My Thai Wife

Ladyboy Lada doing what with a cucumber?

January 08, 2024 my thai wife Season 1 Episode 10
Ladyboy Lada doing what with a cucumber?
My Thai Wife
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My Thai Wife
Ladyboy Lada doing what with a cucumber?
Jan 08, 2024 Season 1 Episode 10
my thai wife

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Have you ever wondered what adds that extra zing to life's daily routines? Well, our spirited friend Lada is back, and she's turning up the heat as she reveals the secret ingredients to her zestful living, from her comedic beach day misadventures to a heartfelt chat about the simple pleasures of her culinary passions. Listen in as we laugh about the unpredictable Thai weather before diving into a flavorful conversation about her homemade som tam that's as vibrant and diverse as the streets of Thailand. Lada's tales will surely whet your appetite for more than just the food as we swap stories about the authentic Thai street food scene that leaves the muted restaurant versions in the dust.

Beyond the laughter, our dialogue takes a meaningful turn as we reflect on the evolving narrative of Thailand's ladyboy community and LGBTQ rights. Lada offers nuanced perspectives on the beauty and challenges within these communities, providing a candid glimpse into their world. The episode celebrates a milestone in the fight for marriage equality and the ongoing quest for acceptance and fair treatment. We navigate through the rich tapestry of Thai culture, food, and the pursuit of an inclusive society with the warmth and intimacy of a conversation between old friends. Join us for this enlightening episode, where every moment is served with a side of empathy and understanding, just as Lada serves her som tam—with a generous helping of heart.

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Have you ever wondered what adds that extra zing to life's daily routines? Well, our spirited friend Lada is back, and she's turning up the heat as she reveals the secret ingredients to her zestful living, from her comedic beach day misadventures to a heartfelt chat about the simple pleasures of her culinary passions. Listen in as we laugh about the unpredictable Thai weather before diving into a flavorful conversation about her homemade som tam that's as vibrant and diverse as the streets of Thailand. Lada's tales will surely whet your appetite for more than just the food as we swap stories about the authentic Thai street food scene that leaves the muted restaurant versions in the dust.

Beyond the laughter, our dialogue takes a meaningful turn as we reflect on the evolving narrative of Thailand's ladyboy community and LGBTQ rights. Lada offers nuanced perspectives on the beauty and challenges within these communities, providing a candid glimpse into their world. The episode celebrates a milestone in the fight for marriage equality and the ongoing quest for acceptance and fair treatment. We navigate through the rich tapestry of Thai culture, food, and the pursuit of an inclusive society with the warmth and intimacy of a conversation between old friends. Join us for this enlightening episode, where every moment is served with a side of empathy and understanding, just as Lada serves her som tam—with a generous helping of heart.

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Speaker 1:

Hello everyone and welcome to the 10th episode of my Thai wife podcast. I'm Mike and sadly again. Yes, I know I repeat that every week, but I'm still doing this podcast without my lovely, lovely wife Sunari. But guess who's back? We have Lada here again as our guest. Hello Lada, how are you?

Speaker 2:

Hi, welcome back.

Speaker 1:

You had fun this week.

Speaker 2:

I'm rocking Lada again. I read Lada Let me see you again how are you doing.

Speaker 1:

I'm doing very good. How was your week?

Speaker 2:

My week is not so good. Not so bad, yeah, it's fine.

Speaker 1:

It's okay, everything okay.

Speaker 2:

Everything normal.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's okay.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because maybe it's bad because I go to the beach I dress up like two hours, I make up two hours, get dressed two hours and we're wearing like a sexy bikini, but when I go to the beach it's raining. I don't see any sexy men in there. Just sexy Medusa, I just like wear the fucking crazy sexy bikini and then just take my shoe off and then running from the rain. That fucking day I hate it.

Speaker 1:

That's horrible. That's horrible. But what's the soon? Rainy season is finished, right, Like one more month?

Speaker 2:

No, I think rainy season already finished yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, but in the South we have a lot of friends In the South. In Phuket sometimes we have only, like mostly we have only two seasons, like a rainy season and summer.

Speaker 1:

And the dry season? Yeah, the dry season.

Speaker 2:

Eight months of rain and then four months for summer. But sometimes the weather is so crazy, sometimes with the chance every day.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I know it's getting here like that also Now. The weather all over the world is crazy because of global warming.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think it's about global warming and sometimes the winter has to come but not come yet. My hometown in the North is not so cold. We're waiting for the winter, but the winter come only four days. Everyone just like fuck bitch. And people have the fireplace you know, I see. They play like so many cold and you come only four days.

Speaker 1:

I see, two days ago, three days ago in Loi it was like four or three degrees. It was very, very cold.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, in Loi we have like Phuketung. It's just like a very landmarks, like in the mountain. The watch is walking up very long, long way to the top of the mountain and see the wheels.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but it was very, very cold.

Speaker 2:

Like four degrees.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, crazy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, very cold.

Speaker 1:

Crazy cold.

Speaker 2:

Sometimes in Chiang Mai it can be like two degrees, three degrees as well in the top of the mountains, but never snowing right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, never be minus, maybe in the future, who knows?

Speaker 2:

So I want to ask you, I want to pray with the snow. You know I want to, naked and rolling myself in the snow.

Speaker 1:

It's not a good idea Like jumping to the snow with naked. It's not a good idea. Your dick will fell off. It's too cold, it's not good for you.

Speaker 2:

It's okay. I want my dick to feel the snow as well. I want to know.

Speaker 1:

We talk about many things, but we not talk really about you. I want to know what are your hobbies, for example?

Speaker 2:

My hobby. I love cooking and all sorts. I like to watch a movie. I have HBO and Netflix on my phone, so sometimes I like to watch a movie and also go to the beach to swimming and maybe sometimes I going to feed the stray dog and stray cat I have so many babies in the city.

Speaker 1:

So you take care of the animals. So you like to help animals, you like to watch movies sports.

Speaker 2:

You like to do some sports and cooking, and cooking.

Speaker 1:

What is your favorite dish to cook? What is the best?

Speaker 2:

thing you can cook. My favorite is som tam. Because I eat so much Every day I cook som tam a lot.

Speaker 1:

Som tam with what. What you put inside, or just papaya and regular.

Speaker 2:

Papaya, and the most som tam that I like is in Thailand. We can make so many kinds of som tam for many vegetables.

Speaker 1:

I know.

Speaker 2:

Sometimes it's green beans som tam som tam, with cucumber som tam. Sometimes I love cucumber som tam as well. Maybe sometimes I use cucumber before I eat it. I use it in another way as well.

Speaker 1:

Oh man, that sounds good. Don't let other people eat that, at least wash it first.

Speaker 2:

I love cucumber so much. I want to tell you I love cucumber so much.

Speaker 1:

You know my wife, sometimes, when we don't have papaya, she cooks som tam with cucumber also.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we can make it som tam with cucumber and also green beans, but the one thing I love is som tam with cucumber and also mango, green mango.

Speaker 1:

Som tam with green mango. I never tried before.

Speaker 2:

Yes, with green mango. We make som tam from green mango, not from papaya. And also sometimes many, sometimes even strawberry. We can make in som tam as well. Like any kind of fruit that have sour taste, we can make som tam with cucumber.

Speaker 1:

I never eat this, but I can try Maybe next time I be in Thailand. I go some restaurant.

Speaker 2:

I ask if they have this, but I think not many have this, I think normally people cook this in home, but you know I told you once like the best som tam in Thailand is som tam on the streets, like when some ladies selling with a food cart like a small one I think som tam. In restaurant they change about the ingredients to be more not extreme flavors like Thai people eat, but I love extreme flavors.

Speaker 1:

I agree, when I when I'm in Thailand before, I used to go a lot to some restaurant in Pattaya. But this, just Thai people eat there. It's not even restaurant. This like two chairs on the street, you know, and they make, yeah, and they make som tam kung sod, the best in the world. I eat there every day.

Speaker 2:

We can start right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, this for people that don't know this mean som tam with fresh shrimps not cook shrimp. Yeah, yeah, yeah, and they cook they cook it very good one.

Speaker 2:

Very spicy also, and sometimes they put the oyster too.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it depends what you ask, but for me I ask always like this and it's very cheap. Also, I think they sell it for som tam regular. They sell for 50 and som tam kung son, they sell the cell for 80, something like this very cheap and very tasty and spicy, very spicy.

Speaker 2:

I think you will love another menu, like we call, like kung chen and pla or something like that. I love this.

Speaker 1:

I know this, I eat this also. I always, when I'm in Thailand, have two things I like. I like som tam kung sod, the kung chen and pla Kung chen and pla for people that don't know. Can you explain what is this for people that don't know?

Speaker 2:

Kung chen and pla is raw shrimp, but we clean it well and then we put it in there and then we soak it in the fermented sauce like a fish sauce. And also we eat with like chili garlic and also like seafood sauce.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and also sometimes they put under something green. But this I don't like, this bitter.

Speaker 2:

We call mara. Yeah, we call mara is very bitter, sweet, but it's perfect with eating with this raw shrimp, because Thai people we love sometimes we love some food that, um, that a bitter taste. You know this green one we call mara Mara. It's very bitter, but some people love to eat with the noodle as well and some people just like put about the pork stuff with it and boy, it's like a soup as well.

Speaker 1:

I can eat all Thai food, but I cannot eat this mara. I don't like it.

Speaker 2:

You don't like the bitter taste? Yeah.

Speaker 1:

I don't like it. I can eat spicy, I can eat sour, I can eat whatever you want, but bitter this I don't know, I don't like it, maybe maybe you try with the noodles.

Speaker 2:

We have the chicken noodle we call guetiao cai mara. It's like a chicken noodle with this one and we eat like with the chicken noodle. Soup is perfectly. It's not too much sour, it's not too much like bitter taste, like you eat with um with the raw one side, you eat with the shrimp.

Speaker 1:

I very like guetiao. I eat guetiao many times and also now in Israel. Me and my wife Sunari, we go some Thai store and we find very good guetiao, for you know same mama. You know mama. So say mama have everything inside already. Very good, now we eat this every day. Me and Sunari eat this already.

Speaker 2:

The brand in Thailand we have like the famous brand as well. They already put everything inside.

Speaker 1:

I will take picture for you. Yeah, we dark sauce and have everything, even garlic.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we call it leotrot or something like that.

Speaker 1:

I will take picture for you but we eat this every day already for two weeks because we normally not find good guetiao in the good noodle soup.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but we call the best way to eat guetiao is like they cook the fresh one, but this way they make very, very good sauce, like when you put your boy it's just like you eat in the shop.

Speaker 1:

Exactly, it's 100% like this. I just add some egg and I put some bean sprouts.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, some vegetable and very good but I never eat.

Speaker 1:

I never even hear about guetiao with mara. This first time I hear this, maybe I need to try.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, guetiao cai mara.

Speaker 1:

yeah, I need to try maybe Many, many in.

Speaker 2:

Thailand say. You can say it's like some shop that selling about the chicken noodles. They also have this thing guetiao cai mara. One day, if you come, and if are women, I can show you Maybe, maybe in the future.

Speaker 1:

And I want to tell you we get some. Last week after the episode. We get some emails from listeners and one listener say you are. I will not read the whole message, but basically he just said like wow, usually ladyboys are very bad and you are very nice, but I want to know why. Why is there is stigma on ladyboys of being bad? You know what I mean?

Speaker 2:

Maybe because of it's become the problem for me as well, because now I work in Bangla Road right in the walking street and they also have a good ladyboy and bad ladyboy and sometimes like they go into the club and then they're fighting with the lady, sometimes they steal, sometimes they just shout out so loud, sometimes they become very crazy because like they have like too much emotional. But sometimes I think it's not fair because like it's like humans, like a man and a woman, we have good, good person and bad person. But sometimes when they talks about ladyboy they become like talk of the child, like oh, ladyboy, bad, ladyboy, bad, ladyboy, bad, and it's very bad to my job. And also when I get the customer, sometimes lady say don't go with the ladyboy, ladyboy very bad, don't go with this one, this one very bad but you think?

Speaker 1:

you think it's true that many ladyboys are doing that, or it's just like five percent of them five percent.

Speaker 2:

Five percent of them. I know many good ladyboy. You know it's like I always support of them, like when we work, sometimes when the customer want to read something like some customer, one ladyboy with big booth and I have no booth I call them, I help them, I support each other. But they also have some bad ladyboy that are on Bangla roads but we just not talk to each other we just like sometimes I want to pull, I want to pull it to to take care of this problem as well.

Speaker 2:

Like, kick off the bad ladyboy house so you will have like a good ladyboy, because nowadays I cannot go to the club, I cannot go to sugar club, I cannot go to illusion. I cannot let you in famous club that I used to go before, because the bad ladyboy make the problem with the club and now they don't blocks all the ladyboy wow, it's not fair yeah, and you know barfungs and also have like some illusion.

Speaker 2:

If you want to go to illusion, nowadays, if the ladyboy want to go out you need to open the bottom, open the button. It means you open the drink. It's four thousand bar, wow. And last week my ladyboy friend go to barfung and they want ten thousand bar just for go inside club, just just entrance. I think that's crazy.

Speaker 2:

I think yeah, it's not fair for me, and I think I See some lady boy steal the money, some lady boy become a pickpocket. I see some lady boys like Very bad, very crazy on with lady, always the man, you know, sometimes you throw about the high heel to the man as well, but not all, she's only, maybe just only, as you say, five, three, five percent of that. And I want, like some people, to take care of these problems, either police or whatever, but not take care. Like all the lady boy cannot allow to this place. All the lady boy cannot Go to this place. This place like in particular my friend said they put a big ball on the coconut tree Like lady boy cannot stand here. I think it's not fair. It doesn't mean say they want to stand there to become a prostitutes.

Speaker 2:

No, I think this not on the one maybe they just want to relax, they just want to walk there, but they're not allow us to walk and when they we walk, we stand there. Police come to take us all the lady boy. I think it's not fair. Just just kick off or just like, just grab the bad lady boy, ours, you know and then we still have many lady boy that work hard every day to care of the families. A Good lady boy we also have it.

Speaker 1:

Of course. I think I never had any bad experience with lady boy in Thailand. I always meet very nice person, but I think that maybe part part of it it's that a lot of lady boys are taking yaba and drugs like that. You think this part of the problem.

Speaker 2:

I Can see it's like some all my friend do it also, but sometimes they just use it and they're not fighting with the other people's so you think it's not the problem, it's not making the problem.

Speaker 1:

They just use drugs and people smoke.

Speaker 2:

Some lady do it also, some men do it also. You know it doesn't mean say, do we all bad, I think say I guess it's good if you want to fix the problem with grab some lady boy that do bad things, yeah, it's okay. I know there are some bad lady boys, well, but not all. Don't take the rules. I already boy is bad. I think it's not fair to us.

Speaker 1:

I think so.

Speaker 2:

I think so, but is it true that many lady boys I cannot say I am very good, I'm a bad bitch, sometimes as well.

Speaker 1:

Yes, but I'm sure you're not still money, or you're not I?

Speaker 2:

never fight to the lady and never throw my my, my high heel to a man. I never do that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I Understand that, but I want to know is it true that many lady boys are using drug, or it's same same? Everyone, lady men, everyone use drug damn same everyone.

Speaker 2:

Same everyone. Maybe maybe it's like, maybe just some only, but not not all, I think. Just same a man and same the lady. But, sometimes, lady boy, they like to show, they like to be like more confident, you know. Yeah, I sometimes when they use it, they show like I have no problem with this. So when people see this already, boy, they always use drugs, but for me in my life and never do drugs.

Speaker 1:

That's good I just like I.

Speaker 2:

I Can say I never use drugs and I just love cock and I use. I love cock so much.

Speaker 1:

I can take it every day. This is your drug. This is your drug.

Speaker 2:

This is my drug.

Speaker 1:

That's good, it's cheaper. I think then buying drug, normal drugs, every day?

Speaker 2:

Oh, and I need to take care of my family as well. Yeah if I need to spend the money with the drug, I think a better send the money to my family.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think it's very expensive.

Speaker 2:

Maybe it's just buy a due to a big one.

Speaker 1:

I Want to know cucumber, yes, and then make some time. Same you say before very good idea, maybe you can make some time and sell on street.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you can pray with that and after that you eat it. I.

Speaker 1:

Want to know what would you recommend to customer that is curious about ladyboys but never be with ladyboys when he come to Thailand, what you recommend him to do, where to go, how to speak.

Speaker 2:

If they come to Thailand also have many places have ladyboys.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but him think about think about someone that is very shy. This first time for him With this. He never tried before they are very shy.

Speaker 2:

They have to now a day we have tinder right. Some man's not walk on the street and not walk with ladyboy. As I told you, some sometimes I get the customer Not in Bang La Road because in Bang La Road he act like he had ladyboy.

Speaker 1:

But when?

Speaker 2:

I walk with him alone. He get me, I get him and also, some man is not walking on the street with the ladyboy but they try to find the ladyboy on the the size like tinder, like TS, they think like Thai friendly. Thai friendly is a kind of like a dating application. You can check like Thai friendly. How many ladyboy in there?

Speaker 2:

Okay so when you come, you can meet at the room or, if you open mind, you can walk with her and maybe you can go to the bar and Get her. Or maybe you just walk on the street, like walking street, you can. I think the best way is, like um, if you, if you want to find the most beautiful one, maybe you just walking to the Bang La Road, or in Pattaya you can walk inside what cow and many, many bar ladyboy bar in there. Or maybe if you go to Bangkok you can go to Nana. So when you go there you can choose.

Speaker 2:

Or because they have many beautiful ladyboys stand over there, or maybe in the bar you can shoot with once you want and then you just open mind and when you are on bed you can do whatever you want to do, just relate yourselves. Just like um, you can do whatever you want. You can suck her cock, you can join with her, you can do 69, just, just just. I think the person who curious about ladyboy they already have like a Something in their mind like they're watching about the porn movies or loss already so they know what to do already.

Speaker 2:

They just, they just shy.

Speaker 1:

So you just say be confident and be normal and go and find someone you like, right?

Speaker 2:

yeah, be calm, be confident and don't be shy. It's just so fun. It doesn't mean say you are, you are gay or something like that. It's like a many I can see like many more many men curious and want you have sex with ladyboy. But when, when the time has come, they just, oh, I'm not a gay and no, I don't want I'm not. Again, I like women. So I know, I think, say I'm not a gay. I think it does matter you are a gay or not gay. I used to. You know it's like I used to join the army for two years.

Speaker 2:

Oh, you can in there I can say all the men there fucking me, I and they also have wife at home and when they finish the army they have a family. It doesn't mean they're, it's just fun.

Speaker 1:

Wait. So you've been trying, you've been to the army.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I enjoy the army for two years and things about. I am the most beautiful lady boy in there. Just one Not have more. The only one.

Speaker 1:

They have no choice and Was it hard in the army or in France? I?

Speaker 2:

really don't. I don't like it's like in for, because sometime I want to sleep but you dreams about like you are the only one person in there and they all know that you are. Like you can say gay boy or lady boy, because on the time I have the skin head right, but don't worry, I have the red lipstick.

Speaker 2:

So I just put a little bit red lipstick on my mouth, on my mouth and perfumes, so they all know. And. But I'm in first time In first, when we are very tired, you want to sleep, but you dreams about, you think about like you are the only one in that how, and it's just like a big how, it's like a 100s of a man that we sleep together but we have the separate bed right, but they know where my bed is and they're coming to the bed like on and on and on, and every single night. You know, sometimes I want to sleep but they Called, but sometimes it's too much.

Speaker 1:

Understand. Yeah, okay, and after the army just try it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, just try it. And then if you love it, it's okay. But if you don't love it, if you don't like it, it's just. It's just the experience. Just never try, you never know. And If you like, you can keep, continue, maybe secret or maybe it's just open, but if you don't like, it's just one time. And then stop it, no problem. And it doesn't mean you are gay or not, and if you are gay it doesn't matter, we are all human.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but you know there is stigma. Whatever you want to do the world is more open now, but it's of course it's not what it used to be 15 years ago, but still there is stigma, especially in some Muslim countries and Some countries like that, that it's not good to be gay.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know, yeah, I totally understand about some country and some religion is depend on that and we're on men as well. But if you come to Thailand, the lands of the smile and land of Lady Boy, you can enjoy. You are here and we have a lot of lady boys is waiting for your car.

Speaker 1:

And your money, and your money, don't forget.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and we have a strong cock waiting for you as well, you know to enjoy it, and but I want you know, if we're talking about this.

Speaker 1:

I want to know do you think now in Thailand lady boys are more accepted If we look about 15 years ago and now?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, we are very more open-minded. So I can tell you, it's like now in the, in the supreme court or in the government, we have like a moving forward party. It's a politic party that we run the law to To the lady boy and LGBTQ not just only lady boy to LGBTQ that can marry. And now we, we gonna be success very soon. We get the good news from like two days ago that this law is allowed in the supreme court. Really, the politic court.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we already win and we just need only two time two more to win the law. But I know the lady boy or the LGBTQ can marry.

Speaker 1:

That's great, that's amazing.

Speaker 2:

That's amazing, but I want to know like we are open, more open, more and more than before.

Speaker 1:

I want to know is it now, as a lady boy? If someone want to change for men to lady, they can do or still cannot.

Speaker 2:

You mean on it car.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

No, they still not allow for this, but it's gonna be the next thing that we're gonna do after we finish this law.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, of course Mary is more important.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we have so many problems. We have so many lady boy, we have so many LGBTQ couples that they want to marry and they want to. Sometimes when you go to the hospital and you go with your Couple but she cannot sign anything for you because the law is not allowed. You understand, yeah, sometimes we have so many problems with this law and if we can fix this law, it's just the first step that we're gonna win. Like for over many, many years in Thailand I can say a hundred year. It's never happened in Thailand before. Well, you know.

Speaker 1:

If you look over the world, it's still a big problem, not only all countries in the world except that.

Speaker 2:

yet I know, for example in my country is like it's tech time, yeah, and I can see like the other country it open up. Open up like one country to country, three, country, not all, but but we open more and we allow more and also say the next thing that we're gonna do is about we gonna share, for Mr To be miss, that, this, whatever that what we want as well. Maybe next, next step? Yeah, of course I understand why it's important.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I understand what it's important, but still being married and able to stay with your loved one is more important than just changing the idea.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah yeah it's feeling very bad also, you know so when we run the visa. The other reason that our visa is not passed Like we have a woman body, so we have book, we have pussy already, but our ideas, our passport, still be Mr. And they said, oh, it's not the same, your passport is Mr, but you are lady. Yeah become a big problem with us as well, you know.

Speaker 1:

I understand, I hope. I hope they fix that soon you know, I really hope also.

Speaker 2:

I remember Not only for me, but for all the LGBTQ and for all the next generation. Lady boy, we run this. We run this law many, many times. I'm the one team of them that are when they have like, when they have a mob or when they have the protester. I always join this campaign, like for merit, something that important for LGBTQ merit.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, this matter is important for you and I really hope it will pass.

Speaker 2:

Thank you.

Speaker 1:

And I have another question. This somewhere, something that one of my best friends in the old world tell me before. I want to know if this true and can you explain about that. He told me that many ladies hate lady boys because lady boys are more beautiful than ladies.

Speaker 2:

That's the truth.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Because like, yes, that's the truth I can see every day. So not all the lady, I can say, not all the lady, but most of them. It's all about the jealous and lady boy. We know, and you know, like in our life, like we have so many bully from a man and for the lady as well, say, oh, you're a lady boy, you're a lady boy. Sometimes when we go with a man, lady can say, oh, you go with the lady boy. Sometimes it's make lady boy angry. You know why. You need to tell them why you, it's okay, I'm lady boy or not lady boy. Sometimes the man already know why you need to say this.

Speaker 2:

Sometimes say lady boy is not good. Oh, she, lady boy, she have big. She don't have pussy. How do you know? Do you see my big? No, sometimes, maybe a half pussy, I'm already surgery, you know. So it's like sometimes it can be problem like this, like a lady boy, always beautiful and attractive, more than a lady, more sexy. We want to be like that, we hope. We know we want to be beautiful than a lady.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you want to be more beautiful.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we sometimes. The beautiful is not just only that we are more confident, we are more very sexual. We're very good insects and all the man said when they have sex with the lady, sometimes ladies just like a starfish just lay down and to get far, and then when her pussy get wet she just don't do anything. But, lady boy, we love sex and we do very good on bed and also we are so many passions, so many confidence, so many sexy.

Speaker 1:

So it's more attractive for men.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's more attractive. And sometimes a man just don't like only pussy, they want something more than that. And also like the lady boy when we, when we put the lady dress, we want to be more confident and more beautiful than a lady. So sometimes the lady is jealous, sometimes lady boy get more customer than lady, sometimes lady to let, but, as I say, not all ladies. Some lady very kind, very friendly to us as well, some lady boy very kind to lady some lady very kind to lady boy as well.

Speaker 2:

But I can say most of them we are more, more lady don't really like lady boys, Like I can say it like that also with my experience. Yeah, I can say with my experience.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but the reason is because they're jealous about the confident and about the beauty. How beautiful they are.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they're jealous about the confidence, how beautiful they are, how big boobs she have, how sexy she dress up, how very good makeup she put on. I can say like lady boy can make very best makeup ever. Like in makeup industry, like most of them, is the lady boy to make up for the lady, like for the superstar.

Speaker 1:

I know also hairdresser. I see many hairdresser in.

Speaker 2:

Thailand, also in the fashion you know in the dress, in fashion, in the clothes, in like for us Christie, for makeup, for everything. So things like out we do better. But the reason why we need to be better than ladies because we have really hard line and we got a lot of bully for all of our life. So when we do something or when we do something, when we do our job, we need to try more. Better than a lady and then a man, you understand.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I understand, because they already put us in the bad place and say, oh, you are a lady boy, you are a lady boy, so we need to prove them that we can do good as well. We can do better, maybe not bad, Maybe we don't want to be better than them, but we want to prove that we can do the same we can. We are the human as same you. We can do whatever you can do.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and sometimes even better whatever we want to be. Yeah, I understand that.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And I want to know one more thing Before. In last episode I think this something I talk about my episodes when I do episode alone. But I want to know now this, not about lady boy, this about people walking by. Now you said that if you walk in bar, this mean you have to drink a lot of alcohol, right?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it costs like two to work. You can continue your questions.

Speaker 1:

And I know need to drink a lot of alcohol. I want to know how do you avoid, avoid alcoholism, how people not get alcoholist when walking in bar? This my question.

Speaker 2:

I think I can say, like some lady love to drink alcohols already and some ladies don't like to drink. But when they become in this industry you need to drink a lot, you need to entertain the customer. But some ladies we know how much we can drink, we can handle. Maybe she pretends like she's very drunk but she's not drunk. You know, say me when I work in the bar, like I drink coke more than a whiskey, and then a man say why you drink so much and you're not drunk, I said oh, I'm a good drink, but no, I'm not a good drink. I just drink a coke, not a whiskey or vodka.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so I can say, like some we know we work in this industry, we need to drink a lot. Sometimes we can reject, sometimes we can have like some trick. Like you can tell us about the bartender, like don't put too much alcohol for you, but some ladies she really love to drink and she enjoy with it. So when you finish this job she can become like the alcoholic. But I think it can be fixed. Like, for example, my dad like he drinks a lot before it's like a many, many, but every day he smokes a lot, he drinks a lot.

Speaker 2:

But, I give him a time. I tell him how bad if you drinks a lot, how bad if you smokes a lot. I give him a time like two, three years, and nowadays he's not drinking, he's not smoking anymore. Just like a lover is like you drink 10 glass today, you lover like you drink like eight glass, seven glass, five glass, two glass, but lover, lover in your life, like you drink a lot you need to say lover.

Speaker 1:

Lover, Not lover. Lover is someone that you love. Lover, Lover, no well maybe like this is not English lesson. It's okay, I understand you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but it's really difficult as well. If you still work in the bar, you have to drink. For example, for me, when I try to make a trick like I drink coke more than a wasca or whiskey, right, but sometimes the man opens the bottle like tequila and big vodka bottle, and then they need you to sit with them. And they see you when you drink and then you have to get really drunk. Yeah, after three glasses of tequila and just rolling myself on the floor.

Speaker 1:

That's not good.

Speaker 2:

That's not good, so I cannot make more money for the drink. I'm so drunk already, you know.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

But yeah, if a girl finish about her work in the bar, you need to give her a time to stop drinking. And time has become very difficult, but just give her a time and she offers to her. Like you know, if you have like an alcoholic, you need some friends or some family to take care of you, to give you like a motivation to stop. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

And sometimes you need to do some.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's not easy. Just give her a time. Just she offers to her Come on, girl, you can do that. Come on, man, you can do that. Come on, like, give her a time and then maybe try to do something better because, like, when you are you have nothing to do, you think about drinking, you think about smoke, but when you're busy, you go to exercise, you go to the fitness, you surround yourself with the people that they don't smoke or they don't drink or they do something. You do some job or some hobby that make you busy. So you can do that, you just take a time.

Speaker 1:

I understand.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's also about the motivation, but it cannot cut 100% in one day or one month. You need to give them a time.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, of course.

Speaker 2:

And, the most important thing, it depends on her also. She needs to be very strong because sometimes they think, oh, just one glass, just one glass. Sometimes we go to see friends. Friends say, oh, just one glass, just one glass, just one glass, just. You need to stay strong and walk away from that.

Speaker 1:

I understand that it's not easy. I know it's something I experienced myself and it's something I wished.

Speaker 2:

And also, maybe it's also about the environment as well, because I got the reason why I take my dad to Bangkok. He don't have my friend, but if my dad still lives in the countryside, when he finished farm, everyone tell him come on party, come on party. Like in Ishaan and in the North we always do like this After we finish farm, we drink we party.

Speaker 2:

We drink, we party. We say it can help when we work so long, so tired. We need to drink, we need to enjoy. But if you surround yourself with the people like that, you cannot hold your feelings.

Speaker 1:

I understand.

Speaker 2:

So stay away. Maybe you can join. But you drink some water, you drink some coke or some spice or whatever.

Speaker 1:

Something else, something that not have alcohol.

Speaker 2:

Something else you can drink. You can share, but you drink another. But the problem is, when you be like that, you eat a lot, so people gonna say you already eat. You eat food a lot, you don't even drink.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, when drink not eat so much. That's right. Anyway, we already eat the 40 minute mark, so I think this will be enough for today. I want to thank you very much. It was great to having you again. And I hope in the future. Maybe you have some more time, we can do that again.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I hope so.

Speaker 1:

Any time.

Speaker 2:

Just call me any time.

Speaker 1:

And I hope our listeners enjoying you and I'm sure you will be their favorite now and soon. They want your podcast and not my podcast, but it's okay.

Speaker 2:

I hope so. I want to be the famous bitch.

Speaker 1:

Don't be a bitch. Be a good person, the same you are. Okay, thank you very much. You want to say something to our listeners?

Speaker 2:

You're welcome. I want to say thank you so much for being a follower or listening to my podcast, so I hope you follow this guy Poshcast and yeah, we're gonna have like a more next very interesting episodes and you're gonna get more interesting things for the next episode. And thank you for listening my story. I hope to talk with you guys again. Yeah, I wish you all the best and happy new year.

Speaker 1:

Thank you very much, bye, bye.

Speaker 2:

Bye, bye.

Discussion on Hobbies and Thai Cuisine
Discussion About Ladyboys in Thailand
LGBTQ Rights and Beauty Standards