My Thai Wife

Ladyboy / Mistergirl

January 26, 2024 my thai wife Season 1 Episode 13
Ladyboy / Mistergirl
My Thai Wife
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My Thai Wife
Ladyboy / Mistergirl
Jan 26, 2024 Season 1 Episode 13
my thai wife

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As I, Mike, navigate the vivid streets of Patong Beach, my comrade Lada lights up the airwaves with her enchanting tales of life by the sea. Without my wife Sunari by my side, our latest podcast episode takes an unexpected turn into the wild adventures and kind-hearted endeavors of Lada. Her stories about the bustling tourist scene, her thrilling beach escapades, and her compassion for our four-legged friends paint a vibrant picture of our tropical paradise.

We then venture into the heart of personal identity, unravelling the threads of gender expression and the cultural significance of the term "tomboy." Lada and I weave through the personal narratives and societal challenges that come with breaking the mold of traditional gender roles. From the struggle for acceptance in the workplace to the profound choices surrounding one's physical transformation, this episode champions the courage to be true to oneself in the face of conformity.

Closing out, our conversation takes a sobering turn as we examine the stark realities of beauty standards and the recent outcry over a grave mishandling of a murder that happened recently . While celebrating the eclectic beauty around us, we also grapple with the harsher aspects of societal norms and their impacts on our community. We leave our listeners reflecting on the importance of informed discourse and the continuous support for animal welfare, promising to return with more heartfelt discussions that are sure to spark thought and emotion.

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As I, Mike, navigate the vivid streets of Patong Beach, my comrade Lada lights up the airwaves with her enchanting tales of life by the sea. Without my wife Sunari by my side, our latest podcast episode takes an unexpected turn into the wild adventures and kind-hearted endeavors of Lada. Her stories about the bustling tourist scene, her thrilling beach escapades, and her compassion for our four-legged friends paint a vibrant picture of our tropical paradise.

We then venture into the heart of personal identity, unravelling the threads of gender expression and the cultural significance of the term "tomboy." Lada and I weave through the personal narratives and societal challenges that come with breaking the mold of traditional gender roles. From the struggle for acceptance in the workplace to the profound choices surrounding one's physical transformation, this episode champions the courage to be true to oneself in the face of conformity.

Closing out, our conversation takes a sobering turn as we examine the stark realities of beauty standards and the recent outcry over a grave mishandling of a murder that happened recently . While celebrating the eclectic beauty around us, we also grapple with the harsher aspects of societal norms and their impacts on our community. We leave our listeners reflecting on the importance of informed discourse and the continuous support for animal welfare, promising to return with more heartfelt discussions that are sure to spark thought and emotion.

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Speaker 1:

Hello everyone and welcome back to my Thai wife podcast. I'm Mike and sadly I'm still doing this without my lovely, lovely wife, sunari. But again, as always, we have Lada here with us. Hello Lada, how are you?

Speaker 2:

Hi guys, how are you doing? Lada is back.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, lada is back. I'm doing very good. You okay. How was your week? We haven't spoke for a while.

Speaker 2:

I'm great. Yeah, I have a really nice week.

Speaker 1:

Something interesting or just like you.

Speaker 2:

Thank you for asking. We have a little bit more tourists here and they have so many or many big ships like a Yos, like a Titanic, something like that, the big one and part of our Apatong beach, like a two, three, two, three of this. Yeah, almost everything.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, where are they from?

Speaker 2:

So yeah, it's good because I can see there's a lot of more tourists and, yeah, lots of handsome men throughout, and when I go to the beach, I have like a thousand cocks laid out on the beach and, yeah, it makes me happy.

Speaker 1:

I'm glad that the simple things in life make you happy. Where are the tourists from? Where are they coming from?

Speaker 2:

I think mostly still be Asian, yeah, but I can see that there's some Kazakhstan and friends just like a friend, but not really original friend. I cannot. I don't know how to call. They look like Arabic guys, but they speak French. Okay okay, and their skin is tan, skin like a red and brown, so Middle.

Speaker 2:

East, they look like Arabic, but they're kind of handsome. Yeah, I like this is your style. Yeah, but the only one thing that I hate them they like to wear, they like to sit on the big bike like a big motorbike and then driving like 10 guys, 20 guys, all over the road and then they like to show. They like to show the people how cool they is. So they drive so far, they speaking so loud, they do really fun. They don't even scare about the police because they have money to pay.

Speaker 1:

So I think the police also happy when they come now. The police can make a lot of money yeah.

Speaker 2:

I think the police happy because police can make a lot of money because they break the rule every day. This time, man.

Speaker 1:

But as long they respectful for others and they not hurt someone else, I think that's okay. Yeah, yeah, okay, and you did anything interesting this week. You go some party or some something, or you just walk at the bar and just that.

Speaker 2:

Mostly, I go to the beach, as I tell you, for looking for a big one. When they go, I have a look. First I focus on there on the beach, and I focus on some and, wow, you're gonna have the biggest cock on the beach today. Then I start walking around. It's not you.

Speaker 1:

You're not the biggest one there. You're not the biggest one there.

Speaker 2:

I got it yes.

Speaker 1:

No, I said you are not the biggest one.

Speaker 2:

Oh shit, no, I'm just a medium. Yeah, maybe a biggest one for the lady boy, but not the biggest one for same the other men's. Yeah, last few days I got like a really really big one. I almost died, yeah, but you're okay breathe, you can walk right I. Can walk, yes, but I can't breathe when they put our into my mouth. Oh, okay. Yeah, most I but yes, if I die I gotta be in the heaven or in the paradise, like I die with a big, huge cock in my mouth.

Speaker 1:

I die happily, I think. I think the podcast, the production need to make insurance for your life. So if you die from this, please you get your family, get money.

Speaker 2:

Yes, please.

Speaker 1:

I think my family.

Speaker 2:

My family will say, oh okay, they have the money for living. Because I like to be like this, I need to to fireside something interesting in there to speak in the podcast.

Speaker 1:

I need to find some, a huge one, even you know and my life is kind of like a risky even if you not speak about sex, I think have many things very interesting to talk about, not have to talk only about that. You know, yeah, it's funny and all, but I think you're intelligent person and we have many, many, many things to talk about.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and you guys, you want to know anything, any other things or something else, and you can ask me and you can give our. You comment on below. But yeah, I can tell you, the most thing that I love in this world is about sex. I think all the lady boy also sent me. We love sex, we want to be this.

Speaker 1:

I Think you also like food, not only that, and I think you love your family and I think you have your friends. Don't put all your eggs.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I love food so much. I love to cooking and also I love the animal. You know it's every week I got to feed the straight ox and straight cat. I love it.

Speaker 1:

Okay, it's not dangerous. They don't the dogs they're not have like rabies, that the disease.

Speaker 2:

No, I think the dogs mostly the dog that live in the city, maybe they used to have the owner before, but Because of the economy or maybe because of they don't have the money to buy them a food, so they leave it in the street. It's really really says about it. So most of the dog is very lovely and very friendly and they don't buy it. I Can see the dog will bite you when they have the babies and then you do so bad things about your bed, about them Baby, or you go nearby the baby. They don't know what you're gonna do with their babies.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but some dogs are also. They get rabies. You know the disease that they can give to people. You know what I'm talking about. Yeah, yeah, I know, and they this make them very aggressive. They can bite you. They're not thinking straight, you know.

Speaker 2:

Hmm, maybe because I keep them a food, so they know I was like when, when we give them a food it's not just only first time but often, so they can trust us and then they become for the food, at least when they say food they eating they don't like.

Speaker 1:

I Think if the podcast will be successful, one day I think we can make like a small foundation for stray dogs in Phuket. You know we give money.

Speaker 2:

Wow, that's gonna be a really great project. I I really like it. We can do that.

Speaker 1:

I want to do four cats, but because I'm a cat person, I prefer cats. But that's okay, we can do four dogs also. You know, before, before we started recording the podcast, I was speaking with my father and he asked me like. Who are you recording with? So explain. I have a friend from Thailand and she's a lady boy.

Speaker 1:

Then he asked me what is a lady boy? I say this is a. She was born a man but she's a lady. She want to be a lady. And he say and if have a lady want to lady, want to be a man, how do you call that? I say normally in Thailand they call tomboy. He say why, tomboy?

Speaker 2:

Why not call?

Speaker 1:

But he said Now they call it tomboy, but he want to know why not call it Mr, mr Late, how we say mr Girl, the opposite of lady boy is mr Girl.

Speaker 2:

I don't know, I don't know when, when, when the worst tomboy is come up, yeah, and I really don't know the meaning, but I know what. What, what's tomboy is.

Speaker 1:

No, you know, in my country, and I think in most of recent countries, tomboy have very different meaning. Tomboy is just a girl.

Speaker 2:

Maybe it can be like a for me can be lady boy, but maybe a tomboy can be boy lady.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but no, no. So my father say if lady, so we change for mr Right, and boy we change for girl, so Mr Girl. But I explained to him.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but you know, Mr Girl.

Speaker 1:

but you know, in many western countries when they say tomboy they mean something else. They mean like a lady that is Like to do something that men like to do Maybe you know, play sports or do something, or so she a little bit more have like men qualities, then they call tomboy but, I, know in Thailand, tomboy is in.

Speaker 2:

Yeah yeah, in Thailand we have a loss of tomboy as well. You know, yeah, I know many tomboy friends as well and also, as I told you say, I have one sister. I Can call like an ease or like a cousin, because, because my grandma have seven, because my grandma have seven kids, right, and my mom with the oldest one, okay, and I have one sister in this big family. When we was young, we like to pray like a fighter or a warrior, we like to fight like a man, you know and what. Whatever she like to do is she like to fight things, she like to carry a big bag, she like to show up like how she, how, how big she is, how, how strong she is, and we think, and she loves short hair. She don't like when her hair is grown up like a, like a girl. The other girl, she cut it out, mm-hmm, she won a short hair and and she very black skin it's like a very tense skin because she likes to go to hunting in the forest, she likes to go to the farm.

Speaker 1:

She don't care about. Like my skin and I think this, this my sister.

Speaker 2:

She is tomboy, but you know, the one thing that they can share her is now when we go to the city to find a work, because our to find a job when we graduate our school and then we need some job and then my, my, my uncle kind of like uncle, but I don't know what English call like you're, you're, you're your brother of your mom.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm brother.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, uncle, yeah, yeah, yeah. So he fight, he need to fight a job for these two girls because we have like a, two girls need a job. It's two of my sister, right, and one girl is very white and beautiful and the other girls is short hair and tan skin and she not even pretty. And then my uncle said, oh, if this girl, the white girl, can fight easy, I can call a. Oh, a can be easy to find a job, but B I don't think so, because you choose tan, you choose black and you look like a man. She very angry and she not get a job. And after that she take a pill, like she take time to take a pill for shine her skin. She grow up her hair to be very long hair. She do surgery, she do everything to make she very beautiful. Nowadays, in front we think she a tomboy, but nowadays she very fucking beautiful girls.

Speaker 1:

Okay, but, and she like men, right, she don't like ladies.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, she like a man, but before I think she like lady.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I understand.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, same my friend in the school. I think I think the last episode I told you about my friend in the school when we are in the school she have many girlfriends. She is tomboy, she have many girlfriends. She don't even talking with a man, she don't like a man and she always have many girlfriends, like a Casnova.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And she finish her, finish the school and feel you later when we saw each other again. She have three baby. She have husband.

Speaker 1:

What the fuck People can be in the middle. They don't have to choose just one kind. People can like both sides.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and also in Thailand we have like one kind of a famous lady boy. Maybe, she go to do some project and she become very well known from the people throughout right Because she do like a pageant beauty or something like that. And after she become a lady boy and after she surgery she have make a book right. She very beautiful and after that for few more year she cut it off and now she become a man. She said this is what I want right now. I think people can change, why not?

Speaker 1:

People can become.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, people can change and it doesn't matter that you are man, you are lady, you are lady boy, you are gay, you are trans woman. It depend what is make you happy and what you truly want, to what you really want to be, and this two year you can be lady boy. Maybe after two year you can become back for a man. Or maybe you can come back for a lady boy again after few year. It doesn't matter for me. I think I am actually happy.

Speaker 1:

It's okay. Yeah, I agree with you 100%, but the problem is that some surgeries you cannot go back, you know.

Speaker 2:

Yes, If you make booby okay, easy to take out. But if you cut something, that's why I think about I'm not gonna cut it off.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but you know many I don't know how much, I don't know about the numbers or something like that, but I seen some articles in the news that not in I don't know what country they talk about that in the last 10 years, like something like 10% of the people that cut this off they want, they say they sorry they did that, they don't want to cut, you know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because maybe because of like, as I told you in first, when they grow up like this, when I was young and when they grow up, I got a lot of bully and when and then I think, when I have the money, I want a pussy, I want a big book, I want to be beautiful to cover my big scar, to cover whatever they bully on me, right, but sometimes that is not your real happiness. You know, you care too much people.

Speaker 1:

You care what people think. Right, you mean this.

Speaker 2:

I mean, you care too much to watch people talking. Yes, it's kind of people. Sometimes they are very psycho, they like to break up, they like to bring us down, they like to make we cry, they like to make we are sad, they like to see something like it and they make them happy. But I think for myself. Maybe I can keep it or maybe I can cut it. But I need to think a lot. If I found some man that really loved me and whatever I have on below, he loved my cock, he loved it and, yeah, I can keep it. But also another side, I still thinking about to cut it off because I want to be more beautiful and become completely, ladies.

Speaker 1:

But I think I want to ask you don't you think that being beautiful is about how you see yourself, not about how someone else see you? Because I know some fucking ugly, fucking people that think they are beautiful, you know, and it doesn't matter. They are very happy with themselves and I know many, many pretty people very beautiful people that think they are ugly.

Speaker 2:

I think, like everyone, beautiful the way they are, but because of the environment and all the people that become around them. Sometimes you can be very beautiful, for example, in this city, in Phuket, the way.

Speaker 1:

I live.

Speaker 2:

the tan skin is very beautiful. It's like the lady with tan skin or dark skin very famous. The foreigner like it. But if you go back to your countryside or you are in in Isan or in the north, the black girl say, a girl who was born and then have a black skin or tan skin got a lot of bully oh, you are a black duck, you just really, really ugly. Sometimes when we grow up of this kind of bully we think we are ugly, you understand.

Speaker 1:

I understand, but I think you didn't understood what I mean. I meant before that I think for now I talking about myself, right, I think I, if I want to feel beautiful, I need to think I'm beautiful for myself. If someone else will tell me that they can be tall, they can be a lie, you know. But if I accept, myself this is the most important thing, right?

Speaker 2:

If you can accept yourself I think so because I absolutely agree with you People beautiful the way they are and everyone is beautiful.

Speaker 1:

Yes, but if I want to change something about myself, I need to do it for me, not for someone else.

Speaker 2:

I mean that Okay let's say, you know, I'm getting bald.

Speaker 1:

Right, I'm losing my hair. Okay, I'm getting bald For me, I don't care about that For me. I think it look nice, I think it's look more manly and I like it. But if I would want to put hair implant or wig or something like that, I need to choose. I don't need to do it for someone else. I need to do it because I think I will look better. You know, yeah, yeah, you know.

Speaker 2:

It's also funny, I think, for example, the same because, like sometimes when we watch, sometimes the beautiful is depend on what you think as well. Sometimes, as you told me, like when you have your hair, when you lose your hair, some people can think, oh, you're not handsome, you don't have a hair, but you think you like it. Yeah, Because you look handsome, you look beautiful the way you are, and I think this is absolutely right. Also me, many people said I'm not beautiful. Also, sometimes myself I think I'm not beautiful, but sometimes I think I'm beautiful as well because, like, beautiful is kind of like a very big word and, yeah, sometimes I think the lady with long hair will be very beautiful. Sometimes I see all the short hair lady, also very beautiful, and then I cut my hair to be a short. Also. I think my beautiful is shared every year and maybe it depends on whatever I want. Maybe I think this red is beautiful.

Speaker 2:

If I have the book. It looks perfect on me. I want to have a book. And also maybe if I wear the bikini, this bikini is so beautiful and I want to wear it and I cannot wait if I have a card, because it's big down there and then people see, oh my God, okay. So maybe I want to cut it off. I want to wear the bikini and become a beautiful lady.

Speaker 1:

Up to you. You can decide for yourself.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think this is the best thing you can do, and I don't care what the people think and what the people care, but maybe if they come friends about my oh, you wear a bikini and your card is so big. I don't care anywhere, but I just want to be perfectly beautiful.

Speaker 1:

For yourself.

Speaker 2:

For yourself, for myself.

Speaker 1:

That's perfect, yeah, for myself, you know. But I think also about how we accept beautifulness of us and other people. I think it's about taste also. You know, sam, maybe you like to eat sour food and I don't like to eat sour food, right? So some dish will be perfect for you and I won't like it, you know. And some dish will be perfect for me and you won't like it. So I think everyone can find someone that love how they look, you know? Yeah.

Speaker 2:

I think that's the most important. I think it's kind of like the world is beautiful and when the world is coming up, sometimes I a landscape, sometimes a mountain, and look beautiful.

Speaker 2:

Yeah sometimes people think the mountain is beautiful landscape. Some people are like the mountain. I think the sea and the beach is more beautiful, exactly, and also the people, the man, the human and the animals. I think people, we don't need to be the same with the other people. The different thing is also beautiful Black skin, white skin, long hair, yeah, short hair, I think, or like, yeah, big muscle or slim. I think it's called the colorful of the life. It's the colorful of the world. It's beautiful 100%.

Speaker 2:

I tell you more than that the way they are, the way it is, it's beautiful. I think it's also very funny. People don't need to be the same.

Speaker 1:

I think it's also very funny how every region in the world is different. For example, in my country and I know in many western countries people want to be more and more tan. They put some spray on them for look tan and they go spas for get tan. They stay in the beach long time to get tan. But in Asia country it's the opposite.

Speaker 1:

Everyone want to be very white skin, everyone is afraid of the sun and no one want to get any color on their skin, they just want. They put many makeup for look white.

Speaker 2:

It's very funny. I think it's also about the culture and also about the place you were born, because, like in my village, as I told you, the white skin girl is all. You're so white, you're so beautiful. If you have a dark skin, you're fucking at least something like that. And also, when we watch about the movie, we have the movie style Wow, she have very beautiful white skin. We want to be like that. Wow, look at her nose. Wow, look at her mouth, look at her eyes, look at her bodies.

Speaker 2:

We want to be like that. I think it's depend on what we get from the world and what we see, what we want to be. But everyone born as beautiful as the way they are. But maybe if you have like your nose is not beautiful or your mouth is not beautiful, it's not wrong, nothing wrong if you want to shine it to be better. If you look at the mirror and you said you're not happy with your nose and you want to shine it to be look better, you're not happy with your face, you're not happy with your teeth, you want a beautiful white teeth like a Hollywood, bright white teeth. Sam, a movie star is not wrong to love yourself and make yourself look even better.

Speaker 2:

No, I think it's okay, as I told you before, it's okay as long as you do it for the right reasons.

Speaker 1:

As much as you're happy If you do it for the right reasons. Because also one more thing it can be addictive Many things, when I know that like people that getting tattoos, for example, they can get maybe one or two or four, whatever small tattoos and then they like it and then after like five years, all their body is with tattoos. So when you think about surgeries and make yourself beautiful, people can get addicted to that also. Maybe start with small surgery for the nose, but after 10 years it's a completely different person. They change the jaw, they change their ears, they change whatever they can change, and I think that's a problem, because I don't want people to think that the only important thing in life is how they look. I think the most important thing in life is to accept yourself and be nice to other people.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I also think the same, but people with different. And then we grow up from the different family, we grow up from a different culture and we grow up from the different environment and I think people can do whatever they want to do with themselves. Maybe it's like some people say they like a tattoo guys, but for me I think the tattoo guys more attractive. For me also, sometimes when I see that a guy with a nice body and tattoos make me excited and say, wow, it looks so nice.

Speaker 1:

Do you have a?

Speaker 2:

tattoo. I want some tattoos as well, but scared to be hurt or to be painful or something like that. Or maybe today, in this week, I think it's beautiful, maybe next week, I think no, it's not perfect for me. So I think like for also, I have many ladyboy friends, right. So some ladyboy friends like a very big nose, big like a European nose, not a big like South Africa, something like that, like a model nose, and also like to put some silicone on that chin to make the chin looking longer, but for me I feel like it's too much. But for themselves they think, oh, this is my happiness and I look beautiful every time. But I see myself on the mirror. I think it's beautiful. So I never tell them like, oh, bitch, you're fucking ugly.

Speaker 2:

Oh, bitch this is not good for you. I never take. I never talk about that to them. I think, okay, if you're happy, okay, if you're happy and it's not dangerous, it's okay. I support them.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I totally agree with you. I think it's the same we said all this episode. I think it's 100% up to them and I think also we are not in the place for judge other people. You know what they decide or not. I think we need to let people do what they feel happy. I think it's the most important thing. I think it's better.

Speaker 2:

I mean. I mean you don't need to like them, but you have no rights. You have not have any rights to judge them, what they want to see about them, what they want them to be, like this, like that, and this thing is ugly, this thing is bad, this thing is not good Because maybe you don't like them, but you need to understand them and accept what they are. People is different and is their happiness. So let them live their life, let them do whatever they want to do. You just understand them and maybe accept them.

Speaker 1:

I respect other people, I will respect them. But if I see anyone that doesn't respect somebody. I will be in his face. I will tell him or her why are you doing that? You know? I think you need to be respectful, and that means toward yourself and towards others also.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, maybe it's kind of like if I say the best words say just worry about yourself, what do you mean? It's none of your business. Some people like to bully, some people like to be like oh, why are you being like that? This is really bad, you look ugly, you look very bad, you look like so disgusting. I think it's like just worry about yourself, it's none of your business. So don't tell, don't bully on them.

Speaker 2:

Maybe, in the day I they look like, oh, you're very ugly as well, but they're not speak out. Don't think that, oh, you're beautiful, You're very handsome and you want to trust any other people like you are the ugly. No, I think it's not good.

Speaker 1:

No, no, no, you don't have to do that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, just respect.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think it's better. I think for me, you know what is the most disgusting thing I can see in people? What is that For me? I think it's very easy to know if a person is a good person or not about how they treat animals. If I see someone like he see a dog or cat and kick dog or kick cat or do whatever to animal, automatically I think this is a bad person. You know, you don't have to love the animals, you don't have to care about them, but don't hurt them. You know, I'm not mean about people that go fishing or stuff like that because they eat the food, but I mean people that just just cool to animals, just for fun. I think for me that's the most disgusting people in the planet.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I also hate them. When I see someone try to hurt the animal, break my heart and also sometimes I go to fight with them to protect the animals. I think, yes, they are the animal. Sometimes they say, oh, they are animal, why you care them so much? Animals also have life, you know. Animals also love their life and everyone don't want to get hurt, even animal. Why you do that for them and it's not funny.

Speaker 1:

Because people like to bully. You remember, sam? You said in the beginning of the episode it doesn't matter if it's bully for a person or an animal or someone. They just like to bully for someone that is weak more than them or they think is weak more than them. Have you seen? They used to be some I think it's like a movie, but a documentary movie. In Netflix it's called Don't Mess With Cats. You see that?

Speaker 2:

No, I didn't see it yet.

Speaker 1:

Okay, it's story about someone post on Facebook, or something like that, picture of him hurting cats, right, and it's about a group of people that try to find who is this person and they can find him, and I think they put him in jail for many, many years because of that.

Speaker 2:

I want the rules, like the law to protect the animal, become very famous or very well known law. You know, not having a child. Because the animal also have their life, and if some people like to be the animal or like to hurt the animal, they should be in jail as well.

Speaker 1:

They don't have this law in Thailand.

Speaker 2:

Not just hurting the human or the people, but animal can be protected too.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I want to know in Thailand not have this law.

Speaker 2:

We also have this rule, but people don't know so much about this rule or about this law. You know People still do it, but we have the law. Right now, I think we change some law for protecting the animal as well, so it's a good deal. But last week and this week we have a very big deal for talk of the town. It's not about the animal, it's about the people. It's really, really sad and it's just like a talk of the town for Thai people.

Speaker 2:

We have like so many comments on the YouTube and so many attitudes, so many how to say so many thought from a lot of people in the country. What's about? Some people think this is right, some people think this is not right. It's just like a big topic in our country. You know what I don't know? Can you explain to me? Yeah, there is a lady. She is like a normal lady, but she has some problem with her brain or something like a cycle, you know. But she is not her anybody. She just lives like an autistic, something like that, but not really autistic. So she lives her life and she dies. She likes to be drink sometime, but she always make funny with the people around and everyone's around that love her in the market, so she don't hurt anyone.

Speaker 2:

And also some people like her because she like to drink. But she never hurt anyone. She just make a joke, she make funny with everyone, she look very lovely people, she not hurt anyone. But this lady die because of like some people kill them, kill her why?

Speaker 2:

You know who killing her In first when the police comes. Police go to grab her husband Because police thing her husband, not because of police thing, her husband is killing her. Police want her husband to killing her. You know why? Why? And then it become a big news because many, many news channel come up to talk about this news, about why this lady die, and then it's like a big bomb.

Speaker 2:

The reporter go to check about the CCTV, what going on with her, what happened with her. And they found out it's not her husband to kill, it's a group of a young boy 14 years old, 15 years old, 16 years old. Why, why did they kill them Like more than 4 or 5 boys. And one of the boys two of the boys is the police son.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I understand, but why?

Speaker 2:

did they?

Speaker 1:

kill her Just for fun.

Speaker 2:

I think when people see sometimes the kids have very, very bad attitude about the people, how to treat the people. They like a game, they like to play game. They don't know what is the right thing to do, what is the bad thing to do, they do like a funny thing, they hit her on the ground, they do many bad thing to her and until she die, but they just think they are very fun with that. They are not feeling sad, they are not feeling hurt about that. You know, sometimes I think it's really weird about this world now Because the kids just die. They are watching movies too much, they are watching about the game too much, but not just because the game or the movie. I think it's a big problem. It become from the family, sometimes the parents or the dad, one hundred percent.

Speaker 2:

With dad is the police. Sometimes he don't have time to take care. Sometimes he treat his son in a bad way Because he think he have a big power. He are fucking police. You understand I?

Speaker 1:

agree 100 percent. I don't think it's problem with the movies or the games or whatever. I think the problem is people don't know how to be parents anymore. They don't know how to educate their children.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and when something, some this thing happen, people always say, oh, my son is very good guy, my son is very good boy. Everyone just say that. But when he go to out of your house, go to the school after finish school, they do very bad thing to animal, they do very bad thing to the people, you know. And the crazy thing is if no one go to check the CCTV, Her husband will be in jail for nothing.

Speaker 2:

He didn't do anything. And you know why he said he did it. Because police put him in the room and turn on the air con Very cold, and then he put a black bag you know a bag guy, you know a black one cover his head, so he cannot and then he put a big shame on his leg as well to make him scared, you know.

Speaker 2:

He think he gonna die for sure and all the police just says like if you not say you did it, you cannot be die. So he go to accept this Like he kill his wife. But it really broke my heart. You know he didn't do.

Speaker 1:

That's fucked up. I hope those children will go to jail and see their for all their life and I hope their parents will pay for that.

Speaker 2:

The problem about in our country is the law you know. Last time you heard the news Do you heard the news before, like the young kid, like 14 years old, half a gun and killing the tourist in Seattle Paragon?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, everyone heard about that.

Speaker 2:

Yes, it's same, it's the fucking same. Now a day, the criminal become a very young boy, can become a criminal, you know, like this group of the boys and see he not be in jail because he is a his dad, he is a police and you see what his dad did, he that go to her husband and tell you. You need to say that you kill your wife.

Speaker 1:

But now when?

Speaker 2:

the two very bad. And now we talk about what going on with the kid. This kid is not just the innocent kid, he planning to kill her. They, they're looking for the timeline and then they look on this. They look at what they do. They're planning to kill her and the law is not do anything for the kid under 18 years old. You understand.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so who's going to? Who's going to jail for that?

Speaker 2:

Which house about. This is criminal. This is not innocent kid.

Speaker 1:

No, this not innocent kid, and I think I'm not a law man and I don't have any responsibility about that. I think there should be a law that if someone killed some, any other person, for not a good reason, they have to pay for that. And if he doesn't pay for that, yeah, his parents have to pay for that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think parents, like now we big talks about, like what going on with this group of the kids there must be in jail, but the law not allow them to be in jail and because of this weak law we create the criminals, you understand.

Speaker 1:

I understand, but now they are just free.

Speaker 2:

I'm not 18. I can kill the people and not be in jail, for sure.

Speaker 1:

Now they are free, they can do whatever they want. They can go play with their friends or whatever.

Speaker 2:

Now now, just like I think the police put them to be in like a special school, you understand when they keep doing some bad things. Yeah, juvenile All the kids under 18 years old in the special, special place I don't know what English call you know juvenile for shame their behavior. But the Thai people think the Thai people very upset and they think this is very weak law. They deserve to be more than this. They do very bad thing. They kill the people. The hell is shot at. Kill some girl, some old girl, you know.

Speaker 1:

I think we need to follow this story and we will see where it's going, because, if you, as you said, a lot of Thai people are angry because of this and they are saying what they think and it's a big news right now in.

Speaker 2:

Thailand. It's not just only the first cast. It's happened many times.

Speaker 1:

I understand, but I have to say something. Yeah, this episode was already very long. We have to finish now and we need to continue next week. Okay, so we will follow about the story and thank you very much and for our listeners, we love you. Please keep listening to us. You're doing it's make us very happy every time you even put some small comment or something like that. And, lada, you have something you want to say to them.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so I see you guys in the next episode and thank you for listening our podcast. I hope you have a beautiful days and have our beautiful weeks and if you want to know something or you want to and you help out catch, or you want to come and to suggestion about something, or whatever you think about our topic, you can comment on below yeah, and make us want to hear from you Make a successful podcast so we can help animals also.

Speaker 1:

We want to do that. I think that was a great idea.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So thank you everyone, bye, bye, bye, lada.

Speaker 2:

Bye everyone. Thank you so much, thank you.

Thai Wife Podcast
Exploring Gender Identity and Self-Acceptance
Beauty and Acceptance of Differences
Weak Juvenile Justice System
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