean to be, yeah, to hurt anyone. Everyone is entitled for their own opinion and we would like to hear what's your opinion even true in Thailand.

Speaker 1:

We cannot say it's like we are the same story, because I depend on the family as well, yeah, depend on the person as well. So we have like a lot of sorry about this you want to say something to? Our listeners. What should I say?

Speaker 2:

maybe you can keep saying okay, she want to say that. Thank you for listening, yeah yeah and we will hear you in the net. We will. You will hear us on our next episode. Thank you everyone, bye, bye bye, bye.

Gender Identity in Sports Debate
Gender Expression and Acceptance in Schools
Changing Rules to Support LGBTQ Community
Transitioning to Transgender in Thailand