My Thai Wife

Tips For Dating A Bar Girl - Ladyboy Lada Edition

February 04, 2024 My Thai Wife Season 1 Episode 15
Tips For Dating A Bar Girl - Ladyboy Lada Edition
My Thai Wife
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My Thai Wife
Tips For Dating A Bar Girl - Ladyboy Lada Edition
Feb 04, 2024 Season 1 Episode 15
My Thai Wife

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Hey guys, Mike here Again, this is the last episode with bad quality audio, because thanks to your donations we were able to purchase new recording equipment to Lada, so from now on the sound quality should improve drastically.... 
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Hey guys, Mike here Again, this is the last episode with bad quality audio, because thanks to your donations we were able to purchase new recording equipment to Lada, so from now on the sound quality should improve drastically.... 
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Speaker 1:

Hello everyone and welcome back to my Thai wife podcast. I'm Mike and I'm here with Lada again. Hello Lada.

Speaker 2:

Hello, hello. Hello from the sun.

Speaker 1:

From where? Hello, from where.

Speaker 2:

Hello from Thailand.

Speaker 1:

Oh, from Thailand I hear something else. I hear hello from the sun. I think how she can go there.

Speaker 2:

Hello from the other side of the world. Yeah, hello, it's me.

Speaker 1:

How was your week? Okay, we are doing well, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Now we are starting recording two times every week, so it will be a little bit more content for you guys. So we hope you like that and we will upload, I think, every Monday and Tuesday. I think we will do that. So make sure you look for new episodes, two every week. We will see if that's going good. We will keep that on, okay. So in this episode I want to review something we did before. I did an episode before that used to called it. It's called should you date a Thai bar girl, but I think it doesn't mean it matter if it's just a lady or a lady boy. Should you date someone that walk in a bar? Right, do you have any opinion about this?

Speaker 2:

before I start reading to you, To the death some people today with like a bag right Bar girl or by a lady boy that walk in the business.

Speaker 1:

You know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think it's kind of like for a man who looking for love in this city. I mean, it's like in Phuket, especially in Bang La, we have a thousand of a bar and also we have like 10,000 of the bar girls. So I think in front, if you want to date with a bar girl, you need to understand her job.

Speaker 1:

So what is their job? Because she's a sex worker.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because she works in the bar, she needs to surround herself with a dozen guys or a hundred guys or 10 guys in several times. She needs to be entertained, all the guys. And because of that, when they want to date with a bar girl or the lady boy like at the people who work in the sex worker or who work like in the nightlight city, like this they are very jealous. They don't want their girl to be surrounded herself with some boys. I think this thing is crazy. I know I love it. She works in the bar. She needs to be around with a man. You need to understand her job.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, this is her job Exactly.

Speaker 2:

If you need to understand her job, you need to respect whatever she does for the money. Yeah, maybe she did things with the other men, maybe she drank with the other men, maybe she goes back home with the other men. But first, for the first relationship, you need to understand her and you think you want a new relationship with this girl and you want her to stop working. You need to work with her directly and also like drag your life with her. Can you stop this job? Can you find another job? And I will support you, stop. And also with something you need yeah, it can happen as well, but I can say it's really difficult.

Speaker 1:

You think it's more difficult dating someone that works in this industry Like, or dating some like. What is more difficult Dating someone that works in a bar or dating someone that works in a shopping center or something like that?

Speaker 2:

I think it's more easy if you're looking for a girlfriend in the normal, like in the shopping mall or in a normal shop, in the office or in the pub or whatever like that. I think it's more because, like most of the girls want more relationships with some men. Yeah, I want to have like a foreigner boyfriend, but the lady in the bar also wants, we also want a true love opportunity. It's not easy to find, but look in the real life, what kind of man wants about the lady in the bar or lady boy in the bar to become his wife? It's really small percent, really little percent. Because you sleep with a thousand guys. Oh, you don't want a real relationship, you want just only money from me. Yeah, you know most of the men like that and when you become to love her to the girl, you bram her. Why this bitch wants to leave my money. I'm not the ATM, I'm not a bank. Why she wants only money, why she wants to leave my money.

Speaker 1:

Can you speak a little bit closer to the microphone please? Yeah, that's perfect.

Speaker 2:

I mean some men is really breaking apart my friends or the people who work in the city like her oh bitch, you are really back. You're looking for money, you're looking for love. You know, you're looking for the love that the lady come for work. You understand, yeah, most of the bar girls. She come for work. You're looking for money, you're looking for love. But there are some girls that look for love as well, but she knows what is her job and what's either situation. It's like I told you, like the last episode, like I told you.

Speaker 2:

The men come to this city and 99 percent of the men who come in this city they come for sex and party. They're not looking for love. Some they can tell us, like a very beautiful words, like oh, lada, I love you, you're so fucking beautiful, you are the most beautiful lady boy in the world that I have met before. I'm gonna do a piece of you, I'm gonna give you a better life, I'm gonna marry you with you. But in the end of the day, it's always be fucking Lada, kissing and crying and broken heart. You know, because I trust about the pretty words of a handsome man.

Speaker 1:

So you are saying that's bullshit.

Speaker 2:

basically Everything is bullshit, bullshit, but it doesn't mean like no, can't fight your, love him. They have some, but just very less percentage. But then also every bar girl also looking for the love and also most of the bar girl. They have family at home. I mean they divorce with her husband but they still have a baby to take care. So they don't know how to work and find a lot of money to take care of the parents and their kids. So they come to work in the bar. Yes, to find more money.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I also wrote about this, but I spoke about this, but I want to explain to you. I mean that there is a stigma. You know what means stigma, right? Stigma? What is that? Stigma means that someone, that many people think something bad about some group of people. So there is a stigma about Thai girls or ladyboys that walk in a bar that they're all fucking bad, very bad, not have heart, they not care, and I think that's bullshit. I think it depends on the people, but also you as a person, that looking for love, you have to be smart about something, about some. You have to make yourself some rules right In order to find real love, even if it's in a bar.

Speaker 2:

You know, like about my experience and also my friends. When we are here we have a thousand types of men around the world and some men just come here for half free. You can say a very good word, very pretty, when the lady says, like you know the tradition of men also. You also know when you go to the bar and you take the burger you need to pay bar fine and you need to give her money for her service. Most of the men they know. But there are some men that want to come here and then praying game and have sex with the girl for free and just give her a big call. So that's why I said we have the strong rule that not fall in love with your fucking customer, because today you can be, he can be your boyfriend, but tomorrow he shed the new girlfriend again, he can fuck around. You know we call the public husband.

Speaker 1:

Oh, the butterfly no.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the butterfly, or a public husband. So it's like a funny joke, like when I go with a friend say, oh, we like to show also. Oh, this is handsome man and he is my boyfriend. And then the other friend said, oh, he's public boyfriend Yesterday. I fuck last two days before he meet you, I fuck with him too.

Speaker 1:

So inside jokes in the bath right.

Speaker 2:

And I think it's very bad if you say, like the bar girl or the lady boy who work in the bar, or the sex worker, the prostitute or the people who work in the nightlight city, like this, they are very bad people, they are very bad girl. No, I think there are the most people who understand the other people very well, because most of them become from the poor family.

Speaker 1:

We come from the broken heart from a man.

Speaker 2:

And we come to here. We totally understand the other people feeling, but you need to understand her job and what she need to do. She need to find the money to take care of her family when you go to Dubai. Yes, she need your money for sure, Because it's her job.

Speaker 1:

So I write few rules for men that looking for to meet to find love in Thailand and I want to hear your thought about these rules. I will not read you the whole rule, I just read the sentence, the first sentence, for you understand what I mean. So, for example, the first rule was understand that you are not her first friend that she's seeing, right, so don't be jealous if there is like history behind her. If she met other friends before, right, this is her job. Same, she find you, she find someone before you, right? This is important to understand, yeah, okay. The second rule, which for me is the most important Try to avoid drug addicts. That I don't mean if she smoke weed or something like that, I mean Yaba, ice, stuff like that. I think it's. I don't say all, but many ties in general, not only tie people that work in bar using drugs, right, Okay, I mean also Yaba.

Speaker 2:

they also have some ladies to use about the drug and also the drug addict and alcohol addict. It's really difficult for myself also, because I don't like to drink, I don't smoke and also I don't use.

Speaker 1:

Can you speak a little bit more yeah. Microphone more yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean there's like a yeah, this kind of thing is in every most of the bar in here, and also all these places have the drugs, as for sure. And also it's really difficult for me as well, because I don't like to drink, I don't like to smoke and also I don't use drugs, but I need to spend my time and surrounding myself with these kind of people. I need to be careful as well. I know it's a lot of drugs, I know a lot of crazy thing that what the man doing, but I try to stay away from that and I don't like to use this. And I also know in the bar we also have like a girl or a bar maybe it's not, mostly not the bar girl, I mean the girl from the outside come to the bar and then when they like some guy, you can call the thief or get people right.

Speaker 1:

So when we are?

Speaker 2:

men. They use some drugs like maybe we call as arresting or sex rape you. When you put in the drink, they are mine or a man can be losing their mind and become like very easy to go to sleep with you, to go to have sex with you or maybe to go home with you. Maybe you end up with you run out of your sperm in the ball. Sometimes you wake up and you run out of all the money and all belonging you have.

Speaker 1:

I don't know what's better. I'm joking.

Speaker 2:

Of course, no one wants to lose all the belonging, or maybe it can be bought. Maybe it can be bought, you understand, yeah, so for me you need to be careful as well.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, for me, I think it's always better to avoid drug addicts.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, be careful. And also for the bar girl. It's really difficult, baby, because like she need to find the money to sending to baby. Sometimes she need to do something for her baby, for her kid as well, you understand.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

For example for me. Sometimes I don't like to go with the fucking old dirty man. Some old man is nice, but some old man is fucking dirty. He speaks very dirty things. She treat me very bad, but I have to go with him because I need the money.

Speaker 2:

And sometimes the girl, the girl become to be a drug addict or become to try something because of some man in white. For example, when I go with some man, some man tell me just do it, just try it, enjoy with me, enjoy the time with me. I said no and he said if I don't do it, I give you only 2000. But in fact we talked about like 5000.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so sometimes, sometimes you need to do for the money, you know, yeah, but I think if you are looking for love, better stay away from people that use. I say that for the girls also, if you know the customer is using drugs and you are not using drugs, stay away from him. That doesn't worth it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because, like the people who added in the drug and something like alcoholic, the most thing that they think is about the drug and alcohol you know is not about love.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's true. And another thing I wrote that if someone steal from you one time, they will do again. So if you find, if you find some bar girl or ladyboy, let's say just bar walkers, we call them okay and you bring them home and you know they steal from you. Don't meet them again. They will do that again, 100%. Also, don't fight with them. Just go to the bar owner or the mama sang and tell them you will get your money back.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because, like there are many, many people get and also the people on the street and also in the back area. Sometimes they have like a teamwork and we can treat those this and can steal all the longing even the site, even only one night, and also it's like you know, like they have. I have some friends and they come from Australia. They look like more than 100,000. Yeah, that's a lot of money. But from the girl on the train and also the girl in the bar she come like two, three years. He happy, he feel like him With the money he drink, he buy, drink her, he give her a big tip and he feel like a king. But when he wake up in the morning he become a homeless.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but not all of the. I want to make sure this is only 5% of the people, not everyone doing that yeah yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Because, like you know, if the girl who work in the bar we not doing this Because we know if we doing this the men know where I work, where we work Easy to find you, the men come up and say and find us. So mostly the tip to be like this they not really work in the bar. They may be in the bar for a drink and for looking for a man, who are very drunk.

Speaker 1:

You understand. Yeah, this is a good way to find them.

Speaker 2:

They know how to make a man horny. You know she know how to treat the man. But and she know how to steal the money. Yeah, and also a man that I always tell my friend, my foreigner friend. Sometimes he know this lady steal his money, but he said maybe she have some, maybe she have some some reason to do this. Yes, every girl, we have reason. Yeah, maybe she want to take care of the family as well, but that's not good. You need to do something.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

You need to do something. And sometimes he said it's okay, she's, you know, he's still money, so I'm not going with her again. But he not do anything, he not telling police and this kind of people we do again to the customer or to the foreigner.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I say maybe better not to talk with police. Just go to the mama song. Or if bar owner you know him, go talk with the bar owner, they will fix this problem for you and they will kick her out yes, and then they can check on.

Speaker 2:

they can check on CCTV, or maybe they know this lady well, or she come every day. Yeah you will get the money back because the bar owner and the mama song don't want to lose the regular customer or the foreigner for her shop. Don't have, don't want to have the problem.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the next thing I wrote. I think it's interesting, I think you are going to love it. This a little bit long, but I think you like it. Try to try to use your brain, not your cock, when you feel that you begin to fall. Wait, yeah.

Speaker 1:

You can keep going Whenever you feel that you begin to fall in love with a Thai person that you met recently. Stop and think if they are really good for you. It doesn't matter how beautiful they are or how good they are in bed. Try to think if they are going to be a good partner. What do you think about that?

Speaker 2:

I think you need to take time and spend time with her. If you like her, really like her, or you want to spend the time with her, maybe you can bar find her for four or five days and spend time together to learn more who she is and to be. I think the best way to learn to know each other is spend time together. So you will see after five days she always giving talks about the money. She want that thing, she want that thing and then you can see yeah, this is a bar girl, it's not a gold digger. Maybe you can call her a gold digger, like you want, just only money. But I think it's about the things that you need to call her. This is sex worker or this is about the girl who is into work more than relationship.

Speaker 1:

So how can you know?

Speaker 2:

You can frame her because you know where you get her from from the bar. You need to understand.

Speaker 1:

Yes, but I mean, even lady from bar is okay to love them. I don't think it's wrong, but I think you have to.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's nothing wrong, because sometimes you can have the relationship with the bar and many men have the wife from the bar as well.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yeah, so I think. But you take your time to learn and also say I want to give like some big tip, some big trick, like a very important trick. When you come to this city or the city that have a lot of sex worker or the party or the bar or the club, don't put so much money in your bag. You need to put your target, like how much money you want to spend today, and then maybe 2000, 3000. You just put in the bag and then after finish, it's finished. And don't take, like the girl to go to the ATM machine with you. Be careful, she can watch about the passwords and then she can steal the things. And when you take the girl to the rooms, you need to put all belonging in the safety box and make sure she not see it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's also.

Speaker 2:

Because sometimes money can change people. Sometimes the girl don't want to steal, but when she see tons of money is on the table she feel like, oh my God, you need to work 10 days for this money. Sometimes they can change, you know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so Don't put your brain in general.

Speaker 2:

And also you say use your brain more than call. But everything in BCP the men use the call more than brain.

Speaker 1:

You sure, I think the ladyboss use the call more than the men there.

Speaker 2:

Also me.

Speaker 1:

This, okay, this I will pass this one. Okay, I say this If she still walk in the bar, you are not her boyfriend, you are her customers. You are her customer If you want to be her boyfriend, you have to take her out of the bar.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know the most important thing if you want to fall in love with the bar girl and if you really want to see real relationship with her or grow up with other family with her, get her from that fucking hell.

Speaker 2:

Take her out and try to find the shop for her. Or give her as much as possible or just give her some money. Can open some internet to give her like a small shop to sell in silent shop or take your key free. Find the best way for her. Show her the better way of life. Show her the better that you can do for her. Show her how you care and how you can get off her. Show her the opportunity for the next step of the life.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know, I meet before many friends tell me oh, yeah, yeah, I have my girlfriend. She walk in this bar. I tell them you sure this your girlfriend? You say, yes, this my girlfriend. I say, if you are not in Thailand right now you think I cannot go with her. Then they fucking angry with me. But this true if she walk in the bar, she walk in the bar, you are a customer.

Speaker 2:

Yeah you are just fucking customer. Maybe we VIP customer.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, vip, but not more than that. Okay, next thing, Okay, this, we talk about this. What do you think about people that like, let's say, someone is 60 or 70 years old and they go out with 20 years old. What do you think about that?

Speaker 2:

Oh, I think it's me, sorry, I think that it's me in, like after 30 years.

Speaker 1:

You will find someone young for you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's my dream. Think about when I have no cheese, but I can still suck it.

Speaker 1:

I mean something else.

Speaker 2:

I mean something else.

Speaker 1:

I mean, you think a good relationship can come from this, like real love, or you think normally better to find someone near your age.

Speaker 2:

I think it's very similar. It's very Look alike. Lady boy and a boy. It's the same damn thing. Yeah, maybe that have some I don't mean 100%, maybe they have some that the boy is really fall in love with the old woman or they really love each other because they very care each other. They spend many times together, they learn each other more and they love each other from inside, not from outside. You understand. They have been through with so many problems together or they actually held him to many times. Yes, but he can't be fired?

Speaker 1:

Yes, but I mean, if you have to bet, have two options Men is 70 and ladies 20, and men is 40 and ladies 30 and you have to bet which relationship will stay longer, who you bet on.

Speaker 2:

I can. Maybe, if things for love is going to be the old lady, because the old lady already passed many times of her life and maybe she not looking for fun, looking for the long love relationship.

Speaker 1:

No, no both are older men and younger lady, but one is 50 years difference and the other one is just 5 years difference. Which relationship would be better?

Speaker 2:

You mean the age of the lady, right?

Speaker 1:

No, I mean age gap. This mean I think that if you want to find a good relationship, you cannot look someone very young, much younger than you If you want to find real good relationship. For example, I don't think if I be 70, right and I find someone that is 20. I don't think I can make real relationship. But I think if I be 50 and I find someone that is 40 or 45, I think this is similar, so we can have good relationship because we are not too much far away from each other.

Speaker 2:

It can be. Yeah, maybe it's like about you looking for someone that are the age is similar you or a little bit younger or a little older than you. I think it's really good also, more than you choose, about a very young or a really big gap of the age, because sometimes the young girl or a young boy they didn't have the life occurrence, you know, sometimes they can think like a kid, understand, yeah, and sometimes they just think about like, what going to eat, what going to do today. They don't think about the future, yeah, so maybe they just think only day by day. They don't think about how to grow up the family, how to have like a better life, how to buy a house, how to buy a car, how to have like a stable of the life.

Speaker 1:

So you agree that maybe better is to find someone near your age, right, in order to find?

Speaker 2:

a good relationship. Yeah, yeah, I agree, I agree, but not 100%.

Speaker 1:

Not about you. I'm talking about normal people, not about crazy people like you that want to be 70 and find 20. I mean normal people.

Speaker 2:

I mean, maybe it's good that what I say is also about if you think about the love, maybe it's just about the gap you know, sometimes you think about like, oh, if I am a boy and maybe I want to be with the old girl Because the old lady helped me already, the old lady not fucking around, okay, but how old let's say I am 20 years old boy and I look for 70 year old lady Can be.

Speaker 1:

You think it's okay?

Speaker 2:

It's okay For me, I think, someone that it doesn't matter if you really love each other or maybe not love, but he thinks about the future. You know they have a lot. This is the truth. Maybe it's sad and funny things. Some young boy married with the old lady Big money and a wheel, you know, maybe he can do her for one year After that he died in. After one year he get the money and he get all the yeah, yeah yeah, but some, not all.

Speaker 2:

some guy is very nice guy. She take care his family very well and really love her. But the old lady also need to be things a lot as well to have a young boy boyfriend, because I think the old lady is not Same. Same the lady boy we not stupid the boy one. Of course we can see, of course, but sometimes we can see. But we have money, I have money, I have house, don't worry, I don't even know tomorrow I'm going to wake up or not, but how good if I get a young handsome man fucking my old pussy. I feel even I cannot come, but I feel good I die. I hope for you.

Speaker 1:

This is how you die. I hope for you this is how you die in the future, that's what my dream back, you know?

Speaker 2:

okay, then I spent 20,000 for his cock. No problem, because I have money enough.

Speaker 1:

You understand.

Speaker 2:

It means that you buy a happiness Some same same like some girl by a luxury brand name. Things like a bad, a one million bad. Yeah, you understand Louis Vuitton or something.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes you don't even know it.

Speaker 2:

You just want to show, you know, but you happy to show. Yeah, so it's not wrong, you happy as much as you happy.

Speaker 1:

You happy, but is it really your bag? You know what I mean. Is it really love?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and you need to understand when, someday, the man will leave you and then you need to be tried to come up to the bed by yourself. Is no man, no, any young man help you. You need to understand about this as well, because it's not about love, it's also about the money, exactly.

Speaker 1:

I move on to the next rule. This is not only for this, mostly for ladies, but can be also about lady boys, because we talking about family BMN, if you take care of her, take care of her children also or her family also. So let's say, someone meet a bar lady or lady boy and she have family or something like this and you take care very good about her, but you have to think about her family also, right, yeah?

Speaker 1:

So I think if I move to another country let's say, sunari have babies, she doesn't. If she had babies and she moved to Israel, same she did. Now, right, I think I want to bring her children also. I think this is very good for her and for them, and I think these people need to do also more. More because not many people do that. I know many people that kick out. They don't care about their children or about her family, they just care about her, and that's not good.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I totally understand about the. Maybe we grow up to from the, from the different side of the world and different culture.

Speaker 2:

I also have, like some foreign boyfriends. Sometimes he don't understand why, when he helped me, like he support me, sometimes like he sending money to me and why I need to send the money back to my family, my dad, and also paying for his room and also his medicine. Or why, because we grow up from the different side of the world and in your country sometimes, for example in Juro, when, when, like when the parent is old, they, and when, like a 60 years old, on their retired from the job, the government take care of them they have enough money for food.

Speaker 2:

They have enough money for room, for how. They have many, many benefiting. That you, that you're gonna get from the government, right, but in Thailand we have nothing. You get only 500 or 600 Thai bar from the government and it's very, very small. Money is not enough. And also our traditional the parent work very hard to send the kid to the school. Try to find the money to send the kid to the school and have a good food, good life. So when the kid is grow up and the parent is go, all order, order and all the children can it's our responsibility to take care of them, you understand yeah the foreigners.

Speaker 2:

Sometimes they don't understand, because they don't need to take care of their family and their parents don't need to take care and their parents don't don't don't want him to take care as well, because they have enough money for food for everything yeah, so looking for Thai girlfriend.

Speaker 2:

You need to understand our traditional and also our culture. We need to take care of the family. So if she argue to help her, for some money to send back to her family, please tell. Understand her, she only want money. She need to do responsibility, and really good, because she gonna do the same damn thing to your family too, and it's not just about your family or my family, it's our family exactly, but people forget that sometimes.

Speaker 1:

But especially for children, I have seen very bad things about this, like people think say, oh, if you bring your even, they buy house in Thailand. I don't want your children come here. This, my house no, this is very bad to do, yeah, but I hope that our listeners don't do that. If they find, if they do find- yeah, because I got.

Speaker 2:

When you love someone, it not just only for two percent. You need to care about the family as well. Yeah, that's right. Yeah, and also to win the bugger, her. You do this kind of thing. You care about our family. Maybe not much money that you send, but just some help she need you understand. For example, when I have some boyfriend, I this is for example when I have a boyfriend and when I have a big problem and I ask for can you help me for this? And he say no, and for another man that he said oh, lada, I don't have much money, but I'm gonna help you some, maybe 1000 to 1000. I can give you 5000. At least you can see, try to help you understand yeah another man that say no, understand that but,

Speaker 2:

some man say oh Lada, I cannot give you a big money, I cannot take care of you, but I can give you an opportunity. I can recommend you to my friend to do, indeed, to do, indeed. Maybe you can get some extra money for this a little job. Maybe you can help him to do this thing, this thing, or maybe I can help you for the visa so you can go to work in another country and get a better life. I want a man like this, you understand yeah, I understand that.

Speaker 1:

So I think this important for everyone that understand that normally the the ladies that come, ladies and ladyboys that come to this situation, they do that because they need money. Don't?

Speaker 2:

no one want to work that exactly so yeah, we want money for live, but sometimes we just only the money. We will the opportunity. We can work hard for that, of course, but I mean, I mean don't be shocked.

Speaker 1:

Don't be shocked that she help her family. She help her family by coming walk this walk. No one want to walk this. You know it's not fun for anyone.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yeah, you know to work, like you can go back to your countryside and tell everyone oh, I work in the bar, oh, I read a man for the money.

Speaker 2:

You cannot even tell your parents yeah so how like to try to handle this kind of things. You cannot tell anyone, just only a burger that become around. So we support each other and understand each other. Give other the cheerful or something that feeling better life. You know, but in depth really sometimes when you have problems. She will talk with the family. She need to handle that feeling by herself. She cannot tell her son, her daughter that all you know, mommy work like this to send you the money. She cannot tell anyone. And also, you know when she going to work in the bar she have very bad feeling or have a really bad day. He cannot act like she.

Speaker 1:

She are very bad feeling she cannot think and have to smile, entertain, yeah, yeah, it's very yeah she need to drink, boy, to dance.

Speaker 2:

You need to nothing, even behind of her life, from inside. Yeah, as you talk some lady boy, we need to work in the bar. She become a drug, she become a alcoholic because of her job. You need to drink every day. And you know why she needs to drink every day. Because the way you will get the money is the way that a man buy you a lady drink. For example, lady drink 200 bar. The shop give you only 50 bar or maybe 100 bar and she need to drink as much as she can to make money if she not do that, she's not making money.

Speaker 1:

That's the problem.

Speaker 2:

People not understand that yeah, and also sometimes she need to go to sleep with a man for extra money because some men don't want to buy her drink. But you want to have sex with her and also to get the money, more than sleeping and drinks a lot. You know, because when the shop get 50% or more than 80%, but if she take her to home, you give her 1000, she get 1000 she not get cut from the shop yeah so yeah, maybe the customer pay bar five okay be respectful for the people that work in the bars every career, every job have a value.

Speaker 2:

Repose. Have value every job have like a value. Um, have the you know, say. I think every job is, it's a good. Not, it doesn't mean like job is bad. Every job have value and everyone is value in themselves, even to the people who are trying to, to, to get about, like to come up in the middle of the day and text about the, the trash yeah, respect them also with me everyone oh my, you are discussing male so bad, male so bad. But without them, who gonna take care about the trash for yourself?

Speaker 2:

not you, of course, if you say this smelly, so you have to respect yeah yeah, sometime I buy a drink and sometimes I buy, like some, some cookie or something for them as well when I see them sometime.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but you are more nice than most of people, so this why you're doing that if everyone would do that. They'll be fucking happy all day. They will be fed because they eating cookies and drinking Coca-Cola all day, yeah, okay. So I think we need to say goodbye to our listeners for today I think it was a very interesting episode and, lada, say goodbye to them so bye, bye.

Speaker 2:

I hope you guys enjoyed without our cash and yeah, if you, yeah, if you want to comment some things and let us know what do you think and great days in your works, in life and also on your bed that's great.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, lada, and thank you to our listeners. We love you. Don't forget. If you can, please tell your friends about this podcast tell your friends about this podcast, like and subscribe. It's important to us. It will help us grow and see you next time. Bye, bye, yeah.

Dating Thai Bar Girls
Advice for Dealing With Bar Girls
Age Gap Relationships and Family Responsibilities
Goodbye and Thank You to Listeners